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Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6101

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Bulgaria - Construction youth brigade.


Brigade operates in the area of Silistra.


Rest in the evening.

Czechoslovakia - Newsreel: The construction of the railway Hronska-Dubrava-Banská Štiavnica. 1949.

Meeting with members of the youth building in 1979.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6104

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Czechoslovakia - X Summer Universiade of Czechoslovakia.


Charles University.


Competitions in various sports.

Prague: Charles Bridge.

The ancient streets of the city.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6106

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

GDR, Venice - Various bridges.

Walk through the Spreewald by boat through Berlin.

Bridges, landscapes.

Poland - Blast furnace shop at a metallurgical plant in Katowice.

Steelworkers at the stove.


Poland, Warsaw - Exhibition of paintings and graphic drawings, the General Secretary of the Communist party of Portugal Alvaro Cunhal.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6107

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:11:08 to collection F 1/2/2015

Bulgaria - The second international meeting of writers in Sofia.

From: Newsreels: 1977 - The first meeting of writers in Sofia.

Delegates in the hall.

1979 - The second meeting.

Delegates welcomed the Minister of Culture Lyudmila BNR Zhivkov.

Todor Zhivkov meets with writers.

The delegate of the Soviet Union S. Mikhalkov (interview).


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6124

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:29:58 to collection F 1/2/2015

USA - Meeting with the Ambassador S. Vance Dobrynin.

The building of the State Department.

Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin out of the building.

Vance talks to reporters. (Synchronous)


England - Former Prime Minister of Iran Bakhtiar speaks at a rally with a speech (synchronously).

Protesters in London.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6125

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Rwanda - Natural landscapes, volcano, ibises, waterfall, Lake Kivu, people go to the market, people shop at the hut, people at the bazaar, schoolchildren work in the fields.

Canada - The aftermath of a hurricane in Ontario, the area affected by the hurricane near Woodstock, filmed: residents on the ruins in search of victims, destroyed houses and uprooted trees, overturned cars, an injured cow in a field, people inspect the ruins; Woodstock: a car in the pool, a woman with a child on the ruins.

Italy, Rome - Italians stand in line for gasoline, cars at the checkpoint, a queue of cars on the highway, cars and trucks at the gas station.

Lebanon, Beirut - The first Saudi Arabian plane arrives in Beirut with aid for Palestinian refugees, a Saudi Arabian Air Force transport plane at Beirut airport, workers unload the plane, a car pulls a trolley with cargo, a Saudi representative at the car.

England - Search teams continue to search for yachts and their teams in distress during the Fastnet competition, filmed: aerial view of yachts, helicopter searches for victims in a rescue boat, a trailer towing a yacht, says the captain of the Morning Cloud, aerial view of yachts in Plymouth Bay.

Australia, Sydney - 20 thousand people participate in the annual street running competitions, runners at the start, leaders on the way, the winner at the finish line, one participant is carried on a stretcher.

Nicaragua, Managua - Famine and economic devastation threaten the country after the civil war, removed: destroyed factories and buildings, queue at the Bank of America, market, trade in goods from cars, people in the market.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 6126

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

South Africa, Johannesburg - Former British Foreign Secretary Owen speaks to students.

Taiwan-Siamese twins are separated during a 12-hour operation, filmed: bathing the twins, children in a crib, a doctor examines the twins, children on a walk, preparing for surgery, a trial operation on models, surgeons separate the twins, children in separate beds.

Portugal-Thousands of participants in the election rally of the Communist Party, communists with banners on the streets of Lisbon, exhibitions of the GDR, Romania, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at the Communist rally, Soviet and Angolan exhibitions, A. Cunhal speaks.

England, London - The Constitutional Conference on Rhodesia opens at Lancaster House, a demonstration against Ian Smith, demonstrators speak in support of Muzoreva and Smith, Lord Carrington meets Muzoreva, Smith, Nkomo, Mugabe, talks to a BBC reporter.

Ethiopia - Special report "5 years after the revolution": tanks at the imperial Palace in Addis Ababa, demonstrators, Colonel Mengistu, Brigadier Benti and Colonel Abate before the people, partisans of Western Somalia, partisans in the camp, captured weapons and tanks, captured partisans, government armored vehicles enter Keren, truck door with the hammer and sickle emblem, Mengistu awards Cuban soldiers, refugee camp, starving children, Mengistu arrives at the farm, speaks at a rally; newsreel 1974-1979.

Ethiopia - The first graduation of students of forestry courses, filmed: graduates at the school building, the head of the forestry service speaks, students receive diplomas, plant trees.

England-The reaction of the leader of the patriotic front Mugabe to the military offensive of Rhodesian troops in Mozambique, Lancaster House in London, R. Mugabe speaks, Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Muzoreva responds to a BBC reporter.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6262

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:07:53 to collection F 1/2/2015

India – Visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of the USSR A. A. Gromyko to India.

Talks with President Reddy and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6266

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

England - The effects of a severe fire in aviadepo.

Report correspondent BBC.

Weybridge, Surrey,

France - New models of clothes Cardin and slave.

Cambodia - Loads help UNICEF and the Red Cross arrive in Cambodia.

Kompong Som, Phnom Penh

Brazil - Auto racing at the Grand Prix of Brazil.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6302

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Argentina, Buenos Aires - a tennis match at the Davis Cup (USA - Argentina).

Turkey, Istanbul-The funeral of two soldiers killed during a bank robbery.

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur-Signing of the agreement on cooperation between the EEC and ASEAN, removed: the building with the flag, the delegates of Thailand, Indonesia, Belgium, England, the speech of the head of ASEAN, the signing of the agreement.

Israel, Tel Aviv-Prime Minister M. Begin and Sh.

Peres in an interview with journalists say that negotiations with the Government of Egypt on the question of Palestine will continue at the end of May.

South Africa, Cape Town-Prime Minister P. Botha's statement criticizing the apartheid electoral system, Secretary of the Council of Churches Bishop Tutu comments on the statement.

Portugal, Lisbon-Congress of the "Intersindikala" (trade union center of Portuguese workers), removed: the congress building, the applause of foreign representatives with red flowers in their hands, the speech of the leader of the "Intersindikala", voting, French representatives, delegates sing the International.
