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Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3022

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:11:40 to collection F 2/18/2016

India - Indira Gandhi signed an agreement on economic aid BangladeshIndiya - 5th general election in the Assembly states and two Union Territories.

India - Religious holiday to honor the end of spring in Manipur.

Romania - Visit N.Chaushesku markets and shopping centers in Bucharest.

Reporting in the spring Bucharest.

France, England - A referendum in France on the occasion of the entry of the four countries in the "common market".

Brandt's arrival in London, and his meeting with Heath.

North Korea - the 322nd session of the Military Armistice Commission in Panmenyamone.


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4575

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:13 to collection F 2/18/2016

Bulgaria - Meeting T. Zhivkov in Sofia after his visit to Tunisia and Mauritania.

Photo shots of these countries. m / sheet no.

Bulgaria - Exhibition of young musicians devoted to the forthcoming Party Congress XI. m / sheet no.

Bulgaria - Festival of Political Song "Alen Mak" in Blagoevgrad. m / sheet no.

Bulgaria - International Congress for the Study of the experience of industrialization in Bulgaria.

In the hall, delegates 8 developing countries in Asia and Africa, UNIDO and organizations at the UN.

Bulgaria - The solemn meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the art studio "CIF".


Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4555

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:10:18 to collection F 2/18/2016

England - London.

Nelson Monument.

Celebrating the 170th anniversary of the victory of the British fleet under Admiral Nelson at Cape Trafalgar.

On the ship, where he was wounded Nelson - laying a wreath on the deck.

USA - American film star Elizabeth Taylor and actor Richard Burton travel by helicopter. E. Taylor and R.Barton in Kruger National Reserve (Africa) - fly in a helicopter over the territory of the reserve. E. Taylor stroking the little zhirafenka.

Uganda, Zaire - Expedition of Polish scientists to the origins of the Nile in order to study water tanks Africa.

Ethiopia - Technical Support Centre for assistance to victims of natural disasters, organized by the German specialists in Ethiopia.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3248

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:07:55 to collection F 2/18/2016

Czechoslovakia - Preparations for the opening of the exhibition "50 years of the USSR" in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - The meeting of the members of the Presidium of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, headed by J. Korczak with the commanders and soldiers of the Central Group of Soviet Forces in Milovice.

Czechoslovakia - Meeting devoted's Month of the Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship Society, a chemical plant behalf of the Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship in tinned-in-Bridge.

Czechoslovakia - The opening of a new theater in the new House of Culture of Trade Unions of the plant "Spolana Neratovice."

Present members of the Central Group of Soviet troops (the 50th anniversary of the USSR).

Czechoslovakia - Philatelic exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union in Prague.

Czechoslovakia - Opening of the Soviet scientific books in Bratislava. (On the 50th anniversary of the USSR).


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 2960

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:11:14 to collection F 2/18/2016

Yugoslavia - The meeting of the Presidium of the UCC was chaired by L. Kolishevskogo.

Czechoslovakia - Prague Regional Conference of the Union of Socialist Youth.

Czechoslovakia - Exhibition of works by students of Soviet vocational schools in Slovakia.

East Germany - The 7th National Art Exhibition in Berlin.

Bulgaria - The War and the liberation mission of the Russian people in the chart.

Germany - "Fasting - Juniors' - Youth (teens) works at the post office and having fun.

Germany - School children in the classroom.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2283

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:09:50 to collection F 2/18/2016

Cambodia - Cambodia coup.

Israel - The teachings of the Israeli army.

Cambodia - The heightened status in the country after the coup.

Cambodia - The hostilities.

USA, West Berlin - Protests against U.S. aggression in Cambodia.

France - May Day demonstration in Paris.

France - Demonstration in Paris against the U.S. aggression in Cambodia.


Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2071

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News, 13 footages, Duration: 0:10:58 to collection F 2/18/2016

France - Military amphibious vehicles and tanks in Satori.

GDR - Press conference in Adlershof.

USA - Visit Kiesinger in the United States.

Meeting with U.Tanom and Nixon.

USA - Kiesinger meeting with Nixon.

Germany - Speech Kiesinger (during his campaign trip) on a traditional holiday in Waldshut.

USA - Meeting astronauts "Apollo 11" in New York.


Foreign newsreels 1971 № 2572

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:41 to collection F 2/18/2016

Germany - Inter-District Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Germany in Munich.

GDR - New Alexanderplatz and the historic Neptune Fountain in Berlin.

Germany - a story that tells of the air pollution in cities.

Mauritania and others - visit of French President Georges Pompidou.

France - Laying a wreath at the grave of General Ferry, a prominent scientist in the field of radio.

France - "European Week of the heart" - splitting the production of plutonium and cardiac stimulant in nuclear chemistry lab.

Foreign newsreels 1969 № 2088

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:07:36 to collection F 2/18/2016

England (North

Ireland) - Clashes Protestants and Catholics.

USA - A solemn meeting of astronauts 'Apollo 11' in New York City.

Belgium and Western.

Berlin. - Meeting astronauts "Apollo 11" in Brussels and in West.




Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6098

Title image

News, 1 part to collection F 2/18/2016

Yugoslavia - Tito meeting with Portuguese President Eanes.


Yugoslavia - Tito meeting with Secretary General of the Communist Party of France, J. March.

Yugoslavia - Tito takes the World Bank president Robert McNamara and President of the Palestinian National Council H. Fehuma

Yugoslavia - The new issue of the Military Academy in Belgrade.

Yugoslavia - The final competition at the European Cup in Athletics.

