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Encyclopedia of designers.Yangel. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:34 to collection V4 12/8/2021

Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel is a Soviet designer of rocket and space technology, the founder of a new direction based on the use of high-boiling fuel components, the organizer of research in the field of aerodynamics, ballistics, materials science and other problems of the rocket industry.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Nadiradze. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:03:44 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Alexander Davidovich Nadiradze is a Soviet designer of rocket systems, a specialist in the field of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering, author of works on the mechanics of aircraft, Honored Inventor of the RSFSR.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Pilyugin. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:35 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Nikolay Alekseevich Pilyugin is a Soviet scientist and designer in the field of autonomous control systems for rocket and rocket-space complexes, developed control systems for R-1, R-7 rockets, led the development of control systems for interplanetary stations, Proton series rockets and the Buran shuttle.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Reshetnev. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:51 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev is a Soviet scientist, design engineer, one of the founders of Soviet cosmonautics, General Director and chief designer of the Applied Mechanics Design Bureau of the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, author of more than two hundred scientific papers and inventions.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Ryazan Mikhail. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:06:32 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Mikhail Sergeevich Ryazansky is a Soviet scientist, design engineer, developer of the first Soviet radars, member of the Council of Chief Designers, grandfather of cosmonaut Sergei Nikolaevich Ryazansky.

Fragments of an interview with the scientist's son Nikolai were used in the preparation of the film.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Severin Guy. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:18 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Guy Ilyich Severin is a Soviet scientist, designer of autonomous life support systems for pilots and cosmonauts, creator of the K-36 ejection seat, full member of the International Academy of Astronautics and the New York Academy of Sciences.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Tikhonravov. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:45 to collection V4 12/7/2021

Abstract: Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov is a Soviet engineer, designer of space and rocket technology.

He developed the first Soviet two-stage rocket engine, created the first Soviet rocket powered by hybrid fuel, and was engaged in research on liquid rocket engines.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Keldysh. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:36 to collection V4 12/6/2021

Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh is a Soviet scientist in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics, a major organizer of Soviet science, one of the ideologists of the Soviet space program.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Kozlov. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:01 to collection V4 12/6/2021

Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov - designer of rocket and space technology, general designer of the Central Specialized Design Bureau of the TSSKB "Progress", twice Hero of Socialist Labor, veteran of the Second World War.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

Encyclopedia of designers.Korolev. (2016)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:39 to collection V4 12/6/2021

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev is a Soviet scientist, designer and chief organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR, the founder of practical cosmonautics.

Figures of science | Biography | Science