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Topics: History

480 documents,

Dictionary.. (1980)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:31 to collection C 11/10/2012

The film is about the Soviet-Czech solidarity during the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people's participation in World War II in 1941-1945)

World War II | Foreign policy | History | Policy

And the Rescued World Remembers. (1980)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:40 to collection C 11/10/2012

The film, dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the triump of Soviet People over the fascist Germany, shows the great act of bravery of a Soviet soldier.

World War II | Victory Day | History | Holidays | Social life

We Want Changes.. (1989)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:58 to collection C 11/10/2012

The film tells about the changes which took place in young people during perestroika (is the Russian term (now used in English) for the economic reforms introduced in June 1985 by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev).

Restructuring | Youth | History | Social life

Who Is For It.. (1989)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:51 to collection C 11/10/2012

On the political situation and the party today.

The workers and employees of JSC "AVTOVAZ" in Togliatti express their views about the party, about the changes in the society, about how the party should build relationships with people.

Included are excerpts of the film "two meetings" Kuibyshev studio newsreel.

Domestic policy | Restructuring | Policy | History

The Penaltors.. (1989)

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Documentary, 10 parts, Duration: 1:39:19 to collection C 11/10/2012

About penal batallions during the war.

World War II | Best films CSDF | History

Hello, Comrades!. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:12 to collection C 11/10/2012

About the present situation in the Soviet Union.

Restructuring | History

USSR and USA - Novell of the Century.. (1989)

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Documentary, 8 parts, Duration: 1:18:46 to collection C 11/10/2012

The film tells about how Soviet-American relations developed during the 70 years of the USSR's existence.

Best films CSDF | History of foreign countries | Foreign policy | History | Policy

Namibia: a Long Way Towards Independence.. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:55 to collection C 11/10/2012

About the history of the country, struggle for freedom and independence of the country.

History of foreign countries | Foreign policy | Countries of the world | History | Policy | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

The Poet and the War.. (1990)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:46 to collection C 11/10/2012

About the poets of World War II – Fyodor Sukhov, Viktor Kochetkov, Nikolay Starshinov, Rafael Alberti.

World War II | Literature | History | Culture and Arts

A case for General Vlasov. (1990)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:08 to collection C 11/10/2012

About activity of the Russian Liberation Army under the command of General Vlasov during the World War II.

World War II | Generals and war heroes | History | Biography

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