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Yuri Kuklachev interviews. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:18 to collection S1 2/5/2016

The foyer of the theater cats Kuklacheva.

Yuri Kuklachev in clown makeup holding the hands of a cat is about the theater.

Meeting of veterans in the theater Square on May 9. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:23 to collection S 2/5/2016

Theatre Square.

WWII veterans meet with brother.

Veterans talk about tradition meet at the Bolshoi Theater.

Among the veterans, General Alexander Lebed.

People sing and dance.

Columns theater decorated with St.

George ribbon.

Hope Mikhalkov, interviews. (2001)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:44 to collection S2 2/5/2016

Pleasure boats, evening.

Window view Hotel Baltschug Kempinski.

Hope Mikhalkov in evening dress sits at a table.

Hope Mikhalkov talks about his dress.

Zharikov Andrey Dmitrievich, interviews. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:17 to collection S2 2/5/2016

The Central House of Writers.

A.D.Zharikov talks about literary prizes to writers - veterans.

Red Square, a concert May 9. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:08 to collection S1 2/5/2016

Red Square.

On the stage at the Historical Museum's group "Walk the field."

The entire area is filled with people.

Children dance.

View of the building of GUM, St.

Basil's Cathedral, the Mausoleum.

View of the jubilant crowd on the square with a bandstand.

st.Ilinka. (1996)

Title image

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:19 to collection S1 2/5/2016

Ilinka Street are pedestrians.

The building of the Central Election Russian Federation with a sign.

Gorky Park. (1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:37 to collection S1 2/5/2016

Roundabout at the entrance to the park.

Children whirl on the carousel.

Children's folk group dance on stage.

Adults and children sit on benches.

Pond with catamarans.

People walk through the alleys of the park.



Yuri Levitsky, interviews. (1996)

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Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:00:55 to collection S1 2/5/2016

Yuri Levitsky tells about the pageant, "Comrade movie."

Anatoly Lysenko, interviews. (1996)

Title image

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:19 to collection S2 2/5/2016

TV hall, workers dismantled the scenery.

Anatoly Lysenko, who was awarded the Order of Friendship gives an interview, he talks about the RTR.

Yuri Luzhkov, the teacher of the year. (1996)

Title image

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:18 to collection S2 2/5/2016

The annual presentation of prizes "Teacher of the Year."

Lyudmila Gurchenko awards the "Teacher of the Year", Yuri Luzhkov.