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Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5093

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Belgium - NATO meeting, speech by US Vice President W. Mondale with a promise to increase US allocations to NATO.

USA - Energy crisis, the city of Denton in Ohio, the plant is inactive, the General Motors plant, closed shops, residents on the streets.

USA - Figure skiing.

Spain, Madrid - The president of the Supreme Council of Military Justice E. Quilis Villaescusa was abducted, filmed: police at the Villaescusa house, journalists are being interviewed, officers get out and get into cars.

Spain, Madrid - Spain after Franco's death, filmed: Spanish Cortes, members of the Franco parliament are sitting, people at a strip club, the leader of the People's Party of the Commonwealth (anti-communists) Fraga on the hunt, an interview with the leader of the "right" Arielza, says Fraga.

Spain, Madrid - The "Committee of Nine", representatives of opposition parties begin negotiations with the government, filmed: the house of Spanish Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez, opposition leaders pose for a photographer and talk to journalists.

Spain, Pamplona - Interior Minister Rudolfo Villa visits the Basque province in order to ease tensions, filmed: Villa in the car, rally at the city hall, Villa speaks at a press conference.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5094

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Spain, Guecho - Basque demonstration for the official recognition of the Basque flag.

Spain, Madrid – Demonstrators clash with the police.

Spain, Madrid – A police car at the office of a communist lawyer, machine-gunned the day before; five people were killed; the Palace of Justice, the people at the building, the beginning of the funeral procession.

Spain, Madrid – Mass funeral of those killed in the shelling of the office of communist lawyers.

Spain, Madrid – Funeral of communist lawyers, strikes after the funeral, closed enterprises, construction sites.

South Africa – The famous American singer Johnny Mathis in the South African reservation.

GDR – GDR border posts on the border with West Berlin.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5097

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

USSR, Moscow-The American television company NBC signs a contract for the exclusive rights of the United States to broadcast on television the Olympic Games-80 in Moscow.

Japan-The opening of the trial of former Prime Minister Tanaka on bribery charges.

Lebanon-Arab peacekeeping troops occupy ports used for smuggling during the Civil War.

Finland - European Figure Skating Championships in Helsinki.

France, Paris-Georges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture.

Removed: the center of them.

Pompidou, escalator in a glass-enclosed tunnel, view from the window, workers cleaning the floor, exhibition of modern paintings and sculptures, library.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5102

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Germany - Newsreels: February 1952.

The debate in the Bundestag Bonn a "new weapons."

Demonstrations of workers against weapons.

Says Chancellor Adenauer (synchronously).

The discussion about the introduction of Germany in the European Economic Community.

Speaker is the President of the Bundestag Ehlers.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5104

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - the 15th festival of Czech films in Bratislava.

Film posters.

Preparatory work in the new House of Cinema.

Czechoslovakia - New translational station in Eastern Slovakia.

Testing a new radio center near Kosice.

Czechoslovakia - a new sewing machine without thread: "welding" tissue ultrasound.

Demonstration of a new machine.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5106

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:29:44 to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - Material on Ludwig Freedom.

Cor. 1 - Newsreel 1945-1950.: End of war.


Freedom postwar activity.

Family Freedom.

Son Miroslav (photo).

Notice of the death of Miroslav in Mauthausen.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5114

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Bulgaria - Hero of Socialist Labor K. Jati at the bench.

Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5115

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Bulgaria steel mill.

Yugoslavia - the visit of the delegation of Zimbabwe, headed by the leader of the African people's Union D. Nkomo in Yugoslavia, government talks.

Yugoslavia - the visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of Greece D. Bitsize in Yugoslavia, negotiations with the D. biedichem.

Yugoslavia session of the Assembly of Yugoslavia, the army General ljubičić.

Mourning a moment of silence - farewell to D. biedichem.

Bulgaria - General Secretary of the Communist party of Chile, Luis Corvalan comes to Sofia, meeting at the airport, the people welcomed L. Corvalan.

A reception at T. Zhivkov, awarding L. Corvalan order of Dimitrov.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5120

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:48 to collection F 6/8/2014

England - The plot of the Queen of England - Elizabeth II (in connection with the 25th anniversary of her accession to the throne).

Newsreel 1952: Coronation of Elizabeth, footage of the visit of Elizabeth on the throne and its activities.

England - London: streets, squares, reporting on the city.

Hyde Park.


Changing of the guard at the Palace of Westminster.


Foreign newsreels 1977 № 5123

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

USA, New York - Athletics competitions.

Cuba - A chronicle story about Fidel Castro, newsreel 1958-1976.

New Zealand, Auckland - Davis Cup Tennis Match.

India, Delhi - Funeral of the President of India Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.

Lebanon, Beirut - UN Secretary General Waldheim talks with Lebanese leaders about the situation in the Middle East.

Lebanon, Jordan - UN Secretary General Waldheim talks with Lebanese leaders about the situation in the Middle East.

Jordan - The visit of K. Waldheim.
