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Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5638

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Poland - American Speech polka dancers at the festival.


Turkey - Departure of Prime Minister Ecevit in Belgium and the United States for talks on NATO.


France - Special Report Team Tunisia Cup. (Shooting + newsreels to the World Cup)

Jordan - King Hussein is his bride L. Chalabi told reporters.



Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5639

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News, 15 footages, Duration: 0:28:58 to collection F 6/8/2014

Zaire - Special Report on the economic situation in the country after the events of Shaba.

Kinshasa, Kolwezi

Cyprus - Special Report: Cyprus four years after the invasion of the Turks in 1974

Taken: hot presidential palace, President Makarios among the ruins, tent city of refugees, construction of new buildings, the children play in the garden; port - the work on the docks school.

Cyprus, 1974-1978

Zambia - Zambian President Kaunda, speaking at a press conference, said that Zambia did not support the rebels raided the territory of Zaire. (Synchronous)



Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5641

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:11:01 to collection F 6/8/2014

Iraq - Parade of the troops of the People's Army.

The parade is hosted by the government.

Maneuvers of the People's Army: on land and at sea.

The government is present at the maneuvers.

The port of Khour Zubeyr.

Construction of new docks.

Harvesting of cereals.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5644

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

France - Meeting of the Saudi king with French President VJ Estaing.


Bangladesh - Muslim refugees from Burma continue to arrive in Bangladesh.

Refugee camp.

Border area of ​​Bangladesh-Burma

Czechoslovakia - Visit LI Brezhnev.

Meeting in Prague.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5645

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Chile, Santiago-Relatives of missing people, allegedly arrested by the Chilean secret police, settled in the church of Jesus Obrero (Jesus Obrero) and declared a hunger strike.

USA, Washington-NATO Conference, speeches by Jimmy Carter and NATO Secretary General Josef Luns.

Cuba, Havana-A special report on the economic assistance of the Soviet Union to Cuba, filmed in connection with the signing of a new trade agreement between the USSR and Cuba.

France, Flins-Striking workers in front of the buildings of the Renault factories.

Italy, Rome-Textile workers arrive from all over Italy, protesting against layoffs and factory closures, a rally in front of the Colosseum building.

Cuba - Special report "Cuba Today", filmed: Havana from the sea, a Spanish castle, people on the streets, children, residential areas, the Capitol, the Presidential Palace, the Museum of the Revolution, a nightclub.

New Zealand, Auckland region-The police and the army are evicting 300 Maori families from the land that belonged to their ancestors, in connection with the government's decision to start housing construction in this area.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5647

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

UN-Speech by Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan Amin with a statement that the new government was created by the people during the revolution.

England, London-Exhibition of the collection of primitive art of the Bolivian millionaire H. Ortiz before the sale of the collection at auction.

Kenya, Nairobi - The Ambassador of Ethiopia makes a statement on the situation in Eritrea.

Argentina, Cordoba - Scottish footballer Johnston has been disqualified for drug use.

Argentina, Mar del Plata - The World Cup, the match "Brazil - Sweden".

India, Delhi-A special report, in connection with attempts to ban the use of alcohol in the country, was filmed: shops on the main street, people take out liquor and whiskey from stores, people drink right at the shops, by the road.

France, Paris-The speech of the representative of France at the meeting of the five Western powers on the development of recommendations on the problems of the economy and security of Zaire, a press conference of the participants of the meeting.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5648

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Bangladesh, Dhaka-Speech by President Rahman and General Zia at an election rally.

Israel, Jerusalem-A bus was blown up, wounded in a hospital, firefighters are trying to bring down the flames from the wreckage of the bus.

USA, Maryland, Annapolis-President Carter's speech to the graduates of the Naval Academy with a speech about relations with the Soviet Union.

India, Delhi-A demonstration of Iranian and Indian students against the Shah of Iran, timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of anti-government unrest in 1963 and the talks of Indian Prime Minister M. Desai with the Shah of Iran in Tehran in 1978.

France-Motor Racing, English Channel; June 7.

Lebanon-Prime Minister Hoss inspects areas of southern Lebanon.

France, Paris-A demonstration of women against the World Cup in Argentina.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5650

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Hungary - Artists film advertising.

Exhibition of film posters Silzhnian Wanda, a graphic artist from Studio Gallery.

Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5653

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Yugoslavia - the Visit of the Deputy Chairman of the revolutionary command Council of Iraq of Saddam Hussein.

Bulgaria - meeting of the Committee of foreign Ministers of the member States of the Warsaw Pact, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Stanko Todorov takes participants of the meeting.

Czechoslovakia - the Visit of Leonid Brezhnev in Bratislava.

From: Leonid Brezhnev, H. Husak and their attendants arrive in Bratislava, a solemn meeting, the negotiating party delegations in the Land of Bratislava, playing Th.

Lenart, the laying of wreaths at the monument on the Slavin hill and to the monument to the heroes of the Slovak national uprising, a reception in honor of Leonid Brezhnev.

Germany - the plot of the upcoming visit to Germany Leonid Brezhnev.

Newsreel: the Negotiation and signing of the agreement in the 1970s, Leonid Brezhnev's visit to Germany in 1973, etc.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5654

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News, 4 footages, Duration: 0:09:27 to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - City of Ostrava. - Overview.

New areas of the city.

Public institutions: kindergartens, schools, youth club.

New transport interchanges.

Hungary, France - Lake at Kebanskom Uyhedi neighborhood.

Death of fish in the lake.

North Coast of France: coastal pollution, destruction of birds and fish in the crash - the death of the tanker "Amoco Cadiz"
