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Street fighting in Stalingrad. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:28 to collection G 4/19/2022

Вид родной из разрушенных улиц Сталинграда.

Советский автоматчик ведет огонь из развалин.

Бойцы дивизии под командованием Родимцева обстреливают дома на противоположной улице, в которых засели немцы.

Рабочие завода "Красный Октябрь" ведут ружейный огонь по противнику.

Боевые действия в Сталинграде.

Советский снайпер Анатолий Чехов на позиции в развалинах.

Падает сраженный пулей снайпера немецкий солдат.


Союзники СССР во Второй мировой войне. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:07 to collection G 4/19/2022

Одно из транспортных судов союзного конвоя во время очередного рейса.

Авианосец сопровождает караван судов.

Посадка самолета-разведчика на палубу авианосца.

Боевые корабли охранения следуют за морским караваном.

Личный состав американского воинского подразделения в строю на аэродроме перед посадкой в военно-транспортные самолеты "Кертисс".

Посадка в самолет личного состава.

Автомобили своим ходом заезжают в грузовой отсек самолета.


Vostochny Cosmodrome. (2019)

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Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:02:50 to collection V4 4/19/2022

Presentation of the Russian Vostochny cosmodrome, rocket launches and other achievements.

Space | Space programs | Construction | Sectors of the economy

Soyuz - Apollo. The "Icebreaker" of the Cold War. (2020)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:37:11 to collection V4 4/19/2022

The Soyuz-Apollo program was the first joint project of the two superpowers.

For the era of the "cold War" it was a real fantasy.

Time turned back, two irreconcilable competitors shook hands for the first time in the late 1960s.

An event that changed the whole course of further history: The USSR and the USA agreed to cooperate.

Thus began the era of detente of international tensions.

The first docking of manned spacecraft. | Joining the "Soyuz" and "Apollo." | International cooperation | Conquest of Space | Space | Space programs

The CENKI generation. (2019)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:24:10 to collection V4 4/19/2022

The film is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of FSUE "CENKI" (Center for the Operation of Ground-based Space Infrastructure Facilities).

The history of the creation and development of the CENKI, the rescue and revival of the Baikonur cosmodrome, the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

Conquest of Space | Space programs | Sectors of the economy | Space

CENKI. Cosmodromes of Russia. (2019)

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Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:16 to collection V4 4/19/2022

Promotional video of the Center for the Operation of Ground-based Space Infrastructure (CENKI).

Space | Space programs | Sectors of the economy

Orbit Tour. (2019)

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Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:03:09 to collection V4 4/19/2022

Humanity has always dreamed of conquering space.

People watched the stars with interest, imagining the time when they would be able to touch them.

Russia was the first to realize this dream.

Roscosmos and Glavkosmos offer programs for manned human space flights.

Space | Space programs | Sectors of the economy

The space odyssey of the robot Fedor. (2019)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:05 to collection V4 4/19/2022

The film tells about how the anthropomorphic robot FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research), aka Skybot F-850 (Skybot F-850), aka just Fedor, was created.

Fedor's birthplace is the industrial city of Magnitogorsk, it was here that he was invented, developed and assembled.

Space programs | Conquest of Space | Science | Space

Space odyssey of the robot Fedor, presentation. (2019)

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Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:02:12 to collection V4 4/19/2022

A promotional video about the capabilities of the Fedor robot (FEDOR - Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research), aka Skybot F-850 (Skybot F-850).

Space programs | Conquest of Space | Science | Space

Create an astronaut. (2020)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:45:46 to collection V4 4/18/2022

Millions of people dream of seeing our planet from orbit, but space opens up only to a select few.

Everyone has their own way to become an astronaut.

Preparing for a space flight is more than a job.

This is life itself.

Space | Conquest of Space | Space programs