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Construction of railways. (1920 - 1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:38 to collection B 3/25/2024

Construction of the railway (Turksib)


Rides on freight trains / train rides at the bottom of the cart.

Between wagons dried laundry.

Excavate "RUSTON" foreign proceeding.

Workers building a road.

The first train passes.


Construction of a temporary mausoleum. (1924)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:19 to collection B 3/25/2024

Photos of construction of a temporary mausoleum of Lenin.

Building wooden mausoleum on Red Square.

Red face with a portrait of Lenin.

Building in Moscow. (1920 - 1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:15 to collection B 3/25/2024

Construction in Moscow: an empty area under construction, people carry the tree to the car.

Installation of a five-pointed star.

Watching people.

Kremlin Wall.

Spassky tower, install a star.

Hands of builders.

The time of construction.


Construction Machinery Plant. (1930 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:03 to collection B 3/25/2024

Construction site.

Built housing, pass a tractor, a construction worker, a man rolls a cart, running a crane, welder, passing trucks, installation of equipment.

Builders lunch.

The Soviet Union after the war. (1946 - 1950)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:50 to collection B 3/25/2024

Shop metallurgical plant, moving the red-hot plate.

Working in a coal mine, coal raining.

Automobile factory: workers collect the car "Pobeda".

Street of the city: traffic.

Pedestrians on city streets.

People walking on the street, a woman with a pram.

The aircraft flies over the city (from top).


Soviet statesman Leonid Krasin. (1919 - 1924)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:35 to collection B 3/25/2024

Leonid Krasin on Red Square.

Leonid Krasin serves in Moscow at the meeting, the opening of the monument Vorovsky.

Listen, applaud gathered at the rally - different plans.

Closeups those men and women.

At the rally, there is Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov.

Competitions young model aircraft. (1930 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:49 to collection B 3/25/2024

Children start their model aircraft in the air.

Planes in the air - different plans.

Descends on a parachute toy skydiver.

Watch children laugh and adults.

I. Stravinsky. (1930 - 1939)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:10 to collection B 3/25/2024

Conducted by Igor Stravinsky.

Opens the curtain.

The audience in the hall at the concert.

Photo by Stravinsky

The revolutionary events in Russia in 1917-1918. (1917 - 1918)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:27 to collection B 3/25/2024

The airplanes in the air.

The streets of Moscow is Red squad.

Passing train; armed Red Roof train.

The airplanes in the air.

Peenemünde. (1942 - 1945)

Title image

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:47 to collection B 3/25/2024


Inscription: Peenemünde

Plane at the airport.


The launch of the FAA.

Photo by von Braun.

Prisoners camp "Usedom" work on earthworks.


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