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44484 documents,

Time to gather stones. (2005)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:38:46 to collection L 4/6/2023

The film tells of a flooded during the creation of the city of Rybinsk Reservoir Mologa.

The current film about former mologdanah living on the shores of "artificial sea."

Mussorgsky: "Forward to new shores!". (2005)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:20:00 to collection L 4/6/2023

A film about the life and work of Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky.

Battle of Leningrad. 1941-1944 year. (Interview with warlords). (1974)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:47:54 to collection L 4/6/2023

Tell: Admiral VF Tributs, Army General II Fedyushinsky.

Anti-aircraft guns on the streets of besieged Leningrad.

With tram.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Military boat with the soldiers on the Neva.


Isaac's Cathedral.


In the interior of the crystals.. (1988)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:19 to collection L 4/6/2023

The film recreates on the screen the milestones of the biography and the main stages of scientific activity of the great Russian scientist E. S. Fedorov,the founder of the modern science of crystals.


In search of Mnemosyne.. (1989)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:29 to collection L 4/6/2023

On the necessity of preserving the ecology of culture and nature on the example nabakowski places in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region: rozhdestvenno, Oredezh, Siversky; Museum-apartment of the writer on the Sink.

Return Akhmatova.. (1989)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:45 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм рассказывает о жизни творчестве Анны Андреевны Ахматовой, о ее литературном наследии, местах, с нею связанных, создании музея поэтессы в Фонтанном доме в Ленинграде, о восстановлении в правах ее имени.

Literati | Biography | Persons of arts | Culture and Arts | History | Literature

Parenting beauty. (1985)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:49 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм рассказывает о системе эстетического воспитания детей.

Childhood and youth | Visual Arts | Culture and Arts | Education | Social life

Uglerodika memories.. (1999)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:59 to collection L 4/6/2023

In an entertaining way - the origin of minerals,their properties and applications.

For elementary school children

Everest climb.. (1982)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:00 to collection L 4/6/2023

The conquest of the 1982 Soviet climbers of the highest peak in the world - mount Everest.

Where is your brother Abel?. (1991)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:45 to collection L 4/6/2023

About Pavel Yakovlevich Golodryga - scientific husbandman.