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Parenting sobriety. (1986)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:55 to collection G 12/26/2016

In a joking way, the film propagates the necessity of fostering sobriety in young people.

Life and leisure | Youth | Social life

Offensive against viruses. (1970)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:08 to collection G 12/26/2016

The nurse fills the syringe with medicine.

A man looks into a microscope.

The child eats berries.

An elderly man is sitting on a bench and reading a book.

The artist paints a landscape in the open air.

Panorama of the forest.

A group of athletes performs an exercise with ribbons.


Echoes of distant speech. (1996)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:34 to collection G 12/26/2016

The life and work of the People's Artist of the USSR B.F.Ilina (1901-1979).

Three desyateletiya his career were associated with the scene of the Sverdlovsk Academic Theatre of Drama.

Megalopolis. (2013)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:25:59 to collection S 12/26/2016

Megapolis - an unprecedented achievement of civilization.

This is the focus of intelligence, professionalism, high culture and, most importantly, - cash flow, which defines all the achievements of the mega-city.

One problem - dwelling in the metropolitan environment changes a person ...

To the extent that the biological survival becomes less important to him than financial success.

Moscow | Architecture | Traction | Social life | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Culture and Arts | Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Faithfully. (2002)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:29:30 to collection S 12/26/2016

Faithfully served our ancestors homeland. 20th Century broke our understanding of human life and their spiritual nature.

The film is about the rewards of Russia for 300 years of their existence gives rise to talk about it again.

This film is about the war and the man in the war.

Topic 3 comment on the authority - a historian, a military writer and priest.

George Duperron - father of Russian football. (2014)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:25:54 to collection S 12/26/2016

It's no secret that football has traditionally been the most popular game in many countries around the world, including in Russia.

However, the fans almost do not know anything about how this sport is in its infancy in our country.

It is not strange, but Russian football was really my father.

His name was George Duperron.

The Frenchman on his father, German mother, but a true Russian patriot, he made an enormous contribution to the development of sport in Russia, that he was destined to become the founder of the national football.

Football | Space | Towns and countries | History | Sporting events | Sport | Geography and Nature

Ahead of time. (2013)

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Documentary, 2 films, Duration: 0:52:00 to collection S 12/26/2016

Часть первая - «Живое дело Николая Федорова».

Фильм рассказывает о самобытном русском мыслителе Николае Федорове.

Именно он первым выдвинул идею о необходимости выхода человечества в космос и проект всеобщего воскрешения умерших и преодоления смерти средствами современной науки.

Вторая часть фильма рассказывает о выдающемся советском ученом астрофизике Николае Александровиче Козыреве, который всю свою жизнь посвяти изучению космоса.

В фильме рассказано о разработке ученым оригинальной научной картины мира, в которой течение времени предстает как физический процесс, обеспечивающий поддержание жизни во Вселенной.

Figures of science | Biography | Science

The eternal City. (2014)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:26:01 to collection S 12/26/2016

Фильм рассказывает о героических днях обороны Севастополя, о подвиге 35-й береговой батареи.

Defense of Sevastopol | World War II | History

Song of the unfortunate in love. (2008)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:26:28 to collection S 12/26/2016

In the story "The murder of the poet" like Apollinaire foresaw his own fate: seriously wounded in the head on the front, he was unable to recover and died on 9th November 1918 at the age of 38 children.

Wilhelm - Albert - Vladimir - Alexander - Apollinaris Kostrovitsky (pseudonym Guillaume Apollinaire) was the illegitimate son of Angelica Kostrovitsky.

His grandfather was a staff captain of the Russian army, but after the defeat of the Polish uprising of 1863, was forced to emigrate to Italy.

According to family giving Apollinaire was the son of Napoleon's grandson, who lived at that time in the Vatican.

However, in official form registration of foreigners in Italy, in the column "nationality" is written: "The Italian.


In the film, we confine ourselves to love poetry of the poet, which sounds bitter fate "unloved", or just with the French "ill loved one."

Literati | The First World War | Towns and countries | Visual Arts | History | Movie | Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts | Literature | Geography and Nature

Shadow Herostratus. (2009)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:27:06 to collection S 12/26/2016

В фильме рассматриваются разные версии одной из крупнейших катастроф ХХ века - пожара и крушения немецкого дирижабля «Гинденбург»

Man-made disasters | History | Wars, conflicts and disasters