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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

Save the astronaut. (2018)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:53 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The film tells about the work of doctors of FSUE "CENKI" and the space industry, employees of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA of the Russian Federation) at all stages of preparing astronauts for space flight, from the selection of candidates for the cosmonaut squad to post-flight rehabilitation and even preparation for flights into deep space.

The focus is on the medical exercises at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Space | Medicine | Science

Immersion in weightlessness. (2018)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:29:06 to collection V4 4/25/2022

It was in the hydrolaboratory of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center that the concept of "floating in zero gravity" was born.

A unique simulator for simulating the state of weightlessness in water was created immediately after Alexey Leonov's spacewalk.

This was necessary, moreover, future researchers may have to work not only in space, but also under water, since scientists believe that there are planets completely covered with water in the Universe.

Space | Space programs | Science

Heavens, take off your hat.... (2018)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:14:19 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The film is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the flight of the world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.

Her name stands next to the name of Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth and the first female cosmonaut.

The heroine of the film tells about the difficult preparation for the flight, about the difficulties she had to face during a three-day space expedition.

Despite serious trials, she admits that even today she dreams of making a space trip.

Heroes of Space | Space | Conquest of Space | Biography

A star named ISS. (2018)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:39:43 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The ISS is an ideal world, a kind of planet without borders, one common language "rusinglish" and even a common food.

When everyone is together, all problems are solved.

But initially the plans were completely different.

Instead of the ISS, Russia had to build a second Mir station, and NASA unsuccessfully tried to build its own orbital station.

The Svoboda project was closed in 1990 due to a series of serious failures, and not only the United States, but also other countries that financed the project lost huge amounts of money.

Salvation came from where no one expected it in those years - from an independent, but not yet strengthened after the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the Russian economy.

Without our country, the world would not be able to create an orbital station of international importance.

The basis of the ISS was the modules of the Mir-2 station, at that time almost ready to be sent into orbit.

Space programs | International cooperation | Sectors of the economy | Space

Satellite. (2017)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:44:02 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The film is dedicated to the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite (ISS).

The story of how the space age of mankind began, the story of people who were not only witnesses, but also participants in those events.

The fitter of the ISS, Yuri Silaev, tells how the launch of the satellite affected his life, how an event of national importance intertwined with private life.

Space programs | Science | Figures of science | Space | Biography

Weapons of retribution. (2015)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:42 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The main argument against a new world war is autonomous mobile missile systems, so-called deterrence weapons, weapons of retaliation, which will be inevitable.

Today, only in Russia they are able to create rocket launchers that are elusive for all types of intelligence.

The film tells about the work of the military-industrial enterprises of our country, which specialize in the development of the latest missile systems.

Armament | Space troops and air defense | Defense and internal security | Army

Stages of civilization. (2017)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:49 to collection V4 4/25/2022

Eastern Aral Sea region.

It's hard to believe that dozens of fortress cities once stood here.

Many secrets of the ancient Jetyasar civilization have been revealed due to the fact that the Baikonur cosmodrome is located 50 km from this place.

A large-scale project of Soviet cosmonautics to create a reusable spacecraft opened a forgotten ancient culture to the world.

Nowadays, the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region is paving new paths to the most remote areas of Yakutia, promising to significantly improve the lives of the local population in the future.

Space programs | Construction | Sectors of the economy | Space

The Century of Afanasyev. (2018)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:26 to collection V4 4/25/2022

The film is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Minister of General Mechanical Engineering of the USSR Sergey Alexandrovich Afanasyev, who played a major role in the development of the rocket and space and defense industries.

Figures of science | Defense and internal security | Conquest of Space | Biography | Science | Space

Svetloyar. Russian looking Glass. (2013)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:51:45 to collection V4 4/25/2022

Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region is the most mysterious lake in Russia.

Some scientists believe that it appeared from the impact of a large meteorite, others associate the appearance of the lake with a sudden displacement of the earth's crust.

Locals endow the lake with an unearthly power, which once covered the legendary city of Kitezh with its waters.

Svetloyar is sometimes called the "Russian Atlantis".

Religion | Ethnography | Scientific expeditions | Social life | Geography and Nature | Science

Tsiolkovsky. The Cosmic Prophet. (2017)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:22:13 to collection V4 4/25/2022

September 17 - 160th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

He is called the founder of theoretical cosmonautics.

Tsiolkovsky was one of the first to scientifically substantiate the use of multistage rockets, calling them "rocket trains", developed the idea of an artificial Earth satellite, and proposed methods for constructing habitable orbital stations.

In 1916, Tsiolkovsky finished the science fiction adventure story "Beyond the Earth", several chapters of which he wrote back in 1896.

Space | Figures of science | Biography | Science