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Foreign newsreels 1975 № 4527

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:30:19 to collection F 6/19/2020

Civilians during world war II. (1942)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:00:20 to collection A 6/18/2020

An elderly woman with a small boy sitting in the forest under the poster on the tree "red army Warrior, Save me!"

Bryansk front. (1943)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:04:49 to collection A 6/18/2020

Bryansk front, July 1943.

Sunrise over the river.

Panorama of wheat ears in the field.

Soldiers of the 8th infantry division of the 13th army in the trenches, observing enemy positions.

Panorama of the barbed wire on the front.

Soldiers in the trenches.

One of the soldiers preparing grenades for battle.


Foreign newsreels 1972 № 3197

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News, 13 footages, Duration: 0:20:08 to collection F 6/18/2020

South Vietnam - Saigon troops Post camp Evans North of hue under artillery fire from the patriots.

South Vietnam - hue City under fire.

The evacuation of the fire base Saigon troops.

South Vietnam - Saigon troops counter-attack on the city of Quang tri.

The border between Lebanon and Israel Intensified Israeli patrols after a guerrilla rocket attack in the border area.

Jordan - a Visit to a refugee camp in Northern Jordan the mayor of the Israeli-occupied Gaza.

England (Northern Ireland) - the Demolition of the barricades of Catholics and the construction of new barricades, Protestants in Belfast.


Materials on the film "Victory Parade". (1945)

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Footage, 11 footages, Duration: 0:03:39 to collection A 6/17/2020

Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov sits on the horse, goes to the Red square.

Fanfaristy play the beginning of the parade.

Beetles leaves from the Spassky gate.

Rokossovsky commanded the parade, on horseback and Zhukov toured the troops.

The materials for the film "the Defeat of Japan". (1945)

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Footage, 21 footages, Duration: 0:12:39 to collection A 6/17/2020

Советские танки движутся через заросли в лесу, пехота идет за танками.

Движение через лес танков с десантом на броне.

Пехота слезает с танков на ходу, размыкается в цепь.

Танки и пехота прочесывают лес.

Танки и пехота спускаются по лесному склону.

Движение танков с десантом на броне.

Танк сносит ствол дерева, буксует гусеницами.


Exhibition of captured German technology. (1945)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:02:19 to collection A 6/17/2020

Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky with accompanying visits the exhibition of military equipment - heavy mortars, anti-aircraft, searchlight, communication equipment, loudspeaker installations and captured the Nazis captured guns of large caliber.

In the group of K. K. Rokossovsky, Lieutenant-General A. G. Russian, General-Colonel A. K. Sokolsky, Lieutenant-General P. M. Cats of Legonkov, head of the political Department of the 2nd Belorussian front Lieutenant General A. D. Okorokov, commander of the 5th guards cavalry division major-General N. With.

Chepurkin and others.

Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky and Colonel-General of artillery A. K. Sokolsky in the gondola of the balloon rise up.

Tours for officers hold General-Colonel P. I. Batov, and V. S. Popov.

Fragments d/f "the Day of the new world". (1940)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:01:46 to collection A 6/17/2020


Port of Vladivostok.


The action of cavalry Belov. (1941)

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Footage, 7 footages, Duration: 0:03:17 to collection A 6/16/2020

Awarding orders and medals of Soviet Union soldiers and officers of the 1st guards cavalry corps.

Cavalry in the forest before the attack.

The supply of firewood to the population of Moscow.. (1942)

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Footage, 5 footages, Duration: 0:01:08 to collection A 6/14/2020

Moscow, 23 August 1942, Cargo trolley, Laden with wood, moving through the streets of the city.