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Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6046

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News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:11:31 to collection F 1/2/2015

Hungary - Visit of Leonid Brezhnev in Budapest.

Solemn meeting at the airport.

Travel around the city.

The laying of wreaths at the monument to fallen soldiers-anti-fascists and the monument to Soviet soldiers.

Negotiations with the government of Hungary.

The award - order of the October revolution - the factory "Red Csepel".

Brezhnev visits a kindergarten in Budapest.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6047

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Germany - the Hanover fair.

General plans from the top point.



Automation printing and copying.

Microstate devices, etc.

The Netherlands - Transport of marine mammals in special tanks the orcas are loaded into airplanes for shipment to the United States.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6054

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Indonesia, Bali-Meeting of foreign Ministers of Southeast Asia and Western powers to discuss the refugee problem.

Nicaragua, Managua-Sandinistas leave the camp, bombs explode, civilians clear the streets of rubble and broken glass, barricades, the inscription on the building "children are here".

Zambia, Rhodesia-Zambian President Kaunda accuses the Rhodesian authorities of organizing raids on Lusaka to disrupt The British Commonwealth conference.

England, London-the Son of a former Ugandan President fears for his father's safety.

Thailand-camp of refugees from Kampuchea, poor conditions, lack of food.

Zaire, Shaba province-President Mobutu hosts a parade of FIA troops and awards officers.

France-Double transatlantic yacht race, the French trimaran "VSD" wins.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6057

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:27 to collection F 1/2/2015

Signing LI Brezhnev and George.

Carter in Vienna agreement on the SALT-2.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6058

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Algiers - the Visit to Algeria of President Tito of Yugoslavia.

From: City of Algeria with the top point.


President Barack Chadli meets Tito at the airport of Algeria.

Travel around the city.

The laying of wreaths at the tomb of Boumediene.

Negotiations of presidents.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6061

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Netherlands - construction (installation of 657 parts) Egyptian tower Taff to Leiden Museum. (Tower transferred to Holland for their help in saving antiquities during the construction of the Aswan Dam).

In the Leiden museum - ancient mummies.

Poland - Visit to Poland of Pope John Paul II.

From: Solemn meeting.

Directions to Warsaw.

Mass in the Cathedral of Warsaw.

Laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6062

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Syria, Damascus - Visit of the President of the Czech SSR G. Gusak, filmed: a solemn meeting at the airport, negotiations with Syrian President Assad, G. Gusak lays a wreath at the Cemetery of Martyrs.

Spain, Madrid - The aftermath of a bomb explosion in a French bank.

Iraq, Baghdad - French Prime Minister Raymond Barr arrives in Iraq on a 3-day visit, a solemn meeting at the airport.

Spain, Lerena - Mummified remains found in the tower of a medieval church.

India, Delhi - Demonstration in front of the parliament building demanding to ensure the safety of minorities.

Turkey, Istanbul - Transport, cars at gas stations, lack of fuel.

Zambia, Lusaka - Interview with President Kaunda about the Patriotic Front struggle.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6063

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Lebanon - Funeral (?).

Nicaragua - The Troops of Samosa (?).

Germany - Yacht launch at the traditional Kiel Week, yachtsmen from the USSR participate (V. Potapov).

Indonesia, Bali - Meeting of Southeast Asian Foreign Ministers, the issue of Vietnamese refugees is being considered.

Israel, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv - U.S. Special Envoy Robert Strauss is negotiating with the Israeli government on the Palestinian issue.

Bolivia - Elections in the country, the people vote, members of the government at the polling station.

United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi - Libyan Leader M. Gaddafi arrives in the UAE on an official visit.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6099

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Romania - A delegation of the Assembly of Yugoslavia in Romania.

The delegation takes Nicolae Ceausescu.

City Bucharest: streets and squares.

The delegation visited the chemical.

Combine in Ploiesti car factory in Brasov and the resort center in Polyana.

Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6100

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:04:06 to collection F 1/2/2015

Japan - Annual ceremony in memory of victims of the Nagasaki atomic bomb.

The rally in a city park in the world.

Acts mayor of Nagasaki, read a peace declaration, which refers to the responsibility of the US atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945