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44484 documents,

Repay debts, land. (1985)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:43 to collection G 4/24/2023

As a result of mining useful minerals, a large number of arable lands are withdrawn from circulation.

The film shows how such lands may become arable again.

Man-made disasters | Wars, conflicts and disasters

Hydraulic coal mining. (1978)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:56 to collection G 4/24/2023

The film describes the basic principles of hydraulic coal mining, the structure of hydromines and hydromachines.

Educational films

Tales and were Yugorski ball. (1990)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:39 to collection G 4/24/2023

The film tells about folk art, life and the main occupations of the northern native people Mansi - reindeer herding, fishing and hunting.

Ethnography | Geography and Nature

Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4438

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:27:00 to collection F 4/24/2023

Индия - Индира Ганди посещает район наводнения.

Таиланд, Бангкок - Завершена реставрация пагоды Арун; 22 августа.

Иордания, Амман - Лидер турецких киприотов встречается с премьер-министром Иордании; 30 августа.

Алжир - 12 алжирская торговая ярмарка в честь 10-летия правления президента Бумедьена; 25 августа.

Англия, Лондон - Международные соревнования по легкой атлетике; 24-25 августа.

Перу, Лима - Всемирная конференция, в которой участвуют 100 неприсоединившихся стран; 23 августа.

Перу, Лима - Открытие 5-й конференции неприсоединившихся стран, выступают председатель конференции и делегаты Сенегала, Шри-Ланка, Кубы, Гвианы, Сомали, Ливана, ООП, Марокко, Египта, Омана, Мавритании; пресс-конференция министра иностранных дел Южного Вьетнама мадам Бинь; 25 августа.


Closed water in the production of fibreboard. (1982)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:56 to collection G 4/22/2023

The film gives information on the system of cleaning and recycling of the used water.

Ecology | Geography and Nature

Purification of gases in electric steelmaking. (1985)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:53 to collection G 4/22/2023

The film illustrates technological procedures of gas scrubbing.

Ecology | Educational films | Geography and Nature

Pedigree Russian cuisine.. (1987)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:11 to collection G 4/22/2023

The film shows the origins and principles of Russian cuisine.

Academician Garkavyi and high yields of barley.. (1985)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:06 to collection G 4/22/2023

The film tells about the new high-yielding varieties of barley.

Farewell Moscow students. (1957)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:00 to collection G 4/21/2023

MSU students go home to Moscow after harvest in the virgin state farms of the Almaty region.

Solemn farewell at the station, meeting.

Breast cancer can be prevented. (1990)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:48 to collection G 4/21/2023

Educational film tells the story about breast self of women.

Medicine | Science