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Demonstration on December 17, 1917 in Petrograd.. (1917)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:29 to collection G 10/16/2023

Workers, Red Army soldiers, employees with anti-war slogans pass along the Liteyny Bridge, Nevsky Prospekt, the Field of Mars.

October celebrations in Moscow. (1925)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:42 to collection G 10/16/2023

Workers' demonstration and military parade on Red Square.

On the podium of the wooden Mausoleum, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) V. M. Molotov, M. I. Kalinin, member of the Presidium and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) E. M. Yaroslavsky, Deputy Chairman of the RVS of the USSR I. S. Unshlikht, Secretary of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR A. S. Enukidze, 1st Secretary of the MK and MGK of the party N. A. Uglanov, Chairman of the VTSPS M. P. Tomsky and others .

Demonstrators with slogans pass through Red Square.

Russia 1913-1914. (1913)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:09 to collection G 10/16/2023

Russia, [1914] - A group of Russian soldiers shoot rifles at an airplane.

Two Russian officers at the stream, in which a toy watermill is spinning.

Funeral in winter in a mass grave in the cemetery.

- Russia, Kiev, September 5, 1913 - Wreaths at the monument to P.A.Stolypin.

A group of policemen.

A lot of people are walking down the street with banners and flags to the place of the opening of the monument to P.A. Stolypin.

Opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander III in St. Petersburg. (1909)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:05:34 to collection G 10/16/2023

Russia, St.

Petersburg, May 23, 1909 - People with banners stand on the square around the monument covered with a canvas.

The Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, V.B. Fredericks, Princes A.P. and P.A. Oldenburg and others pass by a detachment of officers on the square.

Officials lay wreaths at the foot of the monument.

People at the monument.

Monument to Emperor Alexander III. Nicholas II, accompanied by Grand Dukes Dmitry Pavlovich, Boris Vladimirovich and Andrei Vladimirovich, Princes of Oldenburg, V.B. Fredericks, V.N. Voeykov, V.A. Sukhomlinov, bypass the formation of soldiers during the parade.

Nicholas II, Maria Feodorovna, Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Dukes Dmitry Pavlovich, Boris Vladimirovich and Andrei Vladimirovich, Prince P.A. of Oldenburg and others pass by the monument to Alexander III during its consecration by the clergy.


Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, USA and Great Britain. (1945)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:08 to collection G 10/16/2023

The building of the People's Commissariat of the USSR. The participants of the conference at the round table look through the documents, talk after the meeting.

Among them: V. M. Molotov, F. T. Gusev, E. Bevin, A. N. Pavlov, N. Ya.

Vyshinsky, V. Harriman, J.

Biris, A. Cadogan.

Emperor Nicholas II in Livadia. (1910)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:06:13 to collection G 10/16/2023

Russia, Livadia - Emperor Nicholas II receives a parade of troops of the Livadia garrison on the occasion of the namesake of the heir Alexei, bypasses the soldiers, talks with officers.

Among those present: V.B. Fredericks, K.D. Nilov.

From the rostrum of the Extraordinary IV session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1st convocation).Issue #1. (1939)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:38 to collection G 10/16/2023

August 28 - September 1, 1939 People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR K.I. Voroshilov makes a report at the extraordinary IV session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation.

Delegates listening in the hall.

Борьба с голодом и разрухой в России после гражданской войны. (1919 - 1922)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:27 to collection G 10/16/2023

Женщины и дети в лагере беженцев из голодающих районов Поволжья.

Панорама разрушенного городского квартала, вдаль по улице уходят женщина с девочкой.

Очередь на одной из улиц Петрограда в 1919-1920 годах.

Фотография беспризорника с куском хлеба в руках.

Сброшенные с рельс железнодорожные платформы.

Вид разрушенного железнодорожного моста.

Платформы с дровами, сошедшие с рельс.


The RSFSR in the early years of Soviet power. (1917 - 1923)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:54 to collection G 10/16/2023

Факелы, горящие в ночной темноте.

Дымит заводская труба.

Пар вырывается из заводских гудков.

Рабочий митинг в фабричном дворе.

Выход рабочих и работниц из дверей фабричного корпуса.

Рабочие на фабричном дворе собираются на митинг.

Ораторы выступают на митинге.


Кинохроника Первой мировой войны. (1914 - 1918)

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Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 1:13:17 to collection G 10/13/2023

Президент США Вудро Вильсон подходит к телефону в кабинете в белом доме.

Вильсон за столом подписывает документ.

Текст документа о вступлении США в Первую мировую войну.

Лицо генерала Дж.


Першинг на палубе военно-транспортного судна.

Першинг здоровается с французскими и британскими военными.


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