The parades on red square. (1920 - 1950)

Film-document №90918 3 footages, Duration: 0:28:25 to collection Price category G
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Scene №1 The parades on red square

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Egorov AI, sm Budyonny, ke Voroshilov welcomes troops passing through the red square during the parade November 7, 1937.

Wax the Moscow garrison pass in front of the mausoleum.

The decorations on the building of the Historical Museum.

The view of red square during the passage of the infantry units and armored vehicles.

Column a may day demonstration on the streets of Moscow in the late 1920-ies.

Portraits of Lenin and Stalin above the columns of demonstrators.

I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, M. I. Kalinin are on the territory of the Kremlin in red square before the parade of November 7, 1938.

Behalf of the Spanish delegates on the guest platform.

The audience applauded on the guest platform.

Ke Voroshilov, IV Stalin, VM Molotov, LM Kaganovich, AI Mikoyan on the mausoleum during the parade.

Division sailors are in front of the podium of the mausoleum.

Types of red square during a military parade and demonstration (top).

View of the red square during checkout of units of horse artillery (above).

Division of heavy artillery, track rod held on red square.

Squadrons of bombers and fighters flying towards the centre of Moscow for access to d red square.

A squadron of biplanes in the sky.

Dropping paratroopers during maneuvers, the Marines slipping off the wing of the aircraft.

The aircraft during airdrop the canopy and squadrons of aircraft in the sky.

Planes fly in formation, make up the word "Soviet".

The plane performs aerobatics.

Stalin mausoleum, watching the flying over red square aircraft.

Planes fly over the building of Gum.

Kaganovich and Molotov on the mausoleum.

Voroshilov and Stalin on the mausoleum during a sports parade in 1937.

Parade participants representing the various sculptures, Voroshilov and Stalin on the mausoleum.

Komsomol members with rifles on the layout of the ship.

Hockey players with sticks on the layout, mounted on a truck.

Bearers of the red square.

Athletes, who constructed a "pyramid" figure on parade in red square.

The view of red square during a may day demonstration (above).

View of one of the guest stands.

On red square columns are athletes.

Types of red square during a sports parade, Stalin

from the podium welcomed the participants of the parade.

The layout of the mountain with the climbers on the truck.

Passing the layout of the ring with the boxers.

Are members of the sports society "Spartak".

Are children with wooden rifles at the ready.

Gymnasts on parade.

Gorky street view with moving through it the columns of the athletes (on the top).

Types of red square during a sports parade on 30 June 1934.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Kaganovich on the podium of the mausoleum.

The faces of the people on the stands, girls with banners on a moving models face Stalin, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Voroshilov.

Parade participants are on the platform athletes symbolizing different sports.

View of red square during a sports parade (above).

It takes a column of young women with a banner of sports society "Dynamo".

View of the Central part of red square during a run of sports figures (above).

The exercises in red square by participating in the parade.

The view of red square during a performance of students of Institute of physical culture.

Voroshilov, Stalin, Khrushchev N. With., Mi Kalinin, Kaganovich on the podium of the mausoleum during the may day parade in 1935, Stalin talking with Voroshilov, welcomed the participants of the parade.

Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, shkiryatov MF, GM Dimitrov mausoleum welcomed the participants of the parade, applauding.

Voroshilov and Stalin on the mausoleum.

Shvernik, Stalin, Andreev, A. A., And N. Bulganin.

And. on the territory of the Kremlin in front of the entrance to Red square.

Stalin, Voroshilov and the leaders of the party and the state are on the territory of the Kremlin.

Stalin on the mausoleum.

GK Ordzhonikidze and Stalin on the mausoleum.

Stalin, Voroshilov, Kalinin, Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich, Molotov, Zhdanov, A. A. on the mausoleum.

The participants of the sports parade with a portrait of Stalin and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) are on the streets of Moscow on Red square June 30, 1934.

A column of girls in sports uniform is Red square.

The types of the columns of athletes marching through the Moscow parade on the Red square (above).

Voroshilov, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, Kalinin, Molotov are on the territory of the Kremlin on Red square.

View of the guest stands.

The girls face in flying helmet and forage cap.

Participating sports parade in the ranks.

Parade "osoaviahima".

View of the Central part of red square and parts of the mausoleum before the sports parade (above).

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov marching past the mausoleum.

Stalin, sm Budyonny, Kalinin at the mausoleum.

Girls in the ranks waving artificial flowers, greeting the leaders of the party and the state.

Guests applaud.

Stalin come to the podium of the mausoleum.

Parade participants welcomed Stalin, Stalin is responsible for greeting, raising his hand.

View of the mausoleum standing with her party and the state.

The view of red square during the parade (above).

The clock on the Spasskaya tower.

Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov, Stalin mausoleum welcomed the participants of the parade.


Joseph Stalin -- state and political figure
Nikita Khrushchev -- state and political figure
Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Kaganovich Lazarj Moiseevich -- state and political figure
Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Andreev Andrej Andreevich -- state and political figure
Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state, political and military leader
Shkiryatov Matvej Fedorovich -- state and political figure
Shvernik Nikolaj Mihajlovich -- state and political figure
Zhdanov Andrej Aleksandrovich -- state and political figure
Ordzhonikidze Grigorij Konstantinovich -- state and political figure
Bulganin Nikolaj Aleksandrovich -- state and political figure
Dimitrov Georgij Mihajlovich -- Bulgarian state and political figure
Budennij Semen MIhajlovich -- warlord
Egorov Aleksandr Iljich -- warlord


1920e 30.06.1934 01.05.1935 07.11.1937 07.11.1938





Parade on Red Square; Moscow; Political figures; Generals and war heroes; Sport; Army; Aviation; Youth
World War II; History; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Biography; Policy; Defense and internal security; Social life

Scene №2

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Units of flak on the track rod out to the parade on red square may 1, 1930.

Columns pioneers held on red square in front of the temporary bleachers.

The infantry units of the red army held on red square during the parade November 7, 1932.

The view of red square during the parade (above).

Types of red square during the passage of armored vehicles (top).

Passes through the tank T-26.

Types of red square during the parade (above).

The battalion captured banners throws to the foot of the mausoleum flags and banners of the Wehrmacht during the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.

The spectators on the stands.

The battalion captured flags at the Victory parade.

The view of red square during the Victory day Parade (above).

On red square are combined battalions of fronts and military academies.

Are combined battalions of the Navy, and Cossacks.

Military parade on red square in 1930-1931.

Passing the crawler-wheeled tank.

Heavy tanks on red square.

The view of red square during the passage of the anti-aircraft artillery in trucks.

A small division is on the red square during the parade November 7, 1941.

Columns of students of Moscow Suvorov Military music College opens military parade on red square November 7, 1973.

The view of red square during the parade (above).

Columns of military academies and the marine corps.

The column of airborne troops held on red square.

Armor is on the red square.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles on parade in red square.

Types of red square during the passage through it of armored vehicles.

Missiles passing through red square.

The view of red square during the passage of the anti-aircraft missile complexes (top).

The troops of the Moscow garrison on parade in red square on November 7, 1940.

Heavy artillery, track rod is on the red square.

Tank at high speed rides on the red square.

Anti-aircraft artillery on the chassis of the truck in the parade on red square.

Military academies in the parade on 7 November 1973.

Snippets of the parade on 7 November 1940 and the Victory Parade, the battalion captured flags at the Victory Parade.

Meeting soldiers winners in Leningrad, the view of red square during the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.

Meeting returning soldiers winners, alternates with footage of the Victory Parade.

A column of sailors passes in front of the mausoleum during the parade November 7, 1927.

A military band in red square.

On red square are units of the Moscow garrison.

View of the guest tribune.

Cavalry passes in front of the mausoleum.

Heavy artillery on parade in the late 1940-ies.

Artillery and anti-aircraft units in the parade on red square 7 November 1950.

Missile systems for various purposes in parades on red square in 1950 - 1970-ies.


07.11.1927 01.05.1930 1930-1931 07.11.1932 07.11.1940 24.06.1945 07.11.1950 07.11.1973





Parade on Red Square; Victory Parade; Moscow; Armament
World War II; History; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Defense and internal security

Scene №3

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Red Navy on parade in red square on November 7, 1940.

Cossack units of the red army advance on Gorky street to participate in Prades on red square on 7 November 1927.

Cossacks passing by the top of the monument of Freedom.

Machine-gun carts on Gorky street.

Marching columns of soldiers and sailors.

Lesson material part of the trilinear rifle in the circle osoaviahima, the instructor explains the action of the shutter.

Armed workers before the parade.

The Face Of S. M. Kirov.

A column of workers "Trekhgornij manufactory" is moving to Red square.

The demonstrators carried models with logos of their companies.

Types streets of Moscow adjacent to red square, before the beginning of the demonstration (top).

Tractor at the demonstrators.

Columns of demonstrators on the streets of Moscow, the face of the demonstrator, puffing a cigarette.

Are columns of pioneers.

Columns of demonstrators on the streets of Moscow and red square in front of the Gum may 1, 1928.

Poster of A. I. Mikoyan.

Panorama of red square during a may day rally.

View of a wooden mausoleum.

The faces of the protesters.

The column of demonstrators on the streets of Moscow.

View of the mausoleum, on the podium of the IV Stalin, ke Voroshilov, Kamenev, L. B., A. S. Yenukidze, acts Zetkin K.

Columns of demonstrators are moving to red square in Moscow November 7, 1931.

A poster with a slogan against the kulaks and the right-wing opportunists.

The demonstrators carried banners.

Red army soldiers and commanders come from the club on the territory of military unit in 1923.

The unit goes on parade.

Types of red square during Paradi demonstrations of 7 November 1927 (above).

The troops held on red square.

A poster with the digits of the achievements of the Union republics.

A military band played.

Foreign military attaches on red square.

Cossack units on the gallop held on red square.

Cossack units pass through Red square, are included in the Spassky gate.

Cossack camp on the territory of the Kremlin after the end of the pard (panorama).

The commander gives the command.

The face of the Cossack veteran.

Cossacks systems are on a tour of the Kremlin.

Cossacks visiting the Tsar cannon, lie like a gas meter on it.

Cossack commander speaks to army.

The Cossacks, visiting the Tsar bell.

Artillery crews before salutational shooting.

View of the red square before the parade.

Parade commander Voroshilov gave a report to M. I. Kalinin

Kalinin and Voroshilov are on the red square, the cameramen are shooting.

Sailors on parade.

Face the red army.

Kalinin and Voroshilov bypassed and welcome built on the red square troops.

Faces of soldiers and sailors.

Drummers and buglers are in front of the podium in red square on may 1, 1930, followed the infantry column.

View of the red square during the may day parade in 1930.

In front of the podium passing machine-gun carts and an armored car.

Kalinin and Rykov A. I. on the podium.

Troops marching past podium (shot from different angles).

View of the building of the Bolshoi theatre on the opening day of the 16th Congress of the CPSU(b) on June 26, 1930.

The view of Sverdlov square and the Bolshoi theatre.

View of Great gable Tetra.

Delegates 4 all-Union Congress of Soviets out and the Bolshoi theatre after a joint meeting of the Congress of Soviets and Moscow party-economic asset in April 1927.

Kinds of the may day demonstration.

The playbill for the evening workers of the plant "Red Putilovets", dedicated to the implementation of the first plan year of the plan.

Demonstration of caterpillar tractor "Kommunar", the tractor having a wheeled tractor.

Cracked earth.

Puts his hand in the bag a piece of bread.

Kalinin and Yenukidze during the exit meeting.

Kalinin on the mausoleum.

The Presidium meeting in honor of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Yenukidze gives the text of the speech of the member of the Presidium.


Joseph Stalin -- state and political figure
Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state, political and military leader
Kamenev (Rozenfeljd) Lev Borisovich -- state and political figure
Enukidze avelj Sofronovich -- state and political figure
Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Rikov Aleksej Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Kirov Sergej Mironovich -- state and political figure
Cetkin Klara -- German politician, leader of the international workers ' movement


1923 04.1927 07.11.1927 01.05.1928 01.05.1930 26.06.1930 07.11.1931 07.11.1940





Parade on Red Square; Political figures; Armament; Rallies
World War II; History; Biography; Policy; Defense and internal security; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life