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Airplanes aerobatic team "Swifts" soarFighter aircraft

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:11 to collection FT25 12/5/2019

Fighter aircraft

Landing SU-25 at the airfield.Stormtrooper

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:12 to collection FT25 12/5/2019


16-I the Moscow provincial party conference. (1927)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:46 to collection G 11/26/2019

Delegates of the 16th Moscow provincial party conference in the hall of columns applaud the next speaker.

Secretary of the Moscow Committee of the CPSU(b) Uglanov N. And. opening the conference, the Presidium of the conference.

Uglanov speaks.

The delegates applauded Uglanova.

View of the Presidium of the conference, delegates applauded standing.

Bukharin, N. And. speaking from the podium, the view of the courtroom.

Delegates applauded, sit down.


Interview A. Wyszynski. (1935 - 1936)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:20 to collection G 11/26/2019

The Prosecutor of the USSR Vyshinsky gives interview to "Soyuzkinorynok" sitting at the Desk in the office.

Vyshinsky speaks about the difference of the system of criminal sanctions in the legislation of the USSR from Western countries, the desire of a large number of prisoners to return to an honest life, about the activities of the Prosecutor's office of the USSR in this direction (synchronously).

England and France at the beginning of the Second world war. (1940)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:19 to collection G 11/26/2019

Map of the Bay of La Plata.

The fleet the German cruiser "Admiral Graf Spee", destroyed in the battle of La Plata Bay 13 December 1939, circles indicate the locations of the hits of the English shells.

The bow of the cruiser.

The sailors in the boat approach the mooring barrel.

Sailors of the cruiser on the deck, the view of the bow of the cruiser.

Flag of the German Navy on the mast of the cruiser.

French warships in the campaign.


. (1927 - 1937)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:28:27 to collection G 11/20/2019

Salute of an artillery battery in the Kremlin.

Columns of military academies began with a military parade on red square may 1, 1927, horseback rides ahead of ke Voroshilov

Voroshilov K. E., Muklevich R. A., I. S. Unshlikht, Karakhan, L. M., and P. E. Dybenko welcomes the passing troops.

On red square are military academies, the faces of the audience.

Unit opening parade of drummers.

Foreign military attaches on red square near the mausoleum.

Units of the Moscow garrison held on red square.


Parades and demonstrations in Leningrad. (1927 - 1934)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:04:06 to collection G 11/20/2019

At Uritsky square (Palace) takes a column of athletes, bearing in front an enlarged layout of the icon TRP.

It takes a column of sailors with rifles on the belt.

Sm Kirov from the podium welcomed the participants of the may day demonstration in 1931.

The types of Uritsky square during the passage through it of the columns of the cyclists (above).

Faces of the audience.

Performance athletes in Uritsky square during a may day celebrations, the panorama of the area.

Athletes line up square five-pointed star (above), the person of Kirov in profile.


. (1930)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:33 to collection G 11/20/2019

Face the audience during a military parade on red square may 1, 1930.

On red square are the buglers and drummers.

Units of the Moscow garrison held on red square.

Stalin I. V., Petrosyan A. I., Shmidt V. V. greeted the passing troops.

Units of sailors held on red square.

On red square are representatives of pioneer organizations (above).

Pioneers pass by the rostrum, counselors saluted.


Celebration of the fifth anniversary of the October revolution. (1922)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:05:09 to collection G 11/20/2019

Sculpture of a worker at the anvil, mounted on red square.

Military Academy held on red square during a military parade in honor of the 5th anniversary of the October revolution.

Delegates of the 4th Congress of the Comintern on the guest platform, the panorama of the stands.

Panorama of the red square during a military parade.

On red square are missile units of the Moscow garrison.

The military and the delegates of the 4th Congress of the Communist international welcomes the passing troops, among them Muralov, N. And.

Are students of military academies and units of the Moscow garrison.


A may day military parade in 1934 and demonstration on red square. (1934)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:25 to collection G 11/20/2019

The column spotlights the air defense truck moves through Red square during military parade may 1, 1934.

The infantry units of the Moscow garrison held on red square.

GK Ordzhonikidze, Molotov, V. M., I. V. Stalin, M. I. Kalinin welcomed the passing troops from the mausoleum.

Cavalry unit gallop is on the red square.

Division machine-gun carriages on the red square.

Stalin on the mausoleum, standing next to AI Mikoyan

On red square is a division of horse artillery.
