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Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6453

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:10:32 to collection F 2/9/2016

Bulgaria – T. Zhivkov meets with athletes (before the trip of the NRB athletes to Moscow for the XXII Olympic Games).

Bulgaria – International Ballet Competition.

Poland – Polish Olympians, track and field athletes Elzbieta Kravchuk and Urshulya Kelyanovna, training.

Yugoslavia – Graduation of the Military Academy of Ground Forces, presentation of awards to the best students, a solemn parade.

GDR – Waste paper, waste paper processing at the pulp mill, mechanization and automation in the workshop, finished paper, Golsen-Technits enterprise.

GDR – Rugby match.

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6465

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

USA - A young white shark is released into the wild.

USA - Residents of Washington State are protesting against the use of DDT to destroy weeds.

USA, Washington - John Anderson names the former governor of Wisconsin as his Democratic vice-presidential candidate.

USA - Tennis, H. Mandlikova (Czechoslovakia) becomes the winner of the Volvo Cup competition.

Syria, Damascus - The Ethiopian Foreign Minister is in talks with the Syrian President.

Zambia, Lusaka - The Ministers of Tanzania, China and Zambia discuss problems on the Tanzania-Zambia railway built by China.

USA, Middleburg - President Carter and Ronald Reagan comment on the issue of tax cuts.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6467

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News, 19 footages, Duration: 0:28:21 to collection F 2/9/2016

USA, Alabama - Labor Day rallies coincide with the start of the official presidential election campaign.

Egypt, Cairo - Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali speaks at a meeting of the National Assembly, accuses US President Carter of trying to revive the protracted negotiations on the Middle East for the purposes of the election campaign; August 30.

Pakistan, Islamabad - Visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of the DPRK to the President of Pakistan Zia-ul-Haq.

India, New Delhi - A group of Muslims is protesting against Pakistan's instigation of unrest in northern India.

Ivory Coast, Abidjan - Opening of the Pan-African Conference on Shipping.

Bangladesh, Dhaka - Hundreds of people die during floods.

Portugal - Meeting of the leaders of the socialist parties of Spain and Portugal.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6469

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

Egypt - a Meeting of U.S. special envoy S. Linowitz with President Sadat.


Israel - Meeting the special U.S. envoy to the middle East S. Linowitz with the Prime Minister of Israel Menachem begin.


Japan - Testing of a tanker using wind energy.

Hong Kong table tennis championship on the world Cup.

Kenya - the story of the world expedition "Operation Drake", the study of animal migration.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6470

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

USA, New York – USA Open Tennis Championship.

China, Beijing - Resignation of Prime Minister Hua Guo Feng.

Bangladesh, Dhaka - The consequences of the flood, which left millions of people homeless.

Iran - A rally on the anniversary of the revolution, President Banisadr speaks.

El Salvador - Political unrest in San Salvador, filmed: a burning tavern, firefighters extinguish a fire, a body at a restaurant, a bomb under a bus.

Holland, Amsterdam - Police evict families who illegally moved into the house; September 8.

Lebanon, Beirut - A PLO spokesman says the U.S. will support Israeli aggression, regardless of the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6471

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

Iran, Tehran-Ayatollah Beheshti's press conference, he says that a new Cabinet will be elected soon.

China-The trial of employees of the Ministry of Oil, who were responsible for the death of 72 people on a drilling rig in the sea.

USA-Open Tennis Championship.

Spain, Madrid-Opening of the third Conference on Security in Europe.

England, London-A photo exhibition about the mistreatment of the Paraguayan Indians by Christian missionaries.

Greece, Dio-Archaeological excavations in Macedonia; September 7.

Japan, Tokyo-International Table Tennis Tournament.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6472

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

Nicaragua - A special story about the former President of Nicaragua A. Somoza, newsreel 1978-1979.

Venezuela - International Boxing Championship.

Germany - International equestrian competitions (trotting).

Germany - Preparation of NATO troops for the "Spearpoint" maneuvers; September 15.

Jordan, Amman - Chinese Vice Premier Ji Peng Fei arrives for a five-day official visit.

USA - A story about the growth of crime in Miami.

Spain, Madrid - The Third Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, filmed: Congress Palace, Soviet delegates, GDR delegates.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6369

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:02 to collection F 2/9/2016

Hungary - Special Edition ,, dedicated to the memory of the poet-fighter Attila Jozsef (the 75th anniversary).

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6370

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:26 to collection F 2/9/2016

Europe, Austria - Special edition of "the Republic of Austria 25 years."

May 1980

Captured: The political situation in Europe, on the eve of the anniversary of Austria.

Meeting LI Brezhnev Giscard d'Estaing in Warsaw.

Newsreel 1955 .: The Vienna agreement.

NATO - session.

Vienna, Spring 1980 - Various embassies, meetings, etc.

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6374

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News, 1 part to collection F 2/9/2016

Austria - Workshop "artist" Franz Thurber.

Captured: The man at the dump selects various items.

In the workshop on fabric glues and nails different found in a landfill, trash. "Painting" - a collage.