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Review of frontline baths. (1915)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:55 to collection G 8/27/2023

Russia. - A group of civilian men comes out of the field bathhouse, greets the general and officers who came up, all go into the bathhouse together.

- Russia. - Generals and officers pose in front of the camera.

On the territory of the military camp, decorated with Russian flags and garlands, there are groups of officers and civilians.

The general accepts the officer's report, there is a formation of soldiers.

Prayer service in front of the soldiers.

An officer and a standard-bearer pass in front of a line of soldiers.

A general with officers bypasses the formation of soldiers.


The Black Days of Kronstadt (towards the liquidation of the White Guard mutiny in Kronstadt in March 1921). (1921)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:33 to collection G 8/27/2023

The rebels are passing by.

Close-up of a sailor participating in the Kronstadt mutiny.

Consequences of fires.

Burnt-out equipment.

Women in the conflagration.

Red Army soldiers in Kronstadt.

Traces of destruction on the building.


Victory Day Parade in Berlin. (1945)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:24:10 to collection G 8/27/2023

A column of armored vehicles and tanks of the American 16th Motorized Cavalry Group moves along the Charlottenburg Highway from the Victory Column during the Victory Parade in Berlin on September 7, 1945.

Tanks of the 7-1 British Tank Division at the Victory Parade in Berlin.

The movement of columns of American and British armored vehicles at the Victory Parade in Berlin along the Charlottenburg highway.

View of Charlottenburg highway during the movement of British armored vehicles (from above).

American pickups with machine guns at the Victory Parade in Berlin.

The units of the French 3rd Chasseur Regiment on armored vehicles are moving in parade formation along the Charlottenburg highway past the tribune with the commanders of the Allied troops.

Movement of American armored vehicles of the consolidated regiment of the 16th motorized Cavalry group past the podium.


Nicholas II at the sports parade in Tsarskoye Selo. (1910)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:36 to collection G 8/27/2023

Russia, Tsarskoye Selo, [May 23, 1910] - Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia on the steps of the palace. [Students of the Bakhmut people's class of military order and gymnastics] are lined up on the square in front of the palace, Emperor Nicholas II is walking along the line, an open carriage rides with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and heir Alexei sitting in it, followed by courtiers.

Students demonstrate on the square in front of the palace exercises on uneven bars, a sports "horse", jump high through a stretched rope.

Nicholas II with his retinue (among them - V.A. Sukhomlinov) watches the exercises of the students.

Students march past Nicholas II. Students pose on the steps of the palace.

Opening and liquidation of the Constituent Assembly. (1917)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:56 to collection G 8/27/2023

Views of Petrograd, crowds of people in different places of the city, agitation, rallies and demonstrations in favor of elections to the Constituent Assembly.

Movement of an armed detachment of Latvian riflemen through the city, guns at the Tauride Palace.

The funeral procession of the victims of the clash of demonstrators with the troops on January 5.

Хроника царской России и Германии. (1900 - 1917)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:59 to collection G 8/27/2023

События 9 января 1905 года (фрагменты х/фильма).

Арестантов ведут под конвоем в Сибири (фрагмент х/фильма).

Демонстрация кавалерийской атаки на территории Московского Кремля в 1913 году.

Кавалькада конных экипажей с членами германской императорской семьи проезжает по Берлину.

Женщины общаются с военными на одной из улиц Берлина в начале 20 века.

Подразделения прусской гвардии во главе с духовым оркестром маршируют по улицам Берлина.

Вид моста через Шпрее.


Baltic-White Sea Waterway. (1932)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:09 to collection G 8/27/2023

Karelian landscapes - forests, lakes, rivers, waterfalls.

Prisoners work in logging and logging.

Prisoners and Red Army soldiers on the construction of the Baltic-White Sea Canal (excavation and mechanized work); laying explosives, exploding bridges, opening one of the locks.

The construction of the canal at different times of the year.

Canals, sluices, dams and other structures.

Peterhof.. (1935)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:36 to collection G 8/25/2023


Gushing fountains.

Monplaisir Palace in the Lower Park of Peterhof.

Petrodvorets - grand staircase, Dance hall.

The lower park of Petrodvorets with numerous fountains.

Neptune Fountain in front of the main entrance to Petrodvorets.

Революция и начало гражданской войны в России. (1917 - 1919)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:42 to collection G 8/25/2023

Панорама и виды Марсова поля в Петрограде 23 марта 1917 года перед началом похорон жертв Февральской революции.

На поле выходит сводный военный духовой оркестр и подразделение почетного караула армии и флота, сзади идут участники мероприятия.

Кавалерийское подразделения следует к месту захоронения.

Военные опускают в братскую могилу один из гробов.

Одна из колонн траурной манифестации выходит на Марсово поле, люди несут гроб.

Транспарант с траурным лозунгом у братской могилы.

Родзянко М.В. проходит к трибуне.


Выступление Л.П. Берии на торжественном митинге в Тбилиси. (1938)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:07:50 to collection G 8/25/2023

Первый секретарь Коммунистической партии Грузии Берия Л.П. на трибуне митинга в мае 1937 года в Тбилиси, посвященного предстоящим выборам в Верховный Совет Грузинской ССР и выдвижению кандидатуры И.В. Сталина, лица аплодирующих участников митинга.

Виды митинга, участники митинга приветствуют Берию.

Берия выступает с трибуны (синхронно и за кадром).

Вид митинга.

Портреты руководства СССР и НКВД на фасаде здания, круговая панорама зданий вокруг площади.

Раструбы громкоговорителей на столбе.

Панорама площади и виды во время митинга (сверху).


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