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44484 documents,

Soviet Elegy. (1989)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:35:28 to collection L 4/6/2023

A film about Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin

Political figures | Biography | Policy

Patience.Labour. (1991)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм рассказывает о ленинградской школе фигурного катания.

Figure skating | Sport | Different kinds of sports

Irina Kolpakova. (1978)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:31 to collection L 4/6/2023

The soloist of the Mariinsky theatre of Opera and ballet, a famous ballerina.

Irina Kolpakova is shown in completely different situations - it leads rehearsals, teaches, exams at the Conservatory, learning English, rehearsing a number from the ballet "Giselle" was nervous before the show.

Ballerinas | Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts | Ballet

Russian ballet without Russia. (1990)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:09 to collection L 4/6/2023

A film about the history, the drama and glory of Russian ballet abroad.

The core of the film - interview with Russian ballerina Natalia Makarova, Nina Vyrubova, Griebenow Irina, Irina Vasilyeva, Olga Vershinina-Debutyl, theatre artists Dmitry Bushena and Alexander Vassiliev.

Ballet | Culture and Arts

Wedding of silence. (2003)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:01 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм о восприятии окружающей действительности людьми, лишенными слуха, существующем для них параллельном "мире тишины".

Social life

"I will die young..". (1995)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:26 to collection L 4/6/2023

Картина рассказывает о молодых петербуржцах, в жизнь которых ворвались экономические и политические потрясения нашего времени.

Размышления подростков о жизни, о себе звучат на фоне повседневной жизни города и песен Мистера Малого.

Childhood and youth | Social life | St. Petersburg | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Highest quality. (1983)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:44 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм о подъеме золота с затонувшего в годы войны крейсера «Эдинбург», который в 1942 году был расстрелян немецкими подводными лодками в Кольском заливе.

В картине использованы воспоминания советского офицера С.Г.Зиновьева, направлявшегося в Лондон на борту крейсера «Эдинбург».

Expeditions and discoveries | Towns and countries | Fleet | Geography and Nature | Army | Defense and internal security

Who will love you tomorrow... (1995)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:25:58 to collection L 4/6/2023

Different people tell how they live, how they adapt to the new realities of life in the early 90s.

Wild goose. (1993)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:39 to collection L 4/6/2023

The film tells about the life Reznikov O. G., captain I rank stock.

Began military career at age 12 during the great Patriotic war, he shared a lot of stories, took part in many military campaigns, including in military actions in the Caribbean and Vietnam.

Obvodny canal. (1990)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:57 to collection L 4/6/2023

The theme of the painting is parallel life, parallel culture, which most often do not intersect with the main stream of life.

The Leningrad Bypass Canal, built as a bypass waterway of the city, became the original metaphor of the film.

The subjects of the picture are very diverse: the May Day concert in a madhouse, the life of a psychiatric hospital, the "gemini ball" from 3 to 70 years, etc.

Works of A.Sinyavsky and N.Rozanova in the printing house, poets Viktor Krivulin and Alexander Gornon, the theater "Tree", etc.

St. Petersburg | Culture and Arts | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature