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Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4335

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:05:02 to collection F 8/25/2017

Austria - Arrival in Austria Egyptian President Sadat.

The meeting in Vienna with Bruno Kreisky.

Arriving in Austria U.S. President D. Ford.

Meeting at the airport.

Chatting with Kreisky.

Meet and talk Ford and Sadat.

Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3208

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:23:27 to collection F 8/25/2017

China - Visiting Zhou Enlai Canadian trade show in Beijing.

China - Work on the domestication of wild musk deer.

China, Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan - Chiang Kai-shek - Annalistic material 1925 -1972 years. (1949 - Mao Zedong in Beijing, the entry of the People's Liberation Army in Beijing).

DRV - Cancel the commemoration of the Republic in connection with the strengthening of the U.S. air-traffic (Reporting by Hanoi).

Pakistan - The construction of the Tarbela Dam on the Indus River - the world's largest dam, filled the land.

Singapore - Speech by Prime Minister Lee Kuan-yu at a campaign rally.

Singapore - The general election, which brought the total victory of the ruling party "people's actions."


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3069

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News, 10 footages, Duration: 0:12:02 to collection F 8/25/2017

GDR - Construction of a large foundry in Magdeburg with the participation of specialists from the GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary.

East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland - Airlines linking Berlin to Bratislava and Gdansk.

Types of Bratislava and Gdansk.

Bulgaria - The laying of wreaths at the monument to Soviet soldiers in Sofia on Victory Day.

Monument "Alyosha" in Plovdiv.

Bulgaria - Plovdiv 80th anniversary party organization.

Bulgaria - the 95th anniversary of the transfer of the Samara flag Bulgarian militia.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2997

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection F 8/24/2017

Germany - The new airport in Frankfurt.

Arrival of Soviet aircraft sheet is not) Germany - West Germany's first nuclear power plant in Stade - on - the Elbe (near Hamburg)

Germany - Art posters produced for the Olympic Games in Munich.

Olympic Stadium.

Castles and palaces of Bavaria.

USA - A 16-year-old American Brad Perry trains in the model he built the spacecraft "Apollo."

Yugoslavia - Car crashes on the roads.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1498

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:27:27 to collection F 8/24/2017

U.S.: Demonstration of the world's largest commercial jet, "Douglas Super 63."

Congo: The trial of Tshombe in Kinshasa.

Egypt (UAR): Archaeological finds at Saqqara plateau.

Ivory Coast: The Second Season on cakes in the Bay of Cocody (Abidjan).

Ivory Coast: The Second Season on cakes in the Bay of Cocody (Abidjan).

Germany: Soviet and American swimmers are winners of international competitions in Bremen.

Winners: M.Rendel (USA) and Leonid Brezhnev


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1540

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:23:15 to collection F 8/24/2017

OAR - Annalistic material 1352-1967 gg. of Nasser (in connection with his alleged resignation).

OAR - Annalistic material 1967g.g 1964.

OAR - Israeli troops at Sharm el-Sheikh after the Battle of the Strait of Annaba.

Jordan - Moshe Dayan and Israeli troops in Bethlehem (Bethlehem).

Jordan - Israeli troops in Bethlehem.

The rise of the Israeli flag.

Israeli-Syrian border - actions of Israeli troops after UN appeal for a ceasefire.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3144

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:10:14 to collection F 8/24/2017

USA - Military command meeting at the Pentagon.

USA - Engine tests for a new supersonic airliner.

USA - The wing of the DS-8 Super 63 aircraft is attached to the fuselage.

The USA is the last stage of the assembly of the Boeing 747 super jet aircraft.

USA - The Pentagon, the center of the US military command.

USA - Assembly and production of the international fighter "F-5E" in California.

Germany - Werner von Braun at the premiere of a film about his career.


Foreign newsreels 1966 № 1390

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News, 16 footages, Duration: 0:20:57 to collection F 8/24/2017

South Vietnam: Fighting in Saigon.

South Vietnam: The floating landing pad for helicopters.

Italy: Party of Socialists and the Social Democrats are combined to form a new party.

France: Strike in the Paris Metro.

England: The increase in the number of unemployed after the closure of car plant in Birmingham.

England: Norwegian tanker «Berghaven» in Milford Haven after the first voyage to the Middle East.

British aircraft carrier "Hermes" persecuted during maneuvers in small Soviet ships.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2744

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:24:09 to collection F 8/24/2017

France - An important economic initiative of France during the currency crisis (mounting plate not).

France and Britain - Foreign currency exchange in Paris and London are open again after the break.

France - Meeting of the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury with the finance ministers of France.

England - American tourists in London are in line to exchange your dollars for pounds (U.S. reaction to the crisis).

Britain and the United States - Reaction to action to save the dollar, the arrival of Nixon.

United States, Canada, England, Germany - The economic downturn hit airlines and the aviation industry.

Chronicle material 1971g.g 1970. about airports, airplanes, demonstrations.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5598

Title image

News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:33:33 to collection F 8/24/2017

Sweden, Stockholm - Football match between the teams of Sweden and Germany; April 19.

Japan, Tokyo - The tallest basketball player in the world, a player of the Chinese team, height 2 meters 38 centimeters.

India, DELHI - Syrian President Assad lays a wreath at the Gandhi Memorial, Assad talks with Indian Prime Minister Desai; April 19.

Tunis - Meeting of the Labor Commission of the Organization of African Unity; April 18.

Lebanon, Beirut - Former Prime Minister S. Hoss and Falangist leader Pierre Gamal comment on the resignation of the government; April 19.

Japan, Tokyo - Boxing, a fight between Mexican Miguel Canto and Japanese M. Ogerma; April 18.

Panama Canal Zone, Washington - U.S. President Carter and General Torrios comment on the new Panama Canal Agreement, a demonstration by students against American plans to use the canal; April 18.
