Panorama 1984 № 17

Film-document №88679 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:08

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Producer LSDF

Director: V.Granin

Reel №1

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1. Urzhum is 400 years old.

Urzhum today.

Museum of S. Kirov.

2. Kirovo-Chepetsk.

The driver, service technician, welder A. Lemons.

3. Kostroma region, the village of Orekhovo.

The Yakovlevs teach biology, school district.

4. Vladimir.

Children's emergency hospital, surgeons A. Jaskolski, A. Rupica.

5. The Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets.

Home collections of P. Solovyov (making musical instruments) and L. Laptev (watches).