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Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5593

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:02 to collection F 4/18/2017

Bulgaria - A new gallery in Pleven.

Art exhibition on the centenary of Bulgaria's liberation from the Ottoman yoke.

Among the works of Bulgarian artists - by Soviet and Romanian artists.

Japan - T. Zhivkov's visit to Japan.

Meeting with Emperor Hirohito of Japan, Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda, with the business community.

13-18 March.

Bulgaria - A solemn meeting in Sofia, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Bulgarian-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation.


Foreign newsreels 1974 № 3792

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:11:14 to collection F 4/18/2017

Germany - The story of the Hamburg student Linda Grote, a member of the German Communist Party.

The demonstration and rally students.

Chile, Hungary - Chile after the coup.

The new park named after Salvador Allende in Budapest.

Chile - Chile Drama.

Newsreel: before the coup and the events of September 11, 1973.

Chile, Bulgaria, Brazil - Newsreel - in Chile before the coup.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4261

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:12:23 to collection F 4/18/2017

Poland - Young people making sketches of the city.

Yugoslavia - Reception Tito Swedish Prime Minister Palme negotiations.

Yugoslavia - The funeral of the writer and Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric.

Yugoslavia - The rally, the laying of wreaths at the concentration camp Zhasenovichi.

Italy - the 500th anniversary of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Rome Sistine Chapel.

Hungary - The plot dedicated to the memory of the first president of Hungary Mihaly Karolyi.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2121

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:10:00 to collection F 4/18/2017

USA - Washington moratorium - a demonstration and protest against the war in Vietnam.

West Berlin? - A protest against the war in Vietnam.

GDR - Signing of the Declaration of the struggle for freedom and independence of Vietnam.

East Germany - The grand rally of solidarity with Vietnam in Berlin in connection with the disclosure of the crime of U.S. imperialism in Sogmi.

Poland - The visit of the delegation of the National Liberation Front and the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam.

Germany - Report from Hanoi.



Military priest father Michael. (2000)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:35:06 to collection V 4/14/2017

The armored personnel carrier of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo.

The television journalist approaches the gates of the monastery, at the gate Father Michael talks with a British soldier.

Father Michael walks along the wall of the monastery along with Serbian children.

Father Michael is talking to the children on the street.

Father Michael, along with Russian officers and Serbian priest Father Miroslav, examines the map of the area, sitting at the table.

Father Michael and Father Miroslav approach the building of the Church of the Holy Trinity, devastated during the fighting.

Father Michael and Father Miroslav perform the Easter canon in the ruined church building.


Alexey Kazannik. (1989 - 1994)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:19:45 to collection V 4/14/2017

The gates of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the entrance to the prosecutor's office building.

Yeltsin B.N. Gives an interview after the session of the 1st Congress of People's Deputies on May 29, 1989.

Meeting of the Congress, panorama of the hall.

Deputy Kazannik speaks from the rostrum about withdrawing his candidature to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in favor of Yeltsin.

MS Gorbachev from the place stands, Lukyanov AI sits next to him.

Deputies vote in the room.

Yeltsin gives an interview in the foyer of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.


Lieutenant-General Alexander Lebed. (1994 - 1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:36 to collection V 4/14/2017

Minister of Defense Grachev P.S. Speaks at the meeting.

Map of military operations in the Caucasus region.

Lieutenant-General Lebed AI Among the participants of the meeting.

General Lebed observes the actions of the units and the results of the shooting at the command and observation post during the exercises.

General Lebed talks with the driver-mechanic of the combat vehicle of the landing force (BMD).

General view of the hall of the Congress of Russian Communities.

Lebed AI Speaks from the rostrum.


Interview about Vladislav Listiev. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:28:29 to collection V 4/14/2017

Konstantin Ernst recalls the joint work with Vladislav Listiev, speaks about his contribution to the creation of Public Russian Television and other television projects, his human qualities.

Andrei Razbash speaks about the work of Vladislav Listiev in the television company VID, his relations with colleagues and other people, about the circle of contacts between Listyev, his friends and his ability to make friends, and the projects he has been working on.

Andrei Razbash remembers the last weeks of Liszt's life, talks about his intention to continue his television projects and plans for the ORT channel.

Caring for a homeless elderly woman. (1996 - 1997)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:24:40 to collection V 4/14/2017

An elderly woman Anna Kuzminichna says that she lives in a mother and child room at the Kazan station in Moscow.

Storekeeper Valentina Tishina talks about the care of the station's employees about Anna Kuzminichna, speaks about the need for caring for the elderly (synchronously).

Anna Kuzminichna and the storekeeper Silence sit on chairs near the wall in the reception room of the mother and child.

The nurse of the mother and child room, Zhanna Kulikova, talks about her job duties, about helping Anna Kuzminichna.

The face of Anna Kuzminichna (large).

Nurse Zhanna Kulikova writes in the book the data of the passport of the mother and child of the passenger who turned to the room.

Anna Kuzminichna sits on a chair by the wall.


Conflict of Zhirinovsky VV And Nemtsov B.E. During the filming of the telecast. (1995)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:21:58 to collection V2 4/14/2017

Chairman of the LDPR Zhirinovsky VV And accompanying persons go to the studio to participate in the TV program "One on One".

Make-up artist Nemtsov B.E. To the record in the telecast, Nemtsov's face (large).

Zhirinovsky and presenter Alexander Lyubimov in the studio before the broadcast.

Nemtsov enters the studio, greets the presenter.

The participants of the telecast are getting ready for the air.

Sound engineers behind the console, Nemtsov behind the glass studio, behind the scenes Lyubimov announces the beginning of the transfer, presents the guests (synchronously).

The faces of the staff of the studio, recording the transfer, behind the scenes the voice of Zhirinovsky, speaking of the events in Budennovsk (sounds synchronous).
