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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

Two days and three nights.Pushkin in Kazan. (1992)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection G 7/20/2019

Fragment of the play "The Queen of Spades" (directed by A. Slavutsky).

Portrait of Pushkin.

Pushkin's journey to Kazan (drawing).

The building of the hotel where Pushkin stayed.

Wooden house.

Pushkin's meeting with Baratynsky (drawing).

Portrait of Baratynsky.


The melodies of the native side. (1972)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:06 to collection G 7/20/2019

What's in the theater good?. (1992)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:59 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film tells about the history, the repertoire and the actors of the Kazan state academic Russian Big drama theatre named after V. I. Kachalov.

Theater | Culture and Arts

Bulgarians. (1993)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:42 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film tells about the ancient settlement of the Volga Bulgars.

Russian cities and regions | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Deep seam. (1977)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 7/20/2019

Фильм рассказывает о работе занменитого татарского бурового мастера Х.Сафиуллина, в котором раскрываются его чувства и переживания за результат работы и судьбы его учеников.

Professions | Social life

The Chuvash legend. (1970)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:33 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film tells about the achievements of the Chuvash ASSR in 50 years.

History | Russian cities and regions | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Sewage return in oil refining. (1982)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:04 to collection G 7/20/2019

Фильм знакомит зрителя с новым способом очистки сточных вод в нефтепереработке.

Использование биохимической очистки значительно уменьшает сброс очищенных вод в водоемы и является значительным достижением в направлении закрытого цикла водопользования в технологических процессах.

Ecology | Biology | Geography and Nature | Science

Plus you. (1975)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film is dedicated to the memory of the hero of Soviet Union Pyotr Orlov, ever enrolled in the lists Komsomolka youth brigades Saransk electrical lamp plant and the preservation of the memory of the fallen in the great Patriotic war.

Youth | Generals and war heroes | Social life | Biography

Feast of the Land of Mari. (1980)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:19:10 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Mari ASSR.

Russian cities and regions | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Ecology and production of electrical energy. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:42 to collection G 7/20/2019

Фильм знакомит заинтересованные предприятия с методами очистки дымовых газов на ТЭЦ от окислов серы и переработки окислов серы в различные виды товарной продукции.

Ecology | Chemistry | Geography and Nature | Science