Sea and river transport

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Topics: Sea and river transport

42 documents,

Science and technology 1960 № 19

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:28 to collection G 11/27/2017

1. Industry - new equipment!- about the new drilling machine with software control.

2. Bio-currents in diagnostics-about a new diagnostic method in ophthalmology - electroretinography.

3. The rival of steel-about the production of fiberglass-a particularly strong and lightweight material.

4. Winged ship-about the hydrofoil ship "Meteor".

Industry | Sea and river transport | Science | Sectors of the economy | Transportation

Science and technology 1959 № 9

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:05 to collection G 11/27/2017

1. "Kiev.

New in the welding of aluminum".

The new welding machine providing a smooth weld seam.

2. "Leningrad.

Elastic knit".

Manufacture of elastic stockings.

3. "Adler.

The cars wash the car."

Demonstration of new automatic cleaning of trains, manufacturing 16 cars in 30 minutes.

4. "Moscow.

At the factory of antibiotics."

Plant for the production of medicines No. 2. Automation of production of drugs at all stages of production.

5. "The Far East.

According to the program of the IGY (International geophysical year)".

The staff of the Institute of earth physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR carried out geophysical research vessel in the Pacific ocean.

Industry | Science | Medicine | Sea and river transport | Sectors of the economy | Transportation

Science and technology 1959 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 11/27/2017

1. Martin controlled machines.

Installation of automatic devices for the control of open hearth furnaces and the process of melting metal.

2. New materials.

Leningrad factory of artificial leather No. 1. The creation of artificial suede and ways of preparation.

3. USP (Universal trade fixtures).

Rationalization of production as a consequence of the invention of USP devices of a modular design that allows you to rebuild one machine for different types of production processes.

4. Stalingrad tankers.

The construction of tankers at Stalingrad shipyard.

The device of tankers for transportation of oil and oil.

Industry | Science | Sea and river transport | Sectors of the economy | Transportation

Science and technology 1957 № 17

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:56 to collection G 11/27/2017

1. "The court in the stream".

The production of ships at a shipyard "Red Sormovo", Nizhniy Novgorod.

2. "Method Bogdanov".

Fabrication of small batches of metal parts on a press invented by innovator Bogdanov stamping press machines.

3. "Invisible glasses".

The use of contact lens Institute of eye diseases named after Helmholtz for the treatment of various eye diseases, Moscow.

4. "Yield".

The creation of the agrophysical Institute in Leningrad headlights with light sensor in order to increase the level of road safety.

Industry | Sea and river transport | Medicine | Automobile transport | Sectors of the economy | Transportation | Science

Science and technology 1958 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection G 11/27/2017

1. Atomic icebreaker "Lenin".

Launching the world's first surface vessel with nuclear power installation.

2. The invention of the mechanic Kudryavtsev.

A machine for cutting shaped tubes.

3. Telegram transfer machines.

The launch of the automatic Telegraph lines, shorten the time of delivery of Telegraph messages.

4. Around the planet and satellite...

About the launch of "Sputnik-2" November 3, 1957, his unit and the dog Laika.

Sea and river transport | Communications | Space | Science | Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Leningrad chronicles 1974 № 26 The sea gate of the country.

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection G 10/24/2016

The issue is dedicated to the work of the Leningrad Seaport and its 50th anniversary.

Sea and river transport | Anniversaries | Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Social life

Baltic wind. (1981)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:39 to collection G 10/4/2016

Portrait of twice hero of Socialist Labor, the foreman of sudomerska Baltic shipyard V. A. Smirnov.

Industry | Biography | Professions | Sectors of the economy | Social life

Sea bridge to Europe. (1991)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:28 to collection G 10/4/2016

Фильм рассказывает о деятельности Балтийского морского пароходства, о связях Санкт-Петербурга с крупнейшими портами Европы и Средиземноморья.

Sea and river transport | Transportation | Sectors of the economy | International cooperation | Trade | Space

On the stocks of the Admiralty. (1960)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:23 to collection G 10/4/2016

The film tells about the history of the Admiralty Plant from the laying of the first shipyards to the construction of the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin".

Industry | History | Sea and river transport | Sectors of the economy | Transportation

A window to Europe. (1989)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:01 to collection G 10/4/2016

The film tells about the activities of the Baltic Shipping Company, its cooperation with foreign partners.

Sea and river transport | Sectors of the economy | Economic cooperation | Trade | Transportation

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