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State meeting in Moscow. (1917)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:10:13 to collection A 11/2/2017

Панорама здания Большого театра в Москве, где 12-15 августа 1917 года проходило Государственное совещание.

Вход в Большой театр и панорама Театральной площади.

Члены Временного правительства, участники совещания идут через площадь на заседание в Большом театре.

Участники совещания поднимаются по ступеням ко входу в Большой театр.

Прибытие на заседание иностранных военных атташе.

Проверка пропусков у министерского подъезда.

Двое беседующих друг с другом участников совещания.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2136

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:01 to collection F 9/24/2017

North Korea - Captured American pilots.

Foreign newsreels 1961 № 647

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:23 to collection F 9/24/2017

The May meeting of the Communist Party in London.

Performs J.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2041

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:08 to collection F 9/24/2017

Tunisia - International Folk Art Festival in Carthage.

Foreign newsreels 1960 № 406

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:16:03 to collection F 9/22/2017

The celebration of 38 anniversary of MNR.1) Parade of troops in Ulan Bator.

2) Demonstration of workers.

3) Horse racing, wrestling, archery and other national games.

Foreign newsreels 1976 № 4942

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection F 9/22/2017

Germany - The problem of alcohol.

Taken: a drink of wine.

Drunken men and women.

Statistics: 1.5 million alcoholics in Germany.

Germany - a story about the lack of crude oil in the West.


Captured: The first oil rig oil companies "Texaco".


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2717

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:14 to collection F 9/22/2017

East Germany - Leipzig Trade Fair. (Russian version, there is no EDL).

Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3918

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:09:12 to collection F 9/19/2017

Poland - Soviet Song Festival Zielona Gora.

France - The singer from the GDR Gizella May in Paris.

Reporting from Paris.

West Berlin - "Universal Music Machine" Maurisko Gadelia.

Germany - the premiere of the film with the participation of the famous pop group "Humphrey-Singers" in Vessene.

Germany - Week of Georgian art in Saarbrücken.

Germany - Competitions athletes ("builders") of Germany.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2995

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:24 to collection F 9/19/2017

Australia - "Yankee fun" - the American soldiers, who arrived in Australia on leave from Vietnam, at the bar - dancing, singing, etc.

GDR - Types of Leipzig.

Exposure PNRM. at the Leipzig Fair.

GDR - the City of Leipzig - Historical overview and modern city.

Northern Ireland - Overview of events - "Bloody Sunday" in Londonderry, etc.

Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Events in Northern Ireland - Demonstrations, funerals, etc.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 1879

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:14 to collection F 9/18/2017

Germany - Kinobal 1969.

Awarding of prizes to filmmakers.
