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Singapore. (1970)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:09 to collection G 11/3/2022

The street taken from the top point.

Cars on the street.

A bicycle rickshaw is driving down the street.

The girls are weaving a carpet.

Митинги в поддержку Б.Н. Ельцина в Москве. (1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:58 to collection G 11/3/2022

Вид части митинга в поддержку кандидатуры Ельцина Б.Н. в народные депутаты СССР 25 марта 1989 года.

Предвыборная листовка Ельцина с его портретом, текст листовки.

Рукописный текст на предвыборной листовке Ельцина, рядом с его портретом.

Мужчина на митинге держит в руках листовку с портретом Ельцина, подняв ее над головой, лица участников митинга (панорама).

Ельцин выступает с трибуны, жестикулирует правой рукой, панорама части митинга.

Виды митинга (сверху) транспаранты с лозунгами в поддержку Ельцина и против кандидатуры Бракова.

Лицо Ельцина, Ельцин с трибуны приветствует участников митинга, панорама части митинга.


Демонстрация 7 ноября 1989 года в Ленинграде. (1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:03 to collection G 11/3/2022

Вид Дворцовой площади во время демонстрации 7 ноября 1989 года в Ленинграде (сверху).

Барабанщики и трубачи идут во главе одной из колонн.

Участники демонстрации несут транспаранты с лозунгами в защиту Советской власти и разноцветные воздушные шарики, текст Декрета о земле на одном из транспарантов, лица участников демонстрации.

Лица проходящих музыкантов духового оркестра.

Участники демонстрации несут транспаранты с лозунгами в поддержку власти Советов всех уровней и разноцветные воздушные шарики.

Связка воздушных шаров улетает в небо.

Участники демонстрации на одной из улиц Ленинграда несут портреты Маркса, Энгельса, Ленина и транспаранты с лозунгами.


Повседневная жизнь Токио. (1980 - 1989)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:22 to collection G 11/3/2022

Ночная светящаяся реклама на зданиях Токио.

Виды улиц ночного Токио, движение городского транспорта.

Вид части высотного здания в Токио.

Рекламный постер с портретом японского космонавта.

Внутренний вид студии звукозаписи, звукооператоры у микшерного пульта.

Девушка заходит в холл офисного здания через вращающуюся дверь.

Люди на улицах Токио.


Cosmonautics. Army-2017 (Space Technologies at Army-2017). (2017)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:52 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2017" is one of the main events of the year.

For the third time, the largest exhibition of weapons, military and special equipment welcomes guests.

Almost one and a half thousand enterprises demonstrate over 18 thousand exhibits, 14 countries of the world have brought their developments.

The pavilion of Roscosmos is the most peaceful, and in addition to a variety of technical innovations, there is also a layout of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

The plot of Natalia Burtseva starred Rano Juraeva, Igor Komarov, Sergey Krikalev, Mikhail Galustyan, Leonid Makridenko.

Cosmonautics. The Age of Beregovoy. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:02 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The plot for the 100th anniversary of General Mikhail Beregovoy.

Mikhail Timofeevich remembers his brother George, his path to aviation and cosmonautics, the war years, tells about their large and friendly family.

In the preparation of the plot, chronicle footage from different years and photographs from the family archive of M.T. Beregovoy were used.

Cosmonautics. Altair Meeting. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:32 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The crew of the Soyuz MS-06 spacecraft was solemnly welcomed in Star City after returning to Earth.

Alexander Misurkin, Mark Vande Hai and Joseph Akaba worked as part of the expedition.

Alexander Misurkin told about the broadcast of physics lessons from the ISS and the history of the call sign "Altair".

Cosmonautics. "Hawaii", the eve of the start. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:58 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Preparations for the launch of the Soyuz MS-08 manned spacecraft, the crew's call sign is Hawaii, are being completed at Baikonur.

The crew is experienced, everyone has already been in space, including in the open.

On the eve of the launch, work is underway with documentation, inspection of the ship, fitting of spacesuits, working out manual docking with the ISS, etc.

Interview: Oleg Artemyev, Andrew Feustel, Richard Arnold.

Cosmonautics. Intercosmos: we were together!. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:39 to collection V4 11/3/2022

The plot for the 40th anniversary of the Soviet program "Intercosmos".

On March 2, 1978, the manned stage of the program was launched, thanks to which 14 representatives of different countries saw the Earth from an orbital altitude.

The Intercosmos program has laid a solid foundation for further international cooperation.

During the anniversary of the first international flight, memories of the program are shared by Alexey Gubarev, Vladimir Remek, Mikhail Marov, Valentin Kozyrev, Miroslav Germashevsky, Georgy Grechko, Sigmund Yen, Oleg Baklanov.

Cosmonautics. When the Universe speaks. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:05 to collection V4 11/3/2022

Humanity continues to search for "brothers in mind".

Almost every month, scientists discover new Earth-like exoplanets, where microorganisms similar to terrestrial ones may well exist.

But for now the universe is silent, and this silence is the main paradox that science cannot explain yet.

Scientists suggest that contact between the worlds is likely to be established using radio communication as a universal language of intergalactic communication, it is no coincidence that almost all terrestrial messages to other civilizations are similarly encoded using a radio signal.

But even radio messages cannot solve the main problem of such contacts - huge distances.

Any signal sent by aliens today will go hundreds of light-years away from us, as well as in the opposite direction.

Interview: Sergey Popov, Vadim Chernobrov, Vladimir Lipunov.