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7772 documents,

Krupp in the Third Reich. (1939)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:27 to collection G 10/26/2016


Speech by Hitler in 1935 to the Hitler Youth.

Stadium, fascist banners.

Hitler at microphones.

Smiling faces of boys and girls.

Story Hitler Youth

Germaniya.27 March 1936.


15 years of the National socialist party Leverkusen. (1939)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:58 to collection G 10/26/2016


About the National Socialist Party Leiverkuzen city where in 1924 Dr.

Ley organized the first group of the National Socialist Party.

View of Levereuzen buildings.

Neighborhood of the city.

Streets decorated with Nazi symbols, flags.

Early morning, the streets are still empty.


Actions by German aircraft on the Polish front. (1939)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:34:23 to collection G 10/26/2016


Military operations of German aircraft in Poland in 1939.

German aircraft - intelligence on the airfield.

Loading the plane cameras.

Take off, fly over Polish territory.

Polish landscapes blasted railway bridge station.

Military trains.


Difficulties areas in the East. (1942)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:35 to collection G 10/26/2016


Difficulties to be overcome means the German army on the eastern front.

Dirty, broken track, the trench in the water sweeps winter blizzards.

Trapped in the snow machine pull on the cable car on the tracks.

Wheels of cars get stuck in the mud.

As dirt is infantry.

Soldiers of the organization Todt build the road of logs.


World War II | History

Get up, Spain!. (1936)

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Documentary, 9 parts, Duration: 1:15:12 to collection G 10/26/2016

The film is dedicated to the fight against Franco with the democratic Government of Spain.

On the map Spain, the hammer and sickle.

The winner left front respublikantsev.

Ubitye, barricades on the streets, slogans.

Installation operations staff of the armed forces of the Republicans in different cities.

Broken buildings, churches.

In a sign of the Committee building, travel car, men with guns.

On the calendar - on 21 July.

Children raised their fists up - a symbol of unity.

Republican demonstrations, distribution of weapons rabochim.

Po Street march armed men, young people.

Republicans with arms on trucks.

The Messenger of the USSR in Spain, among Spaniards Rosenberg.

Destruction historical monuments, the destruction of monasteries and churches, broken statues of saints.

Communist slogans.

Lit church burning houses.

Soldiers-Republicans raise fists.

Republicans rank shooting at the statue of the Virgin.

From the church endure church utensils, burn it.

The ruins of the church, destroyed the iconostasis, broken statues.

Traces of bullets on the walls, fires.

Those killed in the streets.

Massive searches on the streets, arrests.

Republican pulls on the rope corpse.

The arrest of a suspect.

Lying dead.

Ship in the port of Barcelona, ​​defected to the Republicans, the men with ugly faces.

Prison, are arrested.

Sounds of shooting behind the scenes.

The corpses in the square.

Flag of Phalange.

Portrait of General Franco on the building.

Franco and his entourage out of the church, his welcome.

Phalangists with a banner marching down the street.

Demonstration and parade Falangists, they welcomed the fascist gesture.

Franco's troops to march to the front.

Trucks on mountain road.

General Keino de Llano Seville among the population.

Parade of troops.

Phalangist troops under the command of General Mola parade, residents welcomed them waving from the windows

Victory in Tunisia. (1944)

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Documentary, 8 parts, Duration: 0:50:29 to collection G 10/26/2016


The sea at night, the mast of the ship.

ashore from a ship type.

Soldiers from anti-aircraft guns.

Sailors at the headquarters receive messages, typing.

From the ship flashing spotlight, back light from another vessel, the English flag in the sea



Prelude war. (1943)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:12:40 to collection G 10/26/2016

USA. Propaganda newsreels and documentary.

Frames, symbolizing war.

Parade US troops ahead of the orchestra, the flag flies.

The explosions on the ground, with the aircraft flying bombs.

At sea, the ship is burning undermined.

The bombings in London, in the dark, the lights of fires, lights silhouette of the cathedral, collapsing walls of houses.

Burning city in France.


Army Supply of spare car parts. (1942)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:22:44 to collection G 10/26/2016


Military trucks go through the mud, in the sand.

The wheel is stuck in the sand, the soldiers near the wheel.

The work of military factories.

Metallurgical plant, incandescent balvanka under pressure.

Production of car parts.

Ball bearings on an automatic line.


Transmission (Course - Driving). (1944)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:07 to collection G 10/26/2016

USA. Gearboxes and transfer boxes.

From the series: the removal of the vehicle faults.

On the road military truck rides "Chevrolet".

Purpose gearbox.

Engineer demonstrates a box set of gears in it.

Different combinations of gears give vozzhmozhnost perform different tasks.

The movement back and forth, stop.


Fight for Dubrovka. (1944)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:24:22 to collection G 10/26/2016


Military training film N 478. Autumn 1944.

The tactics of the defensive battle in the village.

On the field there are two German soldiers, there was an explosion, they hide themselves on the ground.

Reference point in the Dubrovka occupied by German troops.

The bombing of the village of Soviet aircraft.

German officer passes the message on the phone.
