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14961 documents,

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6355

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Greece, Athens - A delegation of Soviet women led by V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova arrives at a meeting of the Association of Women of Greece, filmed: meeting at the airfield, press conference, Tereshkova speaks.

Syria, Damascus - Visit of Bulgarian President T. Zhivkov, filmed: meeting at the airport, Zhivkov's conversation with President Assad, Zhivkov at the grave of the Unknown Soldier.

Zimbabwe - Special report in connection with the declaration of independence of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, filmed: London, documents are signed by Muzoreva, Lord Carrington, Mugabe, Nkomo, Governor Lord Soames talks with guerrilla leaders, Nkomo's return from exile, turn to vote, Mugabe listens to the results of the vote, village, work in the field; 1979-1980.

El Salvador, San Salvador - Demonstration of Salvadoran students against American influence in the country, filmed: students at the university building, an effigy of "Uncle Sam" hangs on the building, the Secretary General of the Revolutionary Movement of the University speaks, students burn the American flag.

Portugal – Demonstration of farmers' protest against the government policy of agrarian reforms, A. Cunhal speaks.

France, Paris - Conference of the Communist Parties of Europe for Peace and Disarmament.

Syria, Damascus - Bulgarian President T. Zhivkov at a youth rally, filmed: Assad and Zhivkov rise to the podium, the presidents are presented with flowers, Assad speaks.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6356

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

GDR - Meeting of young people from Berlin with young fighters from Nicaragua.


Sings Diego Aguirre.

The hospital in the GDR, in the treatment of the wounded from Nicaragua.

GDR - Aerial view of ponds for the study of water pollution sludge (using multispectral camera type "MKF-6").

GDR - Channel Danube-Main-Rhine.

Reconstruction of gateways.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6357

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

City in Japan.

Traffic on the bridge.

School students walking down the street.


Smoke a pipe.

Launch a probe to study air pollution.

Air samples.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6358

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News, 5 footages, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection F 1/2/2015

Hungary - Port

Mexico - Mexico City.

Streets, squares and monuments.

Report of the city.



The ancient capital of the Aztecs Teotikuagan: pyramid, dedicated to the gods of the sun and the moon.


Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6359

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:18 to collection F 1/2/2015

Czechoslovakia - Special issue on the construction of the Prague metro.

Newsreel on the construction of the subway in the USSR.

Construction of the metro in Budapest, Bucharest, Berlin and Warsaw.

Foreign newsreels 1980 № 6360

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:23 to collection F 1/2/2015

Special issue about the lack of energy on finding energy resources.


Stream of cars on the street.

The extraction of natural resources.

Miners at work.

Remote control power plant.

View of the city from the sea.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5965

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Kenya-invading Ugandan troops prepare to strike Kampala, Ugandan refugees.

Taiwan-training athletes for the Olympic games.

England-Violent demonstrations by Pakistanis in Birmingham.

England-Funeral of Northern Ireland conservative Airey neave, who was killed by a bomb outside the Parliament building.

USA, Detroit-Boeing Crash on landing.

Spain-the French Consulate in San Sebastian, destroyed by a bomb.

Thailand, Bangkok-the Visit of the President of Bangladesh, major Ziaur Rahman to Thailand, he is met by king Bhumibol.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5966

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News, 1 part to collection F 1/2/2015

Kenya, Nairobi-The Charge d'affaires of Sudan denies reports that Sudanese troops protected President Amin in Uganda.

USA, Washington-President Carter comments on the treaty between Israel and Egypt and calls the signing of the treaty the beginning, Sadat and Begin also comment on the treaty.

Syria, Damascus-The PLO sends delegations to different countries to express disagreement with the Egyptian-Israeli separate agreement.

Poland-North-western districts flooded as a result of flooding, evacuation of villagers.

Uganda, Tanzania - The Uganda National Liberation Front is proposing an alternative government for Uganda.

Zambia, Lusaka-The leader of the Rhodesian nationalists, Joshua Nkomo, calls on his guerrilla forces to intensify attacks on Rhodesian objects.

Vatican City-The Pope holds a weekly audience in St.


Foreign newsreels 1979 № 5971

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:07:31 to collection F 1/2/2015

Yugoslavia - Growing vegetables in special greenhouses in soils with organic composition.

Poland-Yoga classes at the Wroclaw Center of Culture.

Gymnastics class.

Bulgaria-New edition of "Balkankar" in 1979

Removed: New car models.


Shop floor.


Farewell to the SM Kirov. (1934)

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Footage, 4 footages, Duration: 0:09:20 to collection A 1/1/2015

Funeral ribbon with the inscription: "Stalin."

Man and woman in the guard of honor at the coffin of Kirov.

SM Kirov in a coffin in the Hall of Columns.

Stalin IV in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Stalin and Kaganovich LM in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Stalin and Zhdanov AA in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Zhdanov in the honor guard.
