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Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5696

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Israel, Austria (Jerusalem, Fuschl am See) - Israeli Foreign Minister M. Dayan speaks at a press conference about the upcoming talks with A. Sadat, A. Sadat speaks to reporters in Austria.

Thailand - Arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia on a state visit.

Algeria - Swimming competitions at the African Games.

West Berlin - Exhibition of Egyptian tapestries.

Mauritania, Nouakchott - Demonstration in support of the new government that came to power as a result of a military coup on July 10, 1978.

Germany, Bonn - Press conference of the US President J.

Carter, in which he condemns the verdict of the Soviet court to dissidents Ginzburg and Sharansky.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5698

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Zambia - Filming of "Touch of the Sun."

Participating European and African actors.

Philippines - World Champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger V. Korchnoi in training and on vacation.


Turkey - The plot of the strategic importance of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.

Taken: Sculpture Ataturk Bosporus.

Soviet ship on the Bosphorus.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5699

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Sudan - OAU Ministerial meeting, filmed: streets of Khartoum, flags, meeting room, delegates from different countries, the General Secretary of the OAU Mbumua enters the hall, the conference.

Sudan - Arrival of delegates to Khartoum for the 15th OAU Conference, meeting of delegates at Khartoum airport.

Sudan - Arrival of delegates to the OAU Conference.

Germany - World Fencing Championship, V. Sidorova (USSR) wins a gold medal, rapier, award presentation.

Germany - Sabre competitions at the World Fencing Championships, the gold medal is won by V. Krovopuskov (USSR).

Germany, Bonn - A meeting of the heads of seven major economic countries in order to develop a unified strategy to bring the capitalist economy out of stagnation, filmed: the participants of the meeting arrive at the meeting, the meeting room, Schmidt, Giscard d'Estaing speaks, the participants of the meeting are photographed.

Spain, San Carlos de la Rapita - The consequences of the disaster as a result of the explosion of an oil tanker truck in a tourist camp on the seashore, filmed: victims, smoking ruins, wounded in hospitals in Valencia and Barcelona, funeral of victims, relatives protest against the passage of large tankers on narrow roads.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5700

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Greece, Athens - Conference of the World Peace Council, calls to strengthen international cooperation in the fight for disarmament and to express public opinion against the production of a neutron bomb, removed: Secretary of the SCM Eleni Hadjipetrou speaks, Mikis Theodorakis speaks, posters for disarmament.

Greece-The aftermath of the earthquake in Thessaloniki.

USA, New Hampshire-A demonstration against the construction of a nuclear reactor plant in Seabrook, a reporter interviews Dr.

Benjamin Spock.

Ethiopia-Celebration of the 1st anniversary of the people's militia, parade of units, demonstration.

Algeria-President H. Boumeddiene opens a new section of the Trans-Saharan Highway.

Africa, Tanzania-Opening of the banned Pan-African Congress of AZANIA (South Africa), filmed: congress building in Arusha (northern Tanzania), delegates arrive at the conference, flag and posters, Acting President PAK Lebale, a representative of Soweto students speaks.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5701

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

China-The visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kampuchea to China.

Israel-A destroyer and a US nuclear submarine came to the port of Haifa.

England-The opening of the exhibition of military weapons and equipment in Aldershot.

Egypt-The US Senate approved the supply of weapons to Egypt, removed: Cairo, the people at the stands read newspapers and magazines, the US ambassador to Egypt meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamel, Kamel says, A. Sadat inspects the troops, the plane takes off.

France-Sending a European satellite for testing in French Guiana.

England, Belgium-A test flight from Dover to Ostend of the largest hovercraft.

Pakistan-The opening of the new Karakoram highway connecting Pakistan with China, the ceremony is attended by the military leader of Pakistan, General Zia and Vice Premier of China Ken Pia.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5702

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Israel - an Israeli electronics firm demonstrates a spy plane.

China, Beijing:

Chairman Hua Guo Feng receives the visiting Prime Minister of the people's democratic Republic of Yemen, talks.

Assistant to the President of the United States for national security Z. Brzezinski in talks with Hua Guo Feng.

Seychelles President albert Rene visits Mao's mausoleum and talks with Chinese Vice Premier Li Hsien-Nien.

Delegation of the Republic of Ghana at the talks with Hua Guo Feng.

Flow an men square in Beijing, people lay flowers at portraits (of flowers) Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5703

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Italy, Milan-A demonstration of Italian students at the US Consulate in support of the march of American Indians to Washington.

Israel - A special report about the Israeli Air Force.

Israel-Israeli Prime Minister Begin rejects Egypt's proposal to return the settlement of El-Arish to Egypt in Sinai, filmed: Begin leaves the Knesset building and talks to journalists, El-Arish streets, says the postmaster of El-Arish.

USA, Washington - A protest rally at the White House at the end of the march of American Indians, filmed: a group of Indians in Lafayette Park, the head of the march is a 93 - year-old Indian Nongiye, the Indians are listening.

USA, Chicago-A Nazi rally, an anti-Nazi demonstration, the police disperse and arrest demonstrators.

USA-Farms and laboratories for breeding sea products, filmed: cooking oysters in a restaurant, oyster eggs in a laboratory, fishermen unloading oysters from boats, salmon breeding, says the director of the corporation.

Indonesia - A new eruption of the Krakatau volcano in Java.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5705

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Japan - U.S. Dollar falls below the rate of 200 yen on the Tokyo foreign exchange market.

Interview exchange manager.


Turkey, Greece, Cyprus - Special Report.

Overview of political relations between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus.

Newsreel 1974-1978 gg.

Lebanon - Cabinet meeting.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5707

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:00 to collection F 6/8/2014

Cuba - Special edition of "World Youth Festival in Cuba."

Captured: Havana City.

Motor ships in the port of Havana.

Young people on the streets.

The opening of the festival at the stadium: Parade participants.

Fidel Castro on the podium.

The fire ignited the festival.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5708

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News, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection F 6/8/2014

Poland - Special Issue on the joint flight of Soviet and Polish astronauts.

Captured: Joint training within the "Intercosmos".

Start "Soyuz-30" spaceship.

In the city of oxen.

Mother and sister astronaut M. Hermaszewski - watching family photos.

The landing capsule.

Meeting in Warsaw, astronauts, flight participants at the "Soyuz-30", and Peter M. Hermaszewski Klimuk and head of the Cosmonaut Training V. Shatalov.
