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Cosmonautics. BepiColombo: Mission to Mercury. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:41 to collection V4 10/31/2022

Russian scientific instruments went to Mercury as part of the third automatic space mission "BepiKolombo".

The devices created at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences will help scientists find out if there is water on Mercury.

Igor Mitrofanov and Alexander Kozyrev tell the story.

Cosmonautics. "Union" of George Beregovoy. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:23 to collection V4 10/31/2022

The plot for the 50th anniversary of the flight of cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoy on the Soyuz-3 spacecraft.

In the preparation of the plot, chronicle footage from different years and fragments of interviews with the cosmonaut's brother Mikhail Beregov and associate professor of the Gagarin Air Force Academy Valentin Petrov were used.

Cosmonautics. Venus, we'll be back!. (2018)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:12 to collection V4 10/31/2022

Venus is the most mysterious planet in the Solar system.

It was our country that sent the first scientific missions to Venus, and work in this direction was carried out from 1961 to 1983. Today Venus is again in the spotlight of scientists.

Roscosmos and NASA are planning a new joint expedition called Venus-D.

The plot starred Igor Mitrofanov, Denis Belyaev, Alexander Shirshakov, Viktor Vorontsov.

Торжественные мероприятия в олимпийской Москве. (1980)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:48 to collection G 10/29/2022

Гигантский надувной символ Олимпиады-80, олимпийский Мишка поднимается в небо на воздушных шарах во время церемонии закрытия 22 летних Олимпийских игр 3 августа 1980 года.

Виды Центрального стадиона им.

Ленина во время церемонии закрытия 22 летних Олимпийских игр (сверху), надувная фигура Мишки поднимается вверх.

Вид части улицы Горького во время проведения 22 летних олимпийских игр.

Передача эстафеты Олимпийского огня чемпиону СССР по баскетболу Сергею Белову во время церемонии открытия 22 летних Олимпийских игр 19 июля 1980 года, Белов бежит по дорожке Центрального стадиона им.


Вынос флага Международного олимпийского комитета на стадион.


Yemen. (1920 - 1935)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:21 to collection G 10/27/2022

Стены древней крепости в окрестностях города Сана - столицы Йемена.

Часовые у городских ворот.

Открытие ворот.

Караван верблюдов движется к воротам.

Во рота заходят люди, торговцы ведет в поводу верблюдов, нагруженных товарами.

Лица городских стражников.

Мечети Саны с минаретами, купола мечетей.


Lebanon. (1975)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:39 to collection G 10/27/2022


The columns of the temple of Jupiter.


Ancient theater.

Syria is the city of Hama.

The wheel of a watermill.

An ancient irrigation structure (Syria).


Malta. (1975)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:10:41 to collection G 10/27/2022

View of the island of Malta and the capital of the island - Valletta.

General plan of the city, panorama.

Rocky shore and architectural buildings of different times.

Historical sights: The Grandmasters' Palace, the city Gates, the Royal Opera House, the Castilian Courtyard.

The narrow streets of the old town.

The market and the "flea" market on the Valletta embankment.

Tanzania. (1975)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:42 to collection G 10/27/2022

Ships in the Bay.

Panorama of the residential area.

Cars on the street.

Morocco. (1975)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:04:35 to collection G 10/27/2022

The rider.

Metal tableware.


Snake charmer.

A cobra in a pose of threat.

Street musicians and acrobats.

People on the street in national clothes and tourists.


Republic of Chad. (1975)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:53 to collection G 10/27/2022


Two cars and a cyclist.

Women in national clothes, carrying something on their heads.

several men in the national white clothes of kandura.

Two tractors.

A group of men on a boat.