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Nature of the Kola Peninsula. (1975 - 1987)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:15 to collection G 8/29/2022


Morning, fog.

A road in the forest with remnants of snow.

North Caucasus. (1975 - 1987)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:37 to collection G 8/29/2022

Flock of sheep in the mountains (shooting from a helicopter).

Apple tree with apples.

Harvesting in the orchard.

A woman carries a treat on a tray.

Passes the tray to a horseman on horseback.

A bride in a national wedding dress.

The bride and groom, girlfriends and friends in national costumes.


Market. (1980)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:08 to collection A 8/26/2022

People in the market.

Melons and watermelons on the counter.

Street report. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:44 to collection R 8/25/2022

It takes a woman with a child.

Are the police.

On the street people go.

A man in a monkey mask, waving his hand.

There is an elderly woman with shopping bags.

From the roof of an old building falling snow.

Woman in bags on a gurney.


The auction for the privatization of land. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:57 to collection R 8/25/2022

Nizhny Novgorod region.

Collective farm named after the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution.


Village views.

Rustic room.

The auction for the privatization of land.

Present Viktor Chernomyrdin.


Леонид Борисович Красин. (1918 - 1924)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:25 to collection G 8/25/2022

Народный комиссар внешней торговли Красин Л.Б. на крыльце советского посольства в Париже в 1924 году, лицо Красина.

Народный комиссар торговли и промышленности РСФСР Красин на территории Московского кремля летом 1918 года.

Лицо Красина.

Фотографии Красина во время совещаний, пребывания за границей в 1922-1924 годах.

Фотография Красина в полный рост в советском посольстве в Париже.

Участники встречи Красина на вокзале в Париже в 1924 году (панорама).

Красин выезжает на автомобиле на привокзальную площадь, отвечает на приветствия встречающих его людей, участники встречи бегут за автомобилями советской делегации.


Foreign military intervention in Soviet Russia. (1918)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:27 to collection G 8/25/2022

Японские офицеры на причале у борта транспортного судна во время высадки японских войск во Владивостоке в 1918 году.

Офицеры спускаются по сходням на причал.

Подразделение японской армии в строю на причале после высадки, солдаты поворачиваются направо, начинают движение.

Американский боевой корабль на рейде Архангельска.

Американские военный на причале (панорама).

Вид американского боевого корабля, флаг США на корме, от корабля отваливает шлюпка с солдатами.

Американские корабли в походе.


1990 - 1999 Report on the political and economic situation in Russia

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:29 to collection R 8/25/2022

A man with a placard: "The People's Deputies, Save the people, and Russia from the" popular "president and his" demorosskih "instigators and thieves!" at the Government House.

A woman with a placard: "A. Kozyrev - Minister of the collapse of Russia's foreign policy, U.S. lackey - resign!"

Courtroom of the Supreme Council.

Performs IO Prime Minister Yegor T. Gaidar, behind the podium.

Listening in the audience.

Gaidar answers MPs' questions.

Yeltsin election campaign. (1990 - 1996)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 1:00:36 to collection R 8/25/2022

Various photos of Boris Yeltsin.

1990-1991: Boris Yeltsin and N.I.Eltsina home: Yeltsin drinking tea, going to work, he escorted his daughter Tanya and grandson of Boris.

Yeltsin goes down the ramp in Ekaterinburg, he was greeted E.E.Rossel and others, Yeltsin and his entourage in the car, Yeltsin talks with fellow countrymen.

Yeltsin stands in the hall, holding a meeting, talking to the head of the administration of the Sverdlovsk region E.Rosselem.

Yeltsin in Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev talking to, visiting an oil pipeline "Druzhba", a talk on the street.

Yeltsin talks with people.

Yeltsin goes down the ramp in Kemerovo, greets O.Tuleevym and others, sat in the car.


Report to cities in Russia. (1990 - 1999)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 1:08:09 to collection R 8/25/2022

The letters "Vladivostok" in the building.

The general plan of Vladivostok from the top point.

Vladivostok Funicular.

The port city.

Passers-by on the street.

The food market hall.

Sale of consumer goods in the market.
