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The signing of the Treaty of Versailles. (1918 - 1919)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:39 to collection A 2/5/2016

View revolutionary meeting in Berlin in November 1918 (top).

People at the demonstration on the streets of Berlin.

Soldiers of the German Red Guard on duty.

Type of Berlin streets.

The wall of the building, partially destroyed during the street fighting with government forces in January 1919.

View of a street in Berlin (above), people go to the demonstration.

Sculpture of a lion.


New cars AMO-VMS. (1931)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:36 to collection A 2/5/2016

The front of the new truck, issued by the AMO-VMS. A truck came down the assembly line, with a greeting on the door of the cabin.

Factory workers are at the passenger bus, released the plant and donated by the newspaper "Pravda".

The front of the bus.

The inscription on board the bus.

People stand at the bus.

The wheel of the bus.

People are standing in the back of a new truck before leaving the assembly shop of the plant.


The coming to power of the Nazi Party in Germany. (1921 - 1933)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:04 to collection A 2/5/2016

It is flying the Nazi flag with a swastika.

A. Hitler's face view of one of the banners of the NSDAP. Reichswehr veterans march in Berlin in 1921.

Panorama of the Nazi rally (above).

J. Goebbels speaking at a meeting with a speech.

The demonstrators raise their hands in a Nazi salute.

Members of one of the events of the Nazi Hitler greet passes.

Speaker Goebbels.


The war in Europe. (1939 - 1940)

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Footage, 8 footages, Duration: 0:30:35 to collection A 2/5/2016

Geneva Conference of 1928, view of the conference room.

The signing of the Briand-Kellogg Pact.

The signing of the Munich Agreements of 1938.

The agreement is signed by J. Ribbentrop.

Brian A. speaks at the rostrum of the Geneva Conference of 1928.

The conference participants applaud.

Brian comes down from the podium.


Handing Brezhnev LI Order of the "Victory". (1978)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:37 to collection A 2/5/2016

Suslov, MA Kremlin says congratulatory speech on the occasion of awarding LI Brezhnev Order of the "Victory" (synchronously), listen to the speech Brezhnev Suslov, looking around.

Suslov attaches to the front tunic Brezhnev Order of the "Victory".

Suslov congratulates Brezhnev present applauded.

Brezhnev reads the text of the acceptance speech.

Military hear Brezhnev.

Chernenko KI and member of the Politburo of Brezhnev listen to it.

Brezhnev makes a speech, holding a text, the table is Suslov, behind - DF Ustinov, Andropov Y.


Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. (1937)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:34 to collection A 2/5/2016

General view of the entrance to one of the polling stations in Moscow.

People go to the polling station.

The street is a brass band behind him are students.

OY Schmidt goes to a polling station.

People come to the door of the polling station.

Interior view of the polling station, people come to the table to obtain the ballots.

Sailor gets newsletter.


Military aviation. (1983 - 1985)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:28 to collection A 2/5/2016

Plebe Syzran Higher Military Aviation School during a school trip to the museum.

Students listen to the story of the officer conducting the tour.

Photos that reflect the daily life of the school, on the walls of the museum, models of helicopters hanging from the ceiling.

A wall with pictures of college graduates who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Past the wall across the room and held the officer cadet, they greet each other under the Charter.

Attack helicopters at the airport, the crew of one of the helicopters is on the airfield.

Crew members on the go discuss last flight.


The February Revolution in Moscow. (1917)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:29 to collection A 2/5/2016

Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Soldiers' Deputies.

People on the street reading a message the abdication of Nicholas II and Mikhail Romanov on the throne.

Revolutionary soldiers climb into the truck.

The soldiers sit in a truck.

Soldiers stand in cordon in front of the yard Butyrskaya.

General view of the wall Butyrskaya.

She speaks at a rally soldier.


Opening session of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR. (1946)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:05 to collection A 2/5/2016

General view of the conference room and the session of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR. The deputies in the courtroom.

The face of one of the deputies.

The oldest deputy of the Majilis of the professor opens the session.

Majilis a speech in the Lithuanian language, off-screen sounds Russian translation (synchronous).

The deputies of the Mazhilis are listening.

Those deputies.

Mazhilis continues his speech (synchronously).


Pskov-Ostrovskaya offensive of Soviet troops. (1944)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:37 to collection A 2/5/2016

Artillery officer gives the command to open fire on the enemy.

Soviet artillery fire.

Breaks shells on enemy positions.

Artillery firing.

Trunks of shooting guns.

Gunner opens the breech, the barrel sleeve flies.

Artillery firing.
