Leningrad chronicles 1961 № 17

Film-document №86975 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:12

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Producer LSDF

Director: A. Minkin, V. Solovcov

Operators: Ya. Blyumberg, A. Bogorov, V. Valdajcev, Ya. Grinberg, B. Kozirev, S. Maslennikov, A. Pavlov, A. Pogorelij

Other authors: A. Meljnikov


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of Leningrad and the Leningrad region.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the platform of the Moscow railway station during the meeting of the Prime Minister of Somalia Abdirashid Ali Shermark.

Greeters on the platform.

A banner with a welcome slogan.

Shermark gets out of the car.

The greeters greet Shermark.

Shermark's face.

Shermark bypasses the formation of the honor guard company.

The pioneer gives Shermark a bouquet of flowers.

Somali guests with bouquets in their hands.

Shermark and his entourage walk along the platform along the train.

Shermark and his entourage leave the station building.

Leningrad residents welcome Somali guests.

Shermark's car drives away from the station building.

Leningrad residents greet Shermark passing through the streets of the city in a car, Shermark responds to greetings.

Monument to V. I. Lenin in front of the Smolny entrance.

Somali guests at the monument to Lenin and on the territory of Smolny.

Shermark and his accompanying persons during the inspection of the Hermitage collections.

View of one of the halls of the Hermitage.

Meeting of Somali delegates with Leningrad pioneers.

Shermark is tied with a pioneer tie, the faces of applauding children.

Production processes in the foundry of the I. I. Lepse plant.

Operation of an automatic casting and belt conveyor.

The operator is in the booth at the control panel.

Production processes, automatic metal feeding to the conveyor, the operation of the conveyor.

The operator is at the control panel of the automatic line.

The process of knocking out the flasks, ready-made flasks.

Types of the workshop of the weaving factory "Worker", production processes.

Weavers at work.

The face of the advanced weaver Krasikova A. T.

Krasikova at work, the shuttle in Krasikova's hands.

Krasikova maintains several machines.

The process of fabric release.

Krasikova holds a meeting of the council of innovators of the factory.

Krasivova discusses new working methods with the participants of the meeting.

Views of the bridge over the river in the Lenin collective farm of the Gatchina district.

View of one of the greenhouses.

Watering cucumbers with a hose.

The poultry woman feeds the chickens.

A collective farm herd on a pasture.

Panorama of one of the buildings of a livestock farm.

Panorama of the milking platform "Herringbone" inside the building, milking cows.

Milker A. G. Kapunov conducts milking.

Operation of milking equipment.

View of the building of the rural vocational school (SPTU).

Students during the next lesson.

The teacher is at the blackboard.

The faces of the students Razina, Rassadina, Zakharova, Trunova.

Girls on a poultry farm with ducklings in their arms.

The poultry woman shares her experience with the girls.

Girls during training in milking cows.

The face of the milkmaid Batusova, leading a practical lesson.

Cows on the milking platform.

Girls in the cabin of the training bus during the driving test.

The girl driving the bus.

The bus passes through the bridge.

Opening of the exhibition of the shipbuilding industry.

Visitors in the exhibition halls view the exhibits.

Models of ships built in Leningrad.

Visitors at one of the stands, photos of ships on the stand.

People listen to the guide's story.

The interior of the ship's cabin made of plastic, presented at the exhibition.

A motor boat with a plastic hull in one of the exhibition halls.

View of the building of the Leningrad Bolshoi Puppet Theater.

The poster of the play "The Golden Calf".

The main director of the theater M. M. Korolev examines the dolls, consults with the actors.

Masters of the theater during a meeting of the art council.

Dolls of the characters of the new production.

An artist with a doll of Ostap Bender in his hands.

Artists with dolls are heading to the stage.

View of the auditorium.

A fragment of the play "The Golden Calf".

The audience applauds.

Masters of Arts of the Kazakh SSR on the stage of the Kirov Palace of Culture.

Leningrad artists welcome their Kazakh colleagues.

The audience in the hall applauds.

Opera singer Laptev K. N. speaks from the podium with a greeting.

The head of the Kazakh delegation Beisenbayev makes a report from the rostrum.

Panorama of the hall, the audience applauds.

Performance of the Kazakh folk dance at the price of the Palace of Culture during the concert, the audience applauds.


Shermark Abdirashid Ali -- Somali statesman and politician
Krasikova Antonina Timofeevna -- economic, state and political figure
Korolev Mihail Mihajlovich -- theater director, teacher
Laptev Konstantin Nikolaevich -- opera singer, music teacher




Leningrad region



Russian cities and regions; International cooperation; Political figures; Theatrical figures; Theater; Industry; Agriculture; Education; Youth; Culture and Arts
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Space; Biography; Policy; Persons of arts; Sectors of the economy; Social life