Leningrad chronicles 1962 № 17

Film-document №86976 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:14

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Producer LSDF

Director: A. Minkin

Operators: S. Bartashevich, Ya. Blyumberg, A. Bogorov A., V. Valdajcev, A. Ivanov, B. Kozirev, O. Luchinin, S. Maslennikov, S. Fomin, R. Shevalje

Other authors: L. Kotlyarova


The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of Leningrad and the Leningrad region.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the Leningrad Airport building before the meeting of the Prime Minister of Senegal Mamadou Dia.

Dia and the persons accompanying him descend.tshya on the plane ladder.

Dia's face.

Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee Smirnov and deputies of the City Council greet Dia at the plane ramp.

Pioneers give Dia flowers.

The head of the honor guard gives a report.

The company of the guard of honor in the ranks, Dia, Smirnov bypass the formation of the company of the guard of honor.

Leningrad residents welcome the Senegalese guest.

Smirnov makes a welcoming speech at the microphone.

Dia makes an answer.

Dia gets into the car.

The state flags of the USSR, the RSFSR and Senegal are on the wall of the building.

Dia from the car responds to the greetings of Leningrad residents, driving through the streets of the city.

A motorcade rides through the streets of Leningrad, people greet Dia.

Monument to Peter I.

Dia and his entourage inspect the new Palace of Culture.

View of the Samson fountain in Petrodvorets.

Dia and Senegalese delegates during a walk in the Petrodvorets Park and visiting the fountains.

View of the part of the Petrodvorets Park.

Dia and his entourage on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in Petrodvorets.

The ships of the Swedish Navy are heading to Leningrad on a friendly visit.

The crew of one of the ships is in formation on the deck.

The commander of the Swedish Coastal Fleet, Rear Admiral K. E. Blidberg, is among the officers.

Blidberg's face.

The ship's crew is on deck.

Salute from deck guns.

Panorama of the pier in Kronstadt, Soviet sailors in the ranks on the pier.

The Swedish Naval brass Band is playing.

One of the Swedish warships on the Neva.

Admiral Blidberg, the ship's commander and officers welcome Admiral I. I. Baykov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council Smirnov and representatives of public organizations of Leningrad who have arrived on board.

Swedish warship on the Neva River.

View of the Kirov plant part.

A life-size model of the new Kirovets tractor.

Installation of components of a new tractor in one of the factory workshops.

The faces of engineers and assemblers.

Test engineer V. Ya.

Morgunov examines the engine components.

Installation of engine components.

A worker rolls a tractor tire around the shop.

Thinning of seedlings on one of the fields of the agricultural artel "Leninsky Way" of the Volosovsky district.

The tractor stops.

The face of the tractor driver Golubev.

The chairman of the artel, F. A. Ivanov, checks the quality of the work.

Ivanov's face.

Ivanov gives the command to Golubev to continue working.

Ivanov talks about overcoming the unprofitability of the collective farm, the prospects for the construction of collective farm facilities and the implementation of the plan for the delivery of agricultural products (synchronously).

Carrying out chemical treatment of legume crops in the fields of the state farm "Slantsevsky".

The face of the tractor driver Vinogradov.

Carrying out chemical treatment of pea crops.

View of the part of the Moskovsky Prospekt of Leningrad.

Types of the new building of the hotel "Russia".

View of one of the halls of the hotel.

Interiors of hotel rooms.

The interior of the bathroom.

View of the corridor on one of the floors.

The interiors of the rooms.

View of the hall.

View of the building of the new hotel.

Artists of the mosaic workshop of the USSR Academy of Arts are working on creating a large panel on the theme of the folk epic "Kalevala" (panorama, from above).

Artists lay out a mosaic.

Artists Nikolaev S. A. at work.

Members of the Commission of the Academy of Arts headed by A. A. Deineka inspect the panel, Deineka's face.

Fragments of the panel, the faces of the commission members.

View of the panel (from above).

Panorama of St.

Isaac's Square during the Song Day, view of the Astoria Hotel building.

Views of the squares of Leningrad during the Song Day, the choir performs on an open stage, on the square of the Finlyandsky railway station.

Views and panorama of the Lenin Stadium during the final concert of the holiday.

The choir performs the song "Motherland".

View of the stadium part (from above).


Dia Mamadu Mustafa -- Senegalese statesman and politician, economist
Smirnov Nikolaj Ivanovich -- state, economic and political figure
Blidberg Karl Ejnar -- Swedish naval figure, naval commander
Dejneka Aleksandr Aleksandrovich -- artist
Nikolaev Stepan andreevich -- artist
Bajkov Ivan Ivanovich -- naval-statesman, naval commander




Leningrad region
At Sea



Russian cities and regions; International cooperation; Fleet; Political figures; Artists; Visual Arts; Holidays; Industry; Agriculture
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Space; Army; Defense and internal security; Biography; Policy; Persons of arts; Culture and Arts; Social life; Sectors of the economy