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Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 25.08-26.08

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:45 to collection V3 7/27/2023

An accident on the ring road.

Zhiguli, Volga and KrAZ collided.

The truck driver (synchronously).

The driver of the Volga car (synchronously).

A fire on Starobitsevskaya Street in an apartment building.

Fireman (synchronously).

The burned-out apartment.


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 26.08-27.08

Title image

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:21 to collection V3 7/27/2023

An accident on Leningradsky Prospekt.

The Toyota car crashed into the Volga.

Mangled cars.

A broken traffic light mast.

The burnt-out Volga.

The driver of the Toyota (synchronously).

An accident on Akademika Komarova Street.


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 28.08-30.08

Title image

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:44 to collection V3 7/27/2023

An accident on Porechnaya Street.

The Lada and Nissan collided.

The passenger of the Nissan car (synchronously).

An accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

UAZ and BMW collided.

A broken-down foreign car.

A police officer (synchronously).


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 30.08-31.08

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:22 to collection V3 7/27/2023

An accident on the street of the Pilot Babushkin.

The Volga car crashed into the Lada.

Damage to cars.

The driver of the Volga (synchronously).

An accident on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment.

Two Mercedes cars collided.

A police officer (synchronously).


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 31.08-01.09

Title image

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:45 to collection V3 7/27/2023

An accident on the Nosovikhinsky highway.

A Citroen and a Mercedes collided.

The driver of the Citroen car (synchronously).

An accident on the Dmitrov highway.

A KAMAZ truck crashed into a Toyota car.

The driver of the Toyota (synchronously).

The building of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region.


Защитники Родины. (1936 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:29 to collection G 7/27/2023

Рука телеграфиста на телеграфном ключе.

Выступление Ансамбля красноармейской песни и пляски СССР на Дальнем Востоке в Приморском крае перед красноармейцами, сражавшимися у озера Хасан.

Лица музыкантов.

Артисты ансамбля едут верхом.

Лица зрителей-красноармейцев.

Ансамбль выступает перед красноармейцами.

Артисты ансамбля едут верхом.


Немецкая военная кинохроника. (1941)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:29:58 to collection G 7/27/2023

Карта части побережья Северной Африки.

Развевается флаг с Адамовой головой.

Североафриканский пейзаж, немецкий наблюдатель в окопе.

Офицеры-артиллеристы в подземном укрытии обсуждают план очередной операции.

Артиллерийский расчет выходит из подземного укрытия.

Приведение артиллерийских боеприпасов в окончательно снаряженный вид.

Действия номеров расчета орудия перед открытием огня.


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 20.07-21.07

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:22 to collection V3 7/26/2023

An accident on the ring road.

Eight cars collided.

Cars involved in an accident.

Broken cars.

A police officer (synchronously).

An aircraft bomb was found on the territory of a construction site in Igarsky Passage.

The bomb squad carries the bomb into the car.


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 21.07-22.07

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:18 to collection V3 7/26/2023

An accident on the Enthusiasts highway.

Two Lada cars collided.

Traffic light.

A passenger in one of the cars (synchronously).

An accident on M.Pirogovskaya street.

Three cars collided: Volkswagen, MAZ and a Gazelle truck.

A police officer (synchronously).


Highway Patrol (1999) issue from 22.07-23.07

Title image

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:44 to collection V3 7/26/2023

An accident on Zemlyanoy Val Street.

The BMW car crashed into a concrete fence.

A car that rolled over onto its roof in a tunnel.

A police officer (synchronously).

Kuusenen Street.

The detainee.

Head of the ATC press group (synchronously).
