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Highway Patrol (1997) issue from 15.03-17.03

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:51 to collection V3 8/3/2023

Murder in an apartment on Veselaya Street.

The bloody corpse of a man on the floor.

The owner of the apartment is disabled.

Empty vodka bottles on the floor.

Police officer (synchronously).

Weapons seized from detainees.



Highway Patrol (1997) issue from 17.03-18.03

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection V3 8/3/2023

A police officer (synchronously).

Duty unit of the Department of Internal Affairs "Beskudnikovo".

A detainee who inflicted serious bodily injuries on his son (synchronously).

Fire in a wooden house in d .

Kostino, Pushkin district, Moscow region.

Burnt-out apartments.

Things in the snow in the yard, thrown out of burning apartments.


Highway Patrol (1997) issue from 18.03-19.03

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection V3 8/3/2023

Accident on Botanic Street.

An abandoned car in a garage cooperative.

A police officer (synchronously).

Detained for theft (synchronously).

Detained (synchronously).

The corpse of a man on the street of the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

The body of a man on the ground.


Highway Patrol (1997) issue from 19.03-20.03

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection V3 8/3/2023

Ammunition was found in the village of Khlebnikovo.

Cylinders resembling anti-tank mines.

Found ammunition from the Great Patriotic War.


Fatal traffic accident on the ring road.

The body of a downed woman on the road.

A police officer (synchronously).


SKJ fragment No. 30. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:03:23 to collection G 8/3/2023

2nd All-Slavic rally in Moscow.

Among the participants of the rally: Serbian Professor B. Maslanich, Slovenian journalist Regent, academician Derzhavin, composer D. Shostakovich, writer A. Korneychuk, professor of Prague University Z. Needly, Polish writer V. Vasilevskaya, etc.

Speeches of the rally participants.

Expedition to Ukhta. (1929)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:12 to collection G 8/3/2023

Landscapes of the Ukhta river; banks covered with forest.

Members of a special expedition of the NKVD, consisting of prisoners, former offenders, are walking through the taiga.

The steamer "Shoal" with members of the expedition for the development of the North sails along the Ukhta River.

Local residents help members of the expedition to remove the steamer from the shoal.

Members of the expedition at the campfire.

Portraits (close-ups) of the expedition members.

Evening landscapes of the Chibyu River.

Сражающийся Ленинград. (1941 - 1942)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:03:32 to collection G 8/2/2023

Немецкое тяжелое орудие на железнодорожном транспортере.

Транспортировка боеприпасов к орудию.

Поднимаются стволы тяжелых орудий.

Вертикальная наводка орудия "Тор".

Немецкие бомбардировщики в полете.

Жители Ленинграда спасаются от немецкого авианалета в сентябре 1941 года.

Женщины и дети забегают в двери бомбоубежища.


Париж и Франция в начале 20 века. (1900 - 1905)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:20:57 to collection G 8/2/2023

Рельсы парижского наземного метро.

Пешеходы и гужевой транспорт на площади рядом с метромостом.

Люди выходят из метрополитена на бульвар.

Герб на ограде одной из станций парижского метро.

Карета проезжает мимо подъезда с резными каменными украшениями.

Фрагменты украшений над подъездом.

Фотографии людей в интерьерах начала 20 века.


Arrival of M. I. Kalinin in the village. (1919)

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Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:07:15 to collection G 8/2/2023

M. I. Kalinin at a meeting of the Village Council, in the presidium of the assembly, with the villagers: inspects the farm, school, talks, plows the land, drinks tea; speaks to the Red Army at the railway station, takes the parade.

Mother, wife, children of M. I. Kalinin in a village hut.

Peasants at a meeting, a meeting of the Village Council.

They sow bread, drink tea, dance.

Kerch.In the Kerch district. (1942)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:34 to collection G 8/2/2023

The city of Kerch (shot January 29 - February 8, 1942)

- Panorama of the city.

- Soldiers are escorting a group of traitors who collaborated with the occupiers along the city street; among them are the mayor of Kerch, T.V. Tokarev, his deputy Petrov, head of the trade department of the Bambukhchians city Council (Bambukhchiev), the secretary of the city council Mikhailov, the mayor of Feodosia, V.S. Gruzinov, the chief of the Feodosiya district, N.I. Andrzeevsky. V.S. Gruzinov and N.I. Andrzeevsky under interrogation.

- The downed German bomber "Henkel 111".

The public and vehicles on the streets of the city.

Ordzhonikidze district of Kerch, Kamysh-Burun settlement (shot January 29 - February 7, 1942)

- Destroyed buildings of the S.Ordzhonikidze club and school.


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