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Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5775

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014


USA-Special story for the 20th anniversary of NASA, newsreel 1960-1978.

Japan-Tokyo zoo is expecting the birth of a baby Panda.

India-the Consequences of flooding in West Bengal, providing assistance to victims.

Italy, Rome-a Demonstration to protest the murder of Communist party member Ivo Zini (Ivo Zini).

Zambia - the arrival of the Nigerian delegation in Lusaka with a secret message to President Kaunda.

Vatican city-Funeral mass for Pope John Paul I in St.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5778

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Venezuela, Caracas – A fire in a nightclub.

Greece is a classic marathon.

England – The aftermath of the explosion of four bombs on the Dublin-Belfast express.

Philippines – Residents of the northern regions are forced to leave their homes due to tropical downpours and severe storms.

Albania – A story about the leader of the Albanian Party of Labor E. Hoxha, in connection with his 70th birthday, newsreel 1966-1978.

USA - Speech by the Prime Minister of Rhodesia at the Washington Press Club.

Argentina – The dispute between Argentina and Chile over the Beagle Islands, filmed: The Andes, people descend from the hills to the church, the bishop addresses members of the church congregation, Chilean youth reads a message to President Videla, Chilean and Argentine prelates.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5779

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Malaysia - the Official visit of Prime Minister Pham van Dong.

Kuala Lumpur.

Hong Kong, China - the Resumption of air links between Hong Kong and China after 30-year hiatus.

Philippines - world chess championship.

V. Korchnoi wins the 31st party.


Japan - the story of the Japanese sumo wrestler.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5780

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

England - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China visited the former Prime Minister of Heath and Telecommunications Center.

London, Cambridge

Lebanon - Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Arab countries.

Egypt - President Sadat meeting with leaders of the National Democratic Party in the party headquarters.


Thailand - In assisting flood victims involved Air Force.

EEC / Luxembourg - Starting negotiations on accession of Portugal to the EEC.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5782

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Bangladesh - Manufacturing.

Turkey - The funeral of a professor.

England - Tennis.

Lebanon - Peacekeeping troops from Saudi Arabia in Beirut.

India - Restoration work in coal mines affected by flooding.

England - Vietnamese children living in London attend a circus.

France is an international golf tournament.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5783

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Ghana, Accra - Chinese Vice Premier Ken Piao meets with the head of Ghana, General Akuffo.

Belgium - The story of the racer Gunnar Nilsson, in connection with his death.

Sudan - The head of Nigeria, General Obasanjo, arrives in Khartoum for talks with President Nimeiri about the situation in Rhodesia and the future of Namibia.

UN - Admission to the Non-Aligned Movement SWAPO, withdrawn: delegates of Morocco, Afghanistan, Madagascar, Libya, Yemen, Cyprus, Cuba, Oman, PLO, Jordan, Djibouti, Somalia, Tunisia, Algeria, Bangladesh.

Australia, Sydney - Rodeo World Championship, filmed: an American participant on a kicking horse, a horse throws off a rider, a bull throws off a rider, an Australian Coots sits on a bull in a pen, a bull throws off a rider, clowns distract the bull, Coots leaves the ring.

Lebanon, Beirut - The consequences of an armed clash between the Syrian peacekeeping forces and the forces of the "right", filmed: a damaged building, a deserted street, an ambulance, wounded in hospital, a wounded child, a woman crying.

Grave grave of Mahatma Gandhi, India, Delhi - Celebration of the 109th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, filmed: monument to M. Gandhi in Raj Ghat, flowers, M. Desai lays a wreath at the grave, prayer, residents singing pass by the grave of M. Gandhi.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5784

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News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:06:45 to collection F 6/8/2014

Austria - National Park Lobau (near Vienna): scenery - lake scenic glade, birds, trees.

People rest in reserve. (Decision of UNESCO reserve included in the list of the world reserves).

Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5790

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Special edition - the 20th anniversary of the journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism."

Editions of the magazine in Prague, in Budapest.

Anniversary meeting of the socialist countries editors.

Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5793

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News, 1 part to collection F 6/8/2014

Czechoslovakia - construction of the largest livestock farms cooperative in Segusino.

West Berlin - a place in the office of the registration of foreign workers, the police holding back the onslaught of the crowd.

Bulgaria - Construction in Sofia Congress Center and concert and cultural complex.

Hungary - the 30th anniversary of the agricultural cooperative "Red star" in the village of Barcs on the banks of the Drava.

The solemn meeting.

Presence of the first President of the cooperative, now the Chairman of the Presidium of Hungary Pál losonczy.

Cleaning of maize in the cooperative modern machines.


Foreign newsreels 1978 № 5794

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:26:35 to collection F 6/8/2014

China - The Japanese delegation to China promises to help in solving environmental problems.


China - Sichuan Province collects record crop.


USA - Air Force demonstrate new weapons sold to Israel.

Germany, USA - Experimental Station for the use of solar energy.

