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Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2395

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Japan - stay of the delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR headed by YS Nasriddinov in Tokyo.

Bulgaria - By 1130-th anniversary of the birth of the Bulgarian enlightener Kliment Ohridski.

Poland - The plot of the popular photo magazines "Perspectives".

Poland - "Month of Memory" - Performance "Auschwitz Oratorio."

Sculptures of People's Artist Stashaka at Auschwitz.

Antiwar exhibition of works by artists of the socialist countries in Warsaw.

Czechoslovakia - Rewarding newspaper "Rude Pravo" and journalists in connection with the 50th anniversary of the newspaper.

Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2396

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

USA - the Official film about being in the Pentagon national Military command center of the United States, the global coordination of military operations.

USA - the Loading of containers of nerve gas on a ship to flooding.

USA - Ship with nerve gas escapes from the port to the site of the sinking in the Atlantic ocean.

USA - the Sinking of the ship with nerve gas.

USA - the Trial of a giant transport plane "C-5 Galax" on the capacity of a military base in North Carolina.

USA - the Successful launch of the second missile "Poseidon."

USA - testing the new Rover "Twister" in the winter in Alaska.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2398

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Cambodia - Government and Saigon troops retake the town of Kompong Spee.

Cambodia - Road No. 1 connecting Phnom Penh with Saigon is occupied by government troops.

Cambodia, South Vietnam - American tanks and armored personnel carriers leave Cambodia, girls from the American Red Cross greet soldiers in Saigon.

Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2402

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Israel - The reaction to the news early ceasefire in the Middle East.

Jordan - The bridge across the Jordan River after the ceasefire.

OAR - After the ceasefire, journalists visiting the ruined Suez and Port Tawfiq.

United States (UN) - Statement of Secretary of State Rogers on the negotiations for a peaceful settlement in the Middle East.

Japan, the U.S. and others - Annalistic material of 1941-1945 (the twenty-fifth anniversary of Japan's surrender).

Japan - The funeral ceremony in Hiroshima in the twenty-fifth anniversary of the atomic bomb.

Germany - Foreign Minister Brandt V.Sheel reports about his talks AA Gromyko in Moscow.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2403

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News, 14 footages, Duration: 0:21:02 to collection F 6/8/2014

Kenya - Meeting of the Presidents of Kenya and Uganda to discuss the possible sale of arms England South Africa.

United States (UN) - Statement by a representative of England at the meeting of the Security Council concerning the possible sale of arms England South Africa.

Japan; U.S. - By the 25th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima - The material Annalistic 1945-1967 period.

OAR - Nasser on management meeting of the Arab Socialist Union.

OAR - Foreign Minister of M. Riad with ambassadors of ten Arab States in Cairo.

Lebanon - Press - conference leader of the PFLP.

U.S. - Meeting the President of Finland U.Kekkonena Nixon at the White House.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2407

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News, 13 footages, Duration: 0:21:42 to collection F 6/8/2014

Jordan - King Hussein Reiterates its demand for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from all occupied territories.

Jordan - Statement by Arafat's Palestinian students at a conference in Amman.

Jordan - Visiting delegates congress Palestinian students of the hospital and refugee camps.

Jordan - Fighting between Palestinian guerrillas and the royal troops in the area of ​​the Palestinian refugee camps in Suhrcke.

And more.

Jordan - Bridge Damiya, Jordanian authorities closed during fighting with Palestinian guerrillas.

Jordan - Palestinian guerrillas are preparing to defend the border town of Ramtha the Jordanian army.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2408

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:00:35 to collection F 6/8/2014

Poland, GDR, Czechoslovakia 20 anniversary of the signing of the agreement about the border along the Oder-Neisse.

Bulgaria - September 9, 1970, the 26th anniversary of the victory.

Bulgaria - Anniversary in the city of Ruse.

Bulgaria - the Opening of the monument to the heroes Pornographische guerrilla group.

Bulgaria - the Opening of the monument to fallen anti-fascists from the village Lokorsko, there is Todor Zhivkov.

GDR - the Former concentration camp Stukenbrock, memorial cemetery, the rally at the monument to Soviet prisoners of war.

Romania - Mobutu Visit, a meeting with N. Ceausescu, the exchange of national orders, negotiations, factory visits.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2409

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - Reception by the President of the Freedom of the delegation of workers of the coal industry and more.

Czechoslovakia - New primator (head town) of Prague.

Czechoslovakia - the 125th anniversary of the arrival in Prague of the first train from Olomouc.

Czechoslovakia - New village Koruna in Moravia.

Traditional wedding etc.

Czechoslovakia - Ancient city Kezmarok.

New residential districts.


Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2410

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Poland - On the metallurgical plant "Bobrek".

Foreign newsreels 1970 № 2412

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News, 8 footages, Duration: 0:12:34 to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - Report from Bratislava. (Tourist story).

GDR - Scene from "room" (pilot) ensemble "Cattle to the slaughter" of the West website.

Romania - The beginning of the new academic year in school.

Bulgaria - The first day of school.

New school campuses.

Bulgaria - Visit of President of India VV Giri.

Bulgaria - The visit of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkey Suleyman Demirel.
