Leningrad chronicles 1991 № 20 On the threshold of a market

Film-document №86893 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:20

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Producer LSDF

Director: V. Roschin

Operators: Yu. Aleksandrov, N. Vinogradskij, V. Petriashvili

Other authors: A. Starikov


Issue devoted to the problems of consumer cooperation and free trade, rising prices and worsening economic situation in Russia.

Sectors of the economy | Finance

Reel №1

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Panorama of the Haymarket Square in Leningrad.

Panorama of a part of the market (above).

Sellers and buyers in the market.

People talk about the difficult economic situation in the country, cooperatives and the prospects of a market economy (synchronously).

Sobchak A. A. speaks from the rostrum at a meeting of the Leningrad City Council.

A protest rally against the renaming of Leningrad, the faces of the participants of the rally.

Supporters of the renaming of the city at a protest rally against the policies of the CPSU, with banners in their hands.

Sobchak continues his speech.

People view the monument to Peter I on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Teenagers in a boat on the Neva River.

People at the entrance to the building of the Commodity and Stock Exchange.

Conducting an auction.

The faces of the auction participants.

Sellers and buyers in the market argue and express their opinions about the current difficult situation in the economy and the prospects of market relations, difficulties in starting their own business (synchronously).

Buyers view the goods laid out on the asphalt.

Panorama of one of the industrial enterprises (above).

Workers come out of the entrance of the association "Svetlana".

The General Director of the NGO "Svetlana", G. S. Khizha, talks about changing the forms of ownership of Leningrad enterprises, denationalization and privatization, and the creation of a free economic zone (synchronously).

Employees of the NGO "Svetlana" at work, production processes.

View of the main building of the NGO "Svetlana".

General Director of the Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Association "LOMO" D. V. Sergeev talks about conversion at Leningrad enterprises, explains the concept of conversion (synchronously).

Production processes in the workshops of the association.

View of the part of Nevsky Prospekt.

Internal view of the exchange hall, brokers behind the monitor screens.

General Director of the exchange "Saint Petersburg" Shasman Yu. R. speaks about the activities of the exchange, about the conditions of saturation of the market with goods (synchronously).

Brokers and buyers of shares in the phones.

Panorama of the exchange hall.

Sobchak speaks from the podium.

Panorama of the market (top).

View of the exchange hall.

View of the end of the exchange building, a tram passes by.


Sobchak Anatolij Aleksandrovich -- statesman and politician







Trade; Political figures; Russian cities and regions
Sectors of the economy; Biography; Policy; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature