The materials for the film "Marshal Rokossovsky". (1929 - 1966)

Film-document №90968 24 footages, Duration: 2:33:57 to collection Price category G
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Scene №1 Materials on the film "Marshal Rokossovsky"

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The buildings on Okhotny Ryad street in Moscow in may 1941.

People riding in a car.

Tankers are in the combat vehicles before the parade.

IV Stalin, ke Voroshilov, VM Molotov on the mausoleum.

The people's Commissar of defense of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko delivers a speech from the rostrum of the mausoleum, standing next to Kalinin, M. I.

The members of the high command in the parade listening to speech Tymoshenko.

Radio operator in the dugout at the radio station during the communication session.

Panoramas of the publication of the Gum with the slogan in honor of the 24th anniversary of the October revolution.

Trucks with infantry passing through red square during a military parade on 7 November 1941.

On red square moving artillery on the car deadlift, the calculation tools in the truck, the view of the mausoleum.

Panorama of the Kremlin wall guest tribunes.

Division air defense (PVO) on truck goes to Red square on Iberian passage.

On red square passing Quad anti-aircraft machine-gun installation, design of installations in trucks.

Stalin delivers a speech from the podium of the mausoleum.

The soldiers in parade listening to Stalin's speech.

Trucks with infantry in bodies passing through red square.

Stalin speaks from the podium of the mausoleum.

The tank with the flag on the tower passing through red square.

Armored division passing by the mausoleum.

A woman on a street in Moscow bears home a Christmas tree.

Car with Christmas trees on the roof.

Decorated Christmas tree driven through the streets of Moscow in a truck.

Red army soldiers and officers warming themselves by the fire on the positions.

New year celebration in one of the units of the red army near Moscow, the soldiers dance.

He plays the accordion, the soldiers applauded in time with the music.

Watered the worker says before the formation of a speech in honor of the new year and develop a successful counter-offensive near Moscow red army soldiers listen to a political officer.

The soldiers applauded.

The face of one of the soldiers.


Joseph Stalin -- state and political figure
Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state, political and military leader
Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Timoshenko Semen Konstantinovich -- warlord


01.05.1941 07.11.1941 11.1941


Moscow region



Battle for Moscow; May 1; November 7; Parade on Red Square; New Year; Political figures
World War II; History; Holidays; Social life; Biography; Policy

Scene №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The view of red square with the disguised mausoleum in October 1941.

Transmission of messages in the communications group of the front staff.

Telegraph at work.

Moscow residents are reading the text of the scorching on the walls of GKO on the introduction of the Moscow siege.

The text of the resolution.

Moscow workers are recorded in the national militia.

The results of the militia of warm clothes, one of the volunteers trying on the jacket.

Giving the militia weapons and grenades.

The construction of the fortifications of the bags on one of the streets of Moscow.

The soldiers machine-gun calculations take on the shoulders of machines and machine guns taken from the machines.

The militia stand in formation, turn, take the weapons on the belt, start the movement.

Division division of the national militia is in the streets of Moscow.

Position anti-aircraft guns on the streets of Moscow.

A sentry on duty at the guns.

The observer from the roof of the building watching with binoculars for possible air targets.

The sentry at the dugout on the front line.

The duty gunner in position.

Artillery spotter in the tree.

The commander of the platoon fire control reports over the phone firing data.

Winter landscape panorama of the front line.

Women hammering the frozen ground during the construction of fortifications on the streets of Moscow.

Moscow residents are building defenses from the bags to the ground.

Passing trucks with a towed anti-tank guns.

People carry things into the hut.

Views of the Moscow Kremlin.

Traffic COP on red square indicates the direction of movement of small units.

Generals during the operational meeting.

Sappers lay mines in the summer of 1942.

The holding of political information at the forefront.

Installation of tank obstacles and barbed wire.

Types of shops tank factory, production process.

Manufacture of artillery ammunition.

The text of the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the enemy troops.

Passing tractor, camouflaged with branches.


10.1941 1942


Moscow region



Battle for Moscow
World War II; History

Scene №3

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A. Hitler over the map during the report rate.

The panorama of urban areas (above).

View of the railway bridge on the Soviet-German border at night in the summer of 1941.

Sentry at the entrance to the bridge.

Filing a flare signal to the beginning of the offensive of the Wehrmacht on the Soviet Union.

Columns of German troops are on the Soviet territory.

German artillery firing at the locations of the Soviet troops.

German tanks on the March.

The battle scene in the village on the Western border of the USSR.

The tank fires.

A German tank rams a brick wall.

German troops crossing the bug river, panorama of the Eastern Bank of the river.

Panorama of the field with burning Soviet tanks on it.

Burning on the side of the road by Soviet tanks.

German troops rush to the border settlements.

Panorama of the burning of the captured by German troops in the railway station, the burning of the station building.

The courtyard of the burning house in the village.

German infantry in the attack.

German soldiers in a captured village.

Bullets knock chips on the wall of the barn.

Tank passes through a brick house.

German tanks on the March.

German infantry is fighting, the panorama of the burning village.

German artillery firing.

Photos of German soldiers and officers during the fighting.

German artillery firing.

Officers and spotters at observation posts.

The jet from the flamethrower.

It takes a tank.

German soldiers walk past wrecked Soviet equipment.

Burning Soviet tanks.

The view of the German notation of the column.

Damaged and abandoned Soviet equipment and weapons on roadsides.

Panorama of wrecked and burning Soviet convoys.

Episodes the defeat of the artillery column of the red army.

View of the destroyed Soviet Bunker.

Burned-out trucks on the road.

German motorcyclists in the attack.

Burning Soviet military equipment.

German armored vehicles on the March.

German infantry in combat, soldiers throw grenades.

German soldiers near Moscow dismantled the parcel with warm clothes collected in Germany, read the letter.

Abandoned railway stations, Soviet tanks and artillery.

Thrown on the road tractors and implements.

Panorama Germans bombed the railway junction, the charred skeletons of cars.

Broken trains on the rails.

Soviet infantry units attacking with the support of the tank in the autumn of 1941.

Soviet artillery fire at the enemy.


Gitler Adoljf -- German statesman and political figure


06.1941 1941





World War II; The German invasion of the Soviet Union ("Operation Barbarossa"), cross-border battles; Political figures
History; Biography; Policy

Scene №4

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Ski battalion of the red army during the counter-offensive near Moscow in December 1941.

Attack by Soviet troops of one of the settlements.

Soviet troops fighting near Moscow, the machine-gunners and artillery took positions to fire.

The fight in the village.

The corpses of civilians.

Weeping women.

The calculation takes place anti-tank gun with wheels.

The commander-gunner gives the command to open fire.

The gunners firing at the enemy.

The soldiers approach the corpses Mirena residents, tortured by the invaders, remove the cap.

The battle on the outskirts of the village in the suburbs.

View of the destroyed building.

The icon in the burned house.

Panorama of the burning houses.

Charred corpse of a civilian.

The soldier runs down the street during the fight.

The frozen naked corpses in the entrance of one of the buildings.

Members of the Commission for the investigation of crimes of the German occupiers removed their hats in front of the bodies of the victims.

Body dimensional inhabitants killed by the Germans.

People mourn dead relatives.

faces of children and red army commander wears a hat.

Dead civilians in snow.

German soldiers surrendering, out of the cellars.

German prisoners of war go to the gathering place with your hands.

Weapons and equipment abandoned by the Germans during the retreat.

Locals meet and greet returning guerrillas.

The inhabitants of one of cities of Moscow welcomed the passing tanks.

Meeting in the liberated village.

The soldier with the baby in her arms.

Persons returning guerrillas and their families.

The text of the message in the newspaper "Izvestia" about the failure of the German offensive on Moscow, portrait of G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky

The text of the order on the execution of cowards and alarmists signed by Rokossovsky.

Helping the wounded on the front lines.

The evacuation of the wounded in field hospitals with advanced, medical wipes her face.

Fighter in camouflage crawling on the snow.

The soldiers running along the trench.

The face of the commander-gunner.

Convoy of German prisoners.

The form of a column of German prisoners of war.

German prisoners of war are in the rear.

Soviet tanks and artillery on the March.

The commander of the 16 th army Rokossovsky K. K. challenges unit commanders, command and observation post.

Attack by Soviet cavalry.

Cavalry units during a RAID on the enemy's rear.

Commanders with a map in hand to discuss the plan further action.

Panorama of the village.

Scouts-tankers on the frontline observing the enemy.

The commanders of the tanks scatter to their cars.

The crews take up space in the tanks.

Tanks come out of the woods.

German barbed wire.

Soviet tanks in the attack.

Soviet tanks dug in Volokolamsk.

Tanks on the streets of liberated Volokolamsk.

Artillery crew brings the gun into firing position on the edge of the forest.

Passing a trophy truck.

Infantry units on the March.

Destroyed by the German occupiers Orthodox churches in new Jerusalem in Istra.

The sign above the entrance to the ruined Moscow regional Museum in Istra.

The sight of the burning villages (top).

Panorama of the destroyed by German troops of the village, the skeletons sticking out of the chimney.

View of the destroyed House-Museum of Tchaikovsky in Klin.

Thrown out of the Museum the furniture and thrown at the entrance of a German motorcycle.

Thrown in the snow is a bust of Tchaikovsky and folders with scores.

The Museum lifts the bust, considering it is in a Museum.

Abandoned at the entrance to the Museum of the motorcycle.

The Museum staff collect lying on the snow sheet music.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord




Moscow region



World War II; Counter-offensive near Moscow; Generals and war heroes
History; Battle for Moscow; Biography

Scene №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the destroyed during the retreat railway bridge.

The view of the German troops captured the city and the surviving bridge across the river (above).

Train with German troops on the station, soldiers with passenger cars.

German soldiers cross the border, the Soviet border sign.

The German unit passes through the bridge.

German cavalry lead horses by the reins.

German troops crossing the river in July 1941.

View of a German tank column.

Map offensives of the German troops in Belarus.

The crossing of German units across the river.

Wehrmacht units moving through the streets of the village.

German armored vehicles on the March.

Map attack on Smolensk.

Types of the ruined Station building in Smolensk in October 1941.

Division of the Wehrmacht dashes moving along one of the streets of Smolensk.

Episode the battle for Smolensk.

View of a burning city block.

The burning car.

The remains of the concrete fortifications.

German soldiers walk past a burning hut.

Burning cars at the entrance to the building in Smolensk.

Types of destroyed neighborhoods of Smolensk (above).

German troops are fighting, the panorama of the battlefield, the episodes of street fighting.

Unloading horse composition and armored vehicles from a German train.

Assault artillery sent to the front.

German artillery firing at the enemy.

German infantry engaged in street fights faces of the soldiers before the attack.

Map coverage of Smolensk, the German troops on the March.

The generals at a meeting in Hitler's headquarters.

The text of the Directive signed by Hitler.

German mechanics repair and maintain military equipment before the start of the offensive on Moscow.

German soldiers Smoking pipe.

Soviet echelon of factory equipment is to the East.

Broken and burning German trains.

View the burning of the railway junction.

Soviet artillery ammunition finally lead to a curb view.

Frontline printing in the woods.

Aircraft hang a bomb under the secular wing of the bomber.

German troops in the offensive.

The German convoy passes by a burning on the side of a Soviet tank.

German infantry on the March, boots of German soldiers.

German armored columns are on the road.

Flying German fighters.

German soldiers during the pass in the winter forest.

Panorama of the winter forest.

The soldiers bathe in the hole and wipe off the snow.

Artist the front variety in bathing suits riding in the snow.

The soldier wears insulated camouflage uniforms.




Smolensk region
Moscow region



World War II; Battle of Smolensk (1941); Battle for Moscow

Scene №6

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4-1 the commander of the army of the Western front K. K. Rokossovsky in the headquarters during the development of the plan of operations in the defense of Smolensk and Yartsevo in July 1941.

Map of the front lines in the Smolensk region, portraits of army commanders hold the front.

Panorama and types of battle fields during counterattack of the Soviet troops, Marshal of the Soviet Union Timoshenko S. To watching the progress of the fighting.

Machine-gun crew firing at the enemy.

Soviet convoy on the March.

Soviet light tank rushes in Volokolamsk during the counter-offensive near Moscow in December 1941.

Soviet artillery and infantry during the fighting.

Communicator in the dugout at the Telegraph.

The rider and the messenger departs.

German soldiers just before the attack.

Soviet military train passes by the station.

The trucks on the platforms.

Artillery limbers on railway platforms.

Artillery firing at the enemy.

Soviet and German troops are fighting.

A division of Soviet heavy artillery firing.

Refugees walk past destroyed houses.

Refugees are on the road.

Soviet infantry units in battle.

Connectionism unit performs the March to the front.

Passing tanks with troops on the armor.

The Soviet infantry supported by tanks.

Soviet troops in position.

German officers at the observation point.

The soldiers ashore from rubber boats.

The truck is suitable for fording.

Heavy artillery gun on the March.

Soviet tanks during the counter-offensive.

-16 fighters fly on a combat mission.

Soviet and German units on the March.

Photos of Soviet artillery and snipers.

Soviet troops are fighting, episodes of fighting.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Timoshenko Semen Konstantinovich -- warlord


07.1941 1942


Smolensk region
Moscow region



World War II; Battle of Smolensk (1941); Battle for Moscow; Armament
History; Defense and internal security

Scene №7

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The commanders of the armies of the don front during operational meetings in September and November of 1942, among them the commander of the 16th air army major General S. I. Rudenko, a member of the Military Council of the front major General K. F. Telegin and the front commander Rokossovsky K. K.

The workers of the Moscow enterprises are recorded in the national guard in October 1941.

Women waving the red army, rides in the truck through freed during the counter-offensive near Moscow settlement.

Tankers on captured German armored car.

Trucks getting stuck in the spring mud.

Tank rides through the woods.

Soviet artillery crew firing.

Soviet tanks in the attack during the Kharkov operation in 1942.

The view from the observation slit of a tank.

German tanks firing, the view from the observation slit.

Fighting Soviet troops, anti-aircraft artillery fire, faces of rooms and calculation of anti-aircraft guns.

Drop shot down a German aircraft.

Bringing the heavy guns in the firing position.

Soviet artillery fire about the enemy during the offensive near Stalingrad Rokossovsky at the observation point.

Tanks with infantry to armor in the attack.

The cavalry takes the town.

Soviet troops on the March.

Anti-aircraft machine gun firing at air targets.

Burning spilled on the Volga oil in the summer of 1942.

The face of the pilot of the German bomber.

Falling bombs.

Panorama of the burning of Stalingrad (above).

German pilot at the helm.

Troops moving between the hills.

Rokossovsky and Telegin at the observation point (photo).

German troops attacked the settlement in the summer of 1942.

Soviet artillery firing at the enemy tanks in the attack at Stalingrad.

Flying German bombers, anti-aircraft artillery fire, drop shot down a German aircraft.

View of the battlefield.

The command of the don front, led by Rokossovsky.

Soviet troops are engaged in street fighting in Stalingrad.

Fights in plants of the Stalingrad tractor plant, the Soviet infantry moves forward.

The gunner takes position in the ruins, scenes of street fighting.

Soviet envoys sent to negotiate, waving a white flag.

The bugler blows the signal.

Envoys go to the line of enemy positions.

The dial of a wristwatch.

Surrender of units of the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad.

The connection of the southwestern and Stalingrad fronts near Kalach on 23 November 1942.

Red army soldiers and officers hugging each other.

Soviet artillery firing at the surrounded German grouping.

A tank with a red flag in the streets of Stalingrad.

Surrendering German soldiers out of the building with a white flag and hands up.

An elderly woman cries at the site of fire.

Military doctors are under the arms the weeping girl.

People have destroyed homes.

The soldier repairs the locals watch.

The soldiers drink tea from a samovar.

Pilot squadron "Alexander Nevsky" accepts a gift from farmers, gets into the plane.

Rokossovsky and members of the front staff to accept gifts from farmers.

Boxes with gifts by staff.

Mi Kalinin presents military awards in the Kremlin.

Rokossovsky during the awards ceremony.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Rudenko Sergej Ignatjevich -- commander, pilot
Telegin Konstantin Fedorovich -- military and political leader
Kalinin Mihail Ivanovich -- state and political figure


10.1941 1942 23.11.1942 01.1943-02.1943





World War II; Generals and war heroes; Starting the Battle of Stalingrad; Counter-offensive at Stalingrad (Operation "Uranus"); Political figures
History; Biography; Policy

Scene №8

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Night barrage, rocket launchers firing.

The tank crews took their places in the combat vehicles.

Tanks move.

Commander of the Central front Rokossovsky K. K. and chief of staff of the front Malinin, M. S. at the observation point watching the progress of the fighting during the battle at Kursk in July 1943.

Tanks begin the attack at dawn.

View of the battlefield (above).

Tanks are going to attack, flying Soviet planes.

The form of a burning hut of the driver's hatch.

The explosion of the building of the farm.

Tank unit on the March.

Rokossovsky, Malinin, General Telegin and members of the staff of the Central front at the observation point to discuss and analyze the current combat situation, Rokossovsky gives orders to the commander of armies and troop types.

Malinin among the generals at the observation point.

Generals on bludot for fighting.

Smoke from the exploding shells on the horizon.

Rokossovsky lights a cigarette.

Rokossovsky the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union during operation Bagration in June 1944.

Rokossovsky with staff officers and the commander of aircraft of front in command and observation post examine a sample of German artillery shots, examining a captured armored vehicles, among the generals Telegin and Malinin.

Rokossovsky considering the German war machine, asks questions.

Face Rokossovsky.

Rokossovsky and members of the staff of the Central front sitting on chairs on the edge of the forest before taking the photo.

The division of the red army through the streets of the cities liberated during the battle of Kursk, the population welcomed the red army.

The locals handed the tankers bread and salt, embrace them.

Feast in the open air in honor of the officers of the red army.

The face of an elderly woman of a liberated village.

Girl picking flowers, view of the ruined city buildings.

Children and the elderly, homeless, sitting on the side of the road.

Map of the front lines near Gomel.

Soviet troops are fighting for Gomel.

Panorama of the destroyed city block.

German prisoners of war walk past the ruins.

The face of the guerrillas in the winter forest.

The meeting of guerrilla commanders.

Rokossovsky, Telegin along with officers during a Banquet in the parlor car.

Rokossovsky and members of the staff of the Central front to the airfield.

Flying over the airfield plane.

Soviet bombers in flight.

The bombs exploding on enemy territory.

Tanks with troops on the armor before the attack.

Attacking light tanks.

Infantry advances along the trench to attack.

Attacking the soldiers run past a burning German tank.

Tanks move.

The Face Of Marshal Konev

Rokossovsky and members of the front staff greet you from the rear entrance to the headquarters.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Telegin Konstantin Fedorovich -- military and political leader
Malinin Mihail Sergeevich -- warlord
Konev Ivan Stepanovich -- warlord


07.1943-08.1943 06.1944


Kursk region
Belgorod region



World War II; Generals and war heroes; Starting the Battle of Kursk
History; Biography

Scene №9

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Artillery crew loading the howitzer.

The calculation of the guns on the streets of the Polish city firing at the enemy, the panorama of a burning building.

Soviet tanks on the streets of the liberation of Polish cities in the summer of 1944, the people welcomed the Soviet troops.

Columns of Soviet troops pass through the bridge.

Passing car with red flags.

The faces of the people welcoming the Soviet soldiers.

The streets of the city are part of the 1st Polish army and the troops of the Polish guerrillas, residents of the city welcomed them.

Residents greet a passing car army chief General V. Bevziuk

Children bring flowers to the Minister of defence of Poland, Rokossovsky was in 1949.

Rokossovsky signing autographs.

Demonstrators in Poland are portraits of Rokossovsky.

Types of demo, construction equipment drives.

Meeting soldiers of the 1st Polish army liberated the streets of Polish cities in the summer of 1944.

The soldiers give flowers.

One of the officers talks to a local resident.

Refugees return home, passing them, passing trucks with soldiers.

Going down the road the refugees.

GK Zhukov speaks from the podium during the ceremonial meeting.

View of the Presidium, Rokossovsky in the uniform of the Polish army applauds standing in the Presidium and among the members of the Presidium Take B.

The honor guard of the Polish army in the ranks, Rokossovsky's arrival in military unit.

Rokossovsky bypasses.

Rokossovsky and the Prime Minister of Poland Yu Cyrankiewicz among children.

Rokossovsky is drinking from a glass during the ceremony.

Rokossovsky talks with Cyrankiewicz.

The commander of the Northern group of armies on Rokossovsky takes the podium parade of the Polish army in Legnica in 1945-1946.

Drives a tank, the woman throws on the armor of a bouquet of flowers.

Artillery units on parade.

Passing rocket launchers and heavy guns.

The inhabitants of the liberated Polish towns welcomed the Soviet troops and tanks through the streets.

People greeted the soldiers of the 1st Polish army.

Rokossovsky takes the joint parade of the Polish army and the red army in Legnica.

Pass the Polish and Soviet infantry units, people greet them.

She presents Rokossovsky flowers.

Rokossovsky and Polish leaders from the podium greeted the passing troops.

Rokossovsky, Soviet and Polish military on the podium during the parade.

The faces of the participants of the solemn event, the troops pass in front of the podium.

The views and the panorama of the festivities.

The types of streets and surrounding neighborhoods during the parade (above).

Laying flowers at the monument to the fallen in the struggle with the German invaders.

Flowers and wreaths at the pedestal of the monument.

View of the monument after the wreath laying.

Types of festive events.

Rokossovsky, Soviet and Polish officers on the ground for the guests of honor during one of the celebrations.

Representatives of the allied forces at the places for honored guests.

Polish soldiers stand in formation.

Faces of the soldiers.

The leaders of the city party organization are with the red banner.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Berut Boleslav -- Polish statesman and political figure
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Bevzyuk Vojceh Mihajlovich -- Polish military commander
Cirankevich Yuzef -- Polish statesman and political figure


1944-1945 1949





World War II; International cooperation; Holidays; Political figures; Generals and war heroes
History; Space; Social life; Biography; Policy

Scene №10

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Broken appliances dumped into the river.

Moving German armored cars.

Parts of the Wehrmacht on the roads of Poland in September 1939, a unit of bikers moving along the forest road.

Surrender of Polish soldiers and officers, the officers hand over their personal weapons.

A search of captured Polish soldiers.

Moving column of Polish prisoners of war.

The column of the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto were driven in.

View of the Warsaw ghetto.

A column of prisoners after unloading from a train.

Boots reaching to the Polish prisoners.

Loading Jews into trains to be sent to concentration camps.

The types of the station were herded into it by the people (top).

Faces of the soldiers of the 1st Polish division to them.


The officer speaks to the soldiers in may 1943, near Ryazan.

The ceremony of swearing in of the personnel division, the ceremonial removal of the banner.

Parade of the division are infantry and tanks.

Soviet and Polish troops on the March to Smolensk.

GK Zhukov at the field command post listening report on the operational situation.

Rocket launchers firing position before opening fire.

View of the battlefield creh observation slit of the bunker.

View of Warsaw during the uprising in August-September 1944.

The collapse of the Warsaw buildings, the German armored vehicles on the streets among the ruins.

Street fighting during the Warsaw uprising, the wounded on stretchers.

The bombardment of Warsaw from the air, the punitive part of the burned city.

The surrender of the leaders of the uprising.

The commander of the rebels Colonel Bur-Komorowski T. sitting in the car after the surrender.

Types of destroyed neighborhoods of Warsaw (top), the face of the German pilot.

A man comes out of the ruins of Warsaw the body of a dead teenager.

The faces of the children.

Fires in Warsaw, the executioners burned the city's neighborhoods.

The rebels are fighting.

Soviet convoys during the night of the March to Warsaw.

Soviet troops are engaged in offensive combat operations in Poland in the summer of 1944.

The crossing of water obstacles.

Local residents take boats for the crossing of the red army across the river.

A convoy of carts with wooden boats for the red army moves on the streets of the village in Poland.

Polish soldiers and guerrillas in the back of a truck.


Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Komorovskij (Bur) Tadeush -- Polish military commander and politician


09.1939 05.1943 06.1944-10.1944


Ryazan region



World War II; Creation of the Polish Army; The Warsaw Uprising; Political figures; Generals and war heroes
History; Biography; Policy

Scene №11

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KK Rokossovsky and members of staff of the front for development of the next operation.

G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky, accompanied by officers and generals are at the field command post.

Zhukov and Rokossovsky discuss the details of the forthcoming operation.

The faces of the generals.

Rokossovsky talks with the generals.

Face Rokossovsky.

Infantry division of the red army crawler tractors comes to the line of attack.

Soldiers jump off the machines and take up battle positions.

Infantry division during the attack.

The mortar firing position.

The attacking infantry, archers and gunners firing.

A machine-gun position changes.

Artillery firing in the streets of the Polish cities in the summer of 1944.

The attacking cavalry unit.

Soviet infantry forces a water barrier Ford.

Soldier drinks water from a helmet.

Gunners in disguise begin to Ford the river.

The view of wooden flooring.

Shipping logs for the construction of crossings.

Trucks stuck in the spring mud.

The soldiers pulled the truck out of the mud with ropes.

Trucks stuck on the roads due to spring thaw.

Soldiers dig a rut with shovels.

Pulling vehicles out of the mud.

Trucks on the spring front.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord







World War II; Generals and war heroes; Automobile transport
History; Biography; Transportation; Sectors of the economy

Scene №12

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Unloading ammunition gunners.

Setting closures with shells at the guns.

The artillery commander gets on the phone targeting.

The officer at the telescope.

Artillery and tanks during street fighting.

Soviet troops are fighting in urban environments.

Burning and destroyed the quarters of one of the Polish cities.

The Polish artillery officer gives the command to open fire.

Polish artillery crew firing.

Meeting soldiers of the 1st Polish army in one of Polish cities.

The locals in the tank.

The representative of the local authority talks with Soviet officer.

The inhabitants of the Polish city welcomes the passing troops.

The locals read the Newspapers and leaflets of the Lublin government.

Drives self-propelled artillery.

The inhabitants of the Polish city welcomed the Soviet soldiers.

Local residents welcomed the commander of the army of Bevzuk V.

The inhabitants of the Polish cities welcomed the passing of the Polish and Soviet parts.

Medical assistance to the wounded.

Local residents are treated Soviet soldiers and local dishes.

The Soviet convoy heading West past the column of returning refugees.

The inhabitants of Warsaw apart the ruins after the city was liberated in January 1945.

People go in the cargo trailer, pulled by horses.

Views of the ruins of Warsaw.

Persons liberated concentration camp prisoners.

Medical examination of the child released from concentration camps.


1944 01.1945





World War II

Scene №13

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The medical bandaging a wounded soldier, helps him to crawl to the rear.

A column of German prisoners of war marching through the streets of the Polish cities under escort.

Capture of German soldiers by the Baltic sea in the summer of 1944.

Attack of the Soviet cavalry and infantry.

Soviet troops on the streets of Poland and Germany in early 1945.

The promotion of Soviet troops through the town.

Panorama of the Central part of the city (above).

Photo tactical training on the layout of the area with senior officers.

Photos of the soldiers in the trenches and moving tank column.

Tanks on the outskirts of the village.

The tank comes ashore the Baltic sea.

Soviet units out on the Baltic coast.

A red flag on a sand dune on the shore of the Baltic sea.

Soviet soldiers take German prisoners on the Baltic sea.

Soviet soldiers run up to the edge of the sea, saluting in the air, wash the sea salt water.

Tankers wash their face, collect sea water in a pot.

Cavalry division runs along the sea shore.

The Types Of Koenigsberg.

The commanders at the observation point.

Artillery firing.

Street fighting in Eastern Pomerania in April 1945.

Tanks and artillery firing in the streets.

The fires in the city, kind of a burning building.

Generals and officers at the command post.

The form of railway node (top).

Soviet troops are fighting in the streets.

Photos fighting Soviet forces during the East Pomeranian offensive.

Photos of columns of German prisoners of war.

The crossing of water obstacles for cars, amphibious tanks stepping up river with troops on the armor.

Panorama of the firing positions of the artillery battery firing on the enemy, a forced view of the river.

Amphibious landing force to go ashore, the landing of amphibians.

Machine gunner firing.

Troopers rushes to the attack.

The corpse of a German soldier.

Artillery battery fires.







World War II; East Pomeranian operation; East Prussian operation (WW 2)

Scene №14

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Part of the 1st Polish army entering Warsaw yav January 1945.

Calculation heavy artillery on the streets.

A poster with a warning about the prohibition of passage to German and Polish.

The Polish part of the walk past the ruins of Warsaw.

The national flag of Poland hoisted over Warsaw, panorama of the destroyed quarter.

Part of the 1st Polish army on the streets of Warsaw.

Panorama of the burning of the quarter.

Types of destroyed buildings and neighborhoods of Warsaw.

Burning ruins.

A panorama of the area with the destroyed buildings.

Types of destroyed Warsaw.

Soviet and Polish officers have dropped from the pedestal of the statue.

The view of the square, the pointer in German with the title "Adolf Hitler Platz".

Broken tram car with the inscription "Only for Germans".

The surviving fragments of the statues.

The pedestal of the monument destroyed.

Wall destroyed Fryderyk Chopin Museum, the plaque on the wall.

The surviving bas-relief with the image of Chopin.

Male, homeless, sitting on a pile of broken bricks.

The man's face.

People coming down through the ruins.

Panorama of Warsaw completely destroyed quarter.

The survivors of the damaged statue.

Parade units of the 1st Polish army liberated Warsaw.

Panorama of the destroyed quarter.

Polish soldiers talking to a woman on the street.

Refugees return to their quarters.

Types of the ruined Warsaw (top).

Unit of the 1st Polish army goes past the ruins down the street with orchestra and banners.

View of the destroyed railway bridge, the line of people in the distance crossing the river on the ice.

Refugees return home, crossing the bridges.

Returnees the shore from boats.

Boat with people on Board, sails under the span of the damaged bridge.

The restoration of the destroyed railway bridge.

Analysis of damaged structures.

View of the repaired bridge.

View of the reconstructed industrial enterprises.

Welding and shipping of large steel structures.

View of road bridge across the river.

Bridge collapses under pressure of ice.

Smoke smokestacks.

Polish military engineers inspect one of the damaged bridges to determine the scope of restoration work.

Panorama of the destroyed and frozen in the ice of the railway bridge.

The wreckage of the bridge in the water.

Abandoned field kitchens.

A sketch of the new bridge.

View of the restored bridge.

People ride in the back of a truck.

The woman at the pharmacy red car among the ruins.

Workers unload new equipment.

Panorama of Warsaw station during recovery operations.

Repair of tram cars.

Repair of the destroyed plant.

Soviet and Polish military engineers conducted the workshop.

Construction of new single storey houses for the workers.

Unloading car of grain by hand.

Equipment repair telephone exchange.

Soviet military helps to restore the telephone station.

People read the newspaper on the stand.

The text of the article about giving the peasants land.

Awarding to the peasants of land certificates in September 1944.

Marking of land plots.

View of the reconstructed industrial enterprises, the armed workers on the posts.


09.1944 1945





World War II; Construction
History; Sectors of the economy

Scene №15

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

May day demonstration in Warsaw.

The Minister of defence of Poland KK Rokossovsky on the podium talking with an elderly woman.

GK Zhukov and Rokossovsky among Polish officers before the ceremony.

Zhukov and Rokossovsky shake hands with the Polish party and state leaders.

The award ceremony Zhukov and Rokossovsky, the Polish order "Virtuti militari" presentation boxes with medals and sashes over the shoulder.

The President of Poland B. Take next Rokossovsky.

Rokossovsky, Zhukov Take and accompanied by the Polish leaders out of the Palace after the ceremony, walking on carpet.

The honor guard of the Polish army at the station.

Meeting Rokossovsky at the station in 1949.

Rokossovsky shaking hands met his Polish generals and officers.

Rokossovsky and his entourage bypass the guard of honor guard.

Rokossovsky laying flowers to the monument.

Rokossovsky and his entourage during the tour of Warsaw, clearing of ruins.

Restoration work in the districts of Warsaw.

Rokossovsky was talking with the mayor of Warsaw, listening to the explanations of officer on restorative work.

Rokossovsky and his entourage at one of the construction sites.

Rokossovsky thanked the works Manager, says goodbye to his hand.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Berut Boleslav -- Polish statesman and political figure


1945 1949





Generals and war heroes; International cooperation; Army; Construction
Biography; Space; Defense and internal security; Sectors of the economy

Scene №16

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

British military band in the square in Berlin, State flags of the USSR and the UK on the flagpoles.

The division of the British army in the square at the Brandenburg gate in the summer of 1945.

Field Marshal Montgomery B. talks by G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky

Montgomery presents Rokossovsky and Zhukov and the military order of the Bath.

Montgomery, Zhukov, British and Soviet military on the podium welcomed the passing in parade of British troops.

Montgomery, Zhukov, Rokossovsky down from the podium.

Montgomery among the British military.

Rokossovsky and Montgomery greet each other during the regular meeting.

Rokossovsky and Montgomery talk to each other.

Rokossovsky presented him with a portrait of Montgomerie in his hands.

The arrival of the motorcade Rokossovsky in bet to Montgomery.

Rokossovsky, Montgomery and greet each other.

Face Montgomery a conversation Rokossovsky and Montgomery.

British and Soviet military on the porch of the Villa, Rokossovsky and Montgomery talking.

Rokossovsky and Montgomery during the ceremony, bypassing the guard of honor.

Faces of the Soviet soldiers who came with Rokossovsky.

Soviet and British soldiers at the table during dinner.

British security officers at the entrance to the Villa.

The cameraman is shooting the British guard of honor.

The British unit system is directed into the barracks, the cameraman with the camera.

Rokossovsky, Montgomery and their attendants go out on the street after the Banquet.

Seeing Rokossovsky, farewell to Montgomery.

Photos Rokossovsky, Montgomery.

Farewell Rokossovsky, Montgomery, face Montgomery.

Rokossovsky and Montgomery during the next meeting, talk on the move.

Photos of Rokossovsky during meetings with Montgomery.

Soviet and British soldiers and officers shake hands.

Montgomery escorted motorcade Rokossovsky.

The motorcade drives past a British guard of honor.

Posts of British troops on the route of the motorcade.

A motorcade Rokossovsky rides on the roads of Germany.

Meetings of the Soviet, American and British military at the contact line in the occupied Germany.

A joint March of the allies with the flags of the three powers.

General Patton shakes hands with Soviet General.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Montgomeri Bernard Lou -- British military commander
Patton Dzhordzh Smit -- the American commander







International cooperation; Generals and war heroes
Space; Biography

Scene №17

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Camouflaged from air raids, the building of the Bolshoi theater in Moscow in October 1941.

The barrage balloons nominated for the position on Gorky street.

Muscovites on the construction of fortifications.

One of the combined regiments held on red square by the mausoleum during the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.

Rokossovsky from the podium welcomes the passing troops.

Military leaders on the mausoleum, among them L. A. Govorov, Konev I. S.

Rokossovsky mausoleum welcomes the passing troops, the panorama to the left on Stalin I. V.

Stalin and Rokossovsky welcome to the mausoleum of troops.

On red square marching Battalion captured banners.

Soldiers throwing captured German flags at the foot of the mausoleum.

Captured German flags thrown to the foot of the mausoleum.

The clock on the Spassky tower show 10: 00 am.

The commander of the victory parade rides riding Zhukov Rokossovsky and take a report.

Panorama of red square during a detour of the troops Zhukov and Rokossovsky.

View of the parade (above).

Zhukov and Rokossovsky riding riding troops, built for the parade.

Rokossovsky speaks from the podium of the mausoleum.

Panorama of red square with lined up for the parade troops (above).

Rokossovsky speaking from the podium with a speech, standing next Shvernik N. M. Kaganovich L. M.

Artillery salute.

Parade participants shouted "Hurrah."

Stalin on the mausoleum.

Rokossovsky, Stalin welcomed the troops, standing on the mausoleum.

The participants of the Victory Parade in the ranks.

Bugs greets troops during a detour of the parade.

Parade participants shouted "Hurrah."


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Govorov Leonid Aleksandrovich -- warlord
Konev Ivan Stepanovich -- warlord
Joseph Stalin -- state and political figure
Shvernik Nikolaj Mihajlovich -- state and political figure
Kaganovich Lazarj Moiseevich -- state and political figure


10.1941 24.06.1945





Victory Parade; Battle for Moscow; Political figures; Generals and war heroes
World War II; History; Biography; Policy

Scene №18

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The soldier in the trenches conducts surveillance of the enemy during the fighting in the far East in 1929.

The commanders of the trenches watching the enemy.

Exercises for show jumping and cutting vines in one of the cavalry units of the red army.

A bugler gives the signal.

Parade units of the Special far Eastern red banner army.

The soldiers in the ranks throw up hats.

Small unit at a position on one of the hills.

Filled items of the questionnaire Rokossovsky.

A fragment of order 1920 on awarding Rokossovsky's order of the red banner.

Marshal Tukhachevsky M. N. during manoeuvres in Belarus in September 1936.

Photo of the soldiers and commanders of the 5th cavalry division, commanded by Rokossovsky in 1919-1920.

Cover and leaves for personal business Rokossovsky.

Tukhachevsky watching with binoculars for the actions of the troops during the maneuvers in Belarus in 1936.

The infantry attacks of the imaginary enemy, supported by tanks.

Communicator in the dugout passes the commands on the phone.

Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Timoshenko at the observation post during maneuvers in 1940 disguises himself with fir branches.

Communications on the communications center.

The Soviet offensive in the great Patriotic war.

The text of the telegram about the dismissal of Rokossovsky from the ranks of the red army in 1937.

Tymoshenko at your Desk in the office.

The text of party performance on Rokossovsky, Timoshenko signed in 1940.

Marshals of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky discussed at a frontline command post plans for future operation in the autumn of 1944.

Rokossovsky welcomed the officers of the headquarters of the 1st Belarusian front.

Rokossovsky in the trenches studying the map of the operational situation during the battle of Kursk.

Tanks attack in winter conditions.

Face Rokossovsky.

The heavy artillery of the red army firing at the enemy.

Photograph of the ruins of the city block.

Portrait Of Rokossovsky.

Armored personnel carrier passes on the street burning city.

The text of the order Rokossovsky about conditional condemnation of the red army by a military Tribunal.

Photos Rokossovsky in different periods of his life.

Documents about appointments Rokossovsky, handwritten note signed by his orders, a portrait of Rokossovsky.

Photos Rokossovsky 1940-1941.

The commander of the 9th mechanized corps, major-General Rokossovsky during the exercise.

Rokossovsky and members of the corps headquarters welcomed the passing in front of them units of anti-tank Riflemen.

Faces of the passing of the red army.

The ceremony of awarding the battle flag of one of the parts of the case in June 1941.

Small unit with a banner in front starts moving.

The faces of the soldiers standing in formation.

Rokossovsky and members of staff of the 9th mechanized corps welcomed the passing of small housing units.

Presentation of awards and prizes to distinguished the maneuvers of the fighters and commanders of the corps.

Rokossovsky and members of the staff corps applauded.

Rokossovsky and Montgomery bypass the guard British guard of honor in 1945.

The Minister of defence of Poland, Rokossovsky talks with local residents during an inspection tour 1949-1950.

Commander of the Central front Rokossovsky is watching through binoculars the progress of the fighting, command and observation post during the battle of Kursk in July 1943, stands behind a member of the Military Council of the front Telegin, K. F.

Rokossovsky and Telegin to discuss the progress of hostilities.

Rokossovsky among the staff officers of the Central front.

Rokossovsky and Zhukov discussed the plan of the forthcoming operation in September 1944, Rokossovsky's face in profile.

Rokossovsky in front of the headquarters to discuss plans of operations for liberation of Belarus.

Photos of Rokossovsky with his family members in different years.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Montgomeri Bernard Lou -- British military commander
Telegin Konstantin Fedorovich -- military and political leader
Tuhachevskij Mihail Nikolaevich -- warlord
Timoshenko Semen Konstantinovich -- warlord


1929 09.1936 1940-1941 07.1943 09.1944 1945 1949-1950


Kursk region



World War II; Generals and war heroes; International cooperation; Starting the Battle of Kursk; Military exercises and maneuvers
History; Biography; Space; Army; Defense and internal security

Scene №19

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Commander of the Central front Rokossovsky K. K. discusses the course of the fighting during the battle of Kursk with the officers of the front headquarters, standing next to a member of the Military Council of the front Telegin, K. F.

Rokossovsky in the Kremlin after handing him the order of Kutuzov in August 1943.

Rokossovsky with staff officers of the Central front.

Rokossovsky smokes a cigarette.

Rokossovsky, Ponomarenko, P. K., Malinin, M. S. in the period of the battle of Moscow, photos of Rokossovsky.

Photo Rokossovsky during the Victory Parade.

Rokossovsky in the Presidium of the ceremonial meeting in the Knee hall of the House unions in the early 1960-ies.

The faces of the participants.

The types of the courtroom.

The crew of the Polish submarine lined up on deck, welcomes the Minister of defense of Poland, Rokossovsky K. K.

Boat Rokossovsky on Board inspects warships of the Polish Navy in 1949-1950.

The boat is moored to the ship.

Rokossovsky and the President of Poland Take B. pass down the line of sailors on the deck of the ship.

View of one of the warships of the Polish Navy.

Take and Rokossovsky at the side of the ship.

Seascape with warships on the horizon.

Photos of Rokossovsky during his tenure as defense Minister of Poland.

Polish armored vehicles during the parade, residents welcomed the troops.

Polish military bugler rises to the bell tower, gives the signal.

Panorama of the Central part of the Polish city.

Rokossovsky car pulls up to city hall.

School children run to meet Rokossovsky.

Rokossovsky, Take, Bulganin N. And. and their attendants are on the town square in June 1955.

People from the Windows of the houses welcomed the guests.

Rokossovsky, Take, Bulganin and their attendants are on the streets, responding to the greetings of local residents.

Awards at one of the Polish battle flags.

Meeting Rokossovsky at the train station and Warsaw in 1949.

Take, Rokossovsky and Yu Cyrankievicz among Polish youth.

Rokossovsky and Cyrankiewicz lowered ballots in the ballot box during the elections to the Polish authorities.

Take, Rokossovsky and Cyrankiewicz during a meeting with the Polish pioneers and schoolchildren.

Assembling cars "Warsaw" in the Warsaw automobile plant in the presence of a delegation of the Czechoslovak miners in 1951.

Representatives sit in the new car and go out of the shop.

View of part of one of the buildings of the plant.

Take Cyrankiewicz during the official reception in 1954.

May day demonstration in Warsaw.

Rokossovsky on the podium talking with an elderly woman.

Rokossovsky and Cyrankiewicz during the reception.

Guests shake Cyrankiewicz.

Rokossovsky dancing with the women during the reception, dancing couples.

Portrait Of Rokossovsky.

The faces of the participants.

Rokossovsky is talking to major-General, shares his memories of fate in the fighting near Moscow, the face of Rokossovsky.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Telegin Konstantin Fedorovich -- military and political leader
Malinin Mihail Sergeevich -- warlord
Ponomarenko Pantelejmon Kondratjevich -- state and political figure
Bulganin Nikolaj Aleksandrovich -- state and political figure
Berut Boleslav -- Polish statesman and political figure
Cirankevich Yuzef -- Polish statesman and political figure


08.1943 1949-1950 1951 1954 06.1955 1966


Moscow region



Generals and war heroes; Political figures; Holidays; Army; International cooperation; Industry
Biography; Policy; Social life; Defense and internal security; Space; Sectors of the economy

Scene №20

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Portrait of K. K. Rokossovsky in the uniform with the insignia of Lieutenant-General.

The photo location in the area of Velikie Luki, where, according to the questionnaire, was born Rokossovsky (panorama photos).

Rokossovsky for giving talks to major-General, shares his memories, the view of the garden, face Rokossovsky, giving an interview.

Rokossovsky speaks at a rally to mark the tradition of the land of the remains of the Unknown soldier in a tomb at the Kremlin wall on 2 December 1966, standing next to Podgorny N. In.

Grandstand view of the rally at the entrance to the Alexandrovsky garden.

The view of the meeting.

Rokossovsky finishes his speech.

Rokossovsky among carrying the coffin with the remains of the Unknown soldier for burial in the tomb, a person standing in the ranks of cadets and sailors.

The woman's face.

Photos of Rokossovsky during an interview on the film.

Meeting Rokossovsky at the train station in Warsaw in 1949, Rokossovsky shakes hands with generals and officers.

Rokossovsky takes place along the line of the guard of honor.

The commander of the Northern group of troops of Rokossovsky during the parade of the Soviet and Polish troops in the summer of 1945.

In front of the podium is a division of the red army.

The passage of the Polish military units (above).

Rokossovsky on the guest platform.

View of the meeting room of the Polish National Sejm (above) in 1949.

Rokossovsky takes place in the Lodge before the meeting.

The President of Poland B. Take welcomes members of the Saeima.

View of the meeting room (top).

Rokossovsky sits on his seat, gave him a signed document.

The Chairman of the Seimas opening session.

The deputies applauded.

The message texts in the Polish Newspapers on the appointment of Konstantin Rokossovsky, Minister of defense of Poland.

Rokossovsky at the front in the summer of 1944.

Rokossovsky welcomed the troops, standing on the mausoleum during the Victory parade on 24 June 1945.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Podgornij Nikolaj Viktorovich -- state and political figure
Berut Boleslav -- Polish statesman and political figure


1944 24.06.1945 1949 02.12.1966


Moscow region



Generals and war heroes; Political figures; Rallies; Monuments
Biography; Policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Culture and Arts

Scene №21

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The ruined FORTS of the Brest fortress, the FORTS by passing trains.

One of the underground corridors of the fortress.

The entrance to one of the gun casemates.

Interior view of ruined dungeon.

View of the ruined Fort, through the ruins of sprout trees.

The steps leading to one of the gun casemates.

Overgrown with moss, the surviving wall.

View of the railway line near the fortress.

The light of a lantern in one of the basements.

Kholm gate of the Brest fortress.

Destroyed underground structures.

The grass grows through the broken soldier's helmet.

Hitler and Mussolini during a visit to the Brest fortress on August 26, 1941.

The inscription on the wall of the Brest fortress, left by one of its defenders.

Underground corridors and passages of the message in the Brest fortress.

View of gun platform on one of the ruined FORTS of the fortress, passing by the train.

The arrival of the train with the British delegation at the Belarusian railway station in Moscow in December 1941.

Honor guard in formation on the platform.

Molotov, V. M., and I. M. may go on the platform.

The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain A. Eden out of the car.

The face of a soldier from the honor guard.

Eden, Molotov, and may go on the platform.

The honor guard on the platform.

Eden gives a military salute during the national anthems.

Eden greets the chief of the guard of honor.

Waving Soviet and British flags, Eden, Molotov, and may go on the platform.

Eden thanked the driver of the locomotive.

Eden, may, and their attendants go to inspect the place of the defeat of German troops near Moscow.

Padded German tank.

Eden and members of the British delegation inspect the damaged German armored vehicles.

Faces of Eden and Maisky.

The frozen corpse of a German soldier.

Eden and members of the British delegation visiting the battle sites.

Frozen corpses of German soldiers in the ditch.

The Face Of Eden.

Padded German tank.

Captured by the red army of the German artillery.

Eden, may and members of the British delegation to go on the road past the wrecked German equipment.


Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Majskij Ivan Mihajlovich (Lyahoveckij Yan) -- state and political figure, diplomat
Iden Antoni -- British statesman and political figure, diplomat
Gitler Adoljf -- German statesman and political figure
Mussolini Benito -- Italian statesman and political figure


26.08.1941 12.1941 1966


Moscow region



Defense of the Brest Fortress; Monuments; Political figures; Battle for Moscow; International cooperation
World War II; History; Culture and Arts; Biography; Policy; Space

Scene №22

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Stalin, Tukhachevsky, M. N., VM Molotov, LM Kaganovich, Voroshilov ke, KK Rokossovsky among the members of the delegation of the red army on the 17 th conference of the CPSU(b) in 1932 (photo).

Pictures of Stalin With Voroshilov and sm Budyonny and Tukhachevsky, Voroshilov, Yegorov, A. I. and V. K. Blucher

Picture of Stalin and Molotov to foreign diplomats.

Stalin speaks from the rostrum of the Mausoleum with a speech during the parade November 7, 1941.

W. Churchill and Stalin during a meeting in the Kremlin in August 1942.

Photo award the sword to the defenders of Stalingrad from the English king.

Stalin, Voroshilov, F. Roosevelt, Churchill, Molotov on the veranda of the Palace during the Tehran conference in 1943.

Voroshilov during the Tehran conference, the face of Voroshilov.

The signing of the international Treaty in the Kremlin, Molotov's face.


Joseph Stalin -- state and political figure
Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich -- state, political and military leader
Molotov Vyacheslav Mihajlovich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Ruzveljt Franklin Delano -- American statesman and political figure
Cherchillj Uinston Leonard -- British statesman and political figure


07.11.1941 08.1942 1943





World War II; Political figures; International cooperation; The Tehran Conference
History; Biography; Policy; Space

Scene №23

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Panorama of the buildings and cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin.

The entrance to one of the buildings.

The panorama of the facade of the building.

The types of the Moskva river.

The development of another military operation in the General staff, faces the generals and officers.

General Vatutin N. F. taking part in the meeting.

The Portraits Of I. V. Stalin, G. K. Zhukov, A. M. Vasilevsky

Panorama of the Cabinet of Stalin in the Kremlin.

One of the columns may day demonstration moves over the bridge across the Moscow river.

The building of the General staff of the red army during the war.

The interiors of the building, the types of the main staircase.

The map on the table.

The types of conference room interiors.


Vatutin Nikolaj Fedorovich -- warlord


1943 1966





World War II; Generals and war heroes; Moscow
History; Biography; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Scene №24

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, his adjutant, and the writer K. M. Simonov are on the path of the Park at the cottage before the interview Zhukov.

The Director welcomed Zhukov and Simon.

The face of Zhukov during the interview.

Zhukov, his adjutant and Simon sitting in the room at a round table, Zhukov gives interviews Simon.

Simonov asks questions to Zhukov, Zhukov the person.

Zhukov continues his story.

Shvernik N. M. in the Kremlin, Zhukov gives award.

Zhukov is on the trench in the year of the war.

Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky during a meeting in the General staff.

Commanders at the observation points.

KK Rokossovsky, General K. F. Telegin, the development of the plan of operation.

Generals and officers at the observation post during the battle of Kursk.

Cavalry commanders to clarify the situation on the map during a RAID on the enemy's rear in December 1941.

Commander of the 16th army of Lieutenant General Rokossovsky, chief of staff Malinin, M. S. on location and clarify the operational situation with members of staff of the army.

Rokossovsky and Malinin, accompanied by comrades in 1966, visited the battlefield of the 16th army near Moscow.

Photo Rokossovsky in 1941.


Rokossovskij Konstantin Konstantinovich -- warlord
Telegin Konstantin Fedorovich -- military and political leader
Malinin Mihail Sergeevich -- warlord
Zhukov Georgij Konstantinovich -- warlord
Vasilevskij Aleksandr Mihajlovich -- warlord
Shvernik Nikolaj Mihajlovich -- state and political figure
Simonov Konstantin Mihajlovich -- writer, poet, playwright screenwriter


12.1941 1943 1966


Moscow region



Generals and war heroes; Literati; Political figures; Battle for Moscow
Biography; Persons of arts; Culture and Arts; Literature; Policy; World War II; History