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Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5975

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:11:30 to collection F 1/2/2015

Mongolia is the 50th anniversary of the organization of Mongolian writers.

Tsedenbal gives orders to writers and poets.

Exhibition of books dedicated to the anniversary of the organization. 6th Congress of Writers of the MPR.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5979

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:02:45 to collection F 1/2/2015

Netherlands - Strange events: Sitting on the pillars.

Someone who peresidit?

The winners had spent on poles more than 50 hours.

Contest: who quickly climbs on the pole for the envelope with the win.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5980

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Czechoslovakia - Special Issue newsreel about figure skating.

From: Prints with images of people on skates.

Frames old news: people on a skating rink.

Start of Figure Skating 1894 - Skaters.

International championships, skaters Czechoslovakia in 50-60-70 years to the present day.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5982

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:08:04 to collection F 1/2/2015

Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the nine countries of the EEC in Paris.

To the Palace on Avenue Kleber approaching cars.

The heads of state are in the hall for a meeting.

Chaired by French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing.

Meeting (say overall monetary system for the EEC).

Press Conference.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5983

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Sri Lanka-Television.

Uganda - the search for the bodies of the victims.

US, new York-Iran's Representative Rouhani speaks on US television, justifying death sentences handed down by revolutionary courts.

Israel, Jerusalem-Six Palestinian guerrillas killed by Israeli soldiers during a RAID; an Israeli bus blown up by a Palestinian bomb.

Uganda-Worshippers flock to Easter mass.

Uganda-Tanzanian troops are moving East toward Jinja, and President Yusuf Lule is meeting with religious leaders in Kampala.

Iran, Tehran-Easter Celebration in the Armenian Church.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5984

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Uganda - The new president of Uganda Lule said in an interview that he intends to win the trust of Ugandans, adhering to neutrality towards the right and left political wing. (Synchronous)

England - Demonstration of a new kind of horseshoes for horses.


India - stop working industry due to lack of energy.

East Bengal

England - Championship cycling the British Isles.



Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6012

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Iran, Tehran – Voters take part in a referendum in support of the Islamic Republic.

USA – Report on a case at a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, a radiation leak.

Germany – A demonstration in protest against the decision to create a nuclear dump in Hanover, on the border with the GDR.

Laos – A special report on the start of construction of the Nam Sung dam on the Mekong, the dam is designed for flood protection and irrigation purposes.

Lebanon, Beirut – A rally in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the Baath Party and the 10th anniversary of the Arab Liberation Front.

Syria – Demonstration of Syrians against Egyptian President Sadat and the separate treaty between Egypt and Israel.

Malta, Valletta – Celebrating the departure of the last contingent of British troops from Malta, the former military base of England for many decades.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6015

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Uganda - The onset of the Tanzanian army in Arua.

Lebanon - The UN Commission on Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories meets with Prime Minister of Lebanon.


USA - Chronicle article about the famous Hollywood star Mary Pickford. (Memorial plot in connection with her death).

Newsreel 1919-1937

Israel - Football.

Tel Aviv


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6016

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Poland - Visit of Pope John Paul II.

Nicaragua - Dictator Anastasio Somoza's press conference, he accuses Costa Rica of encouraging guerrilla activities against Nicaragua.

France, Paris - Tennis.

Venezuela, Caracas - Municipal elections, the government party wins.

Greece, Athens - The ashes of opera singer Maria Callas were taken to the sea and scattered to the wind.

France, Longvi - A protest demonstration against the construction of nuclear power plants.

Pakistan - Afghan refugees in a border town.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6017

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Poland - Pope John Paul II visiting the place of her birth and former Nazi concentration camps.

Sudan - Ugandan refugee Camp in KAU.

The Pakistan Camp of Afghan refugees in Miranshah.

Japan - gymnastics.


Sudan - Interview with President of southern Sudan (he claims that Tanzanian troops have committed more terrible atrocities than the troops of Amin).

Uganda - Kampala after release.
