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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

Geologists at the shooting and search. (1976)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 11/10/2015

The film shows the work days of Soviet geologists, the use of all contemporary methods of surveying and prospecting works.

Springs Udmurtia. (1980)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:28 to collection G 11/10/2015

Lyrical report on the 60th anniversary of UASSR autonomy.

Russian cities and regions | Anniversaries | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Social life

Hand, Comrade PC!. (1983)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:59 to collection G 11/10/2015

The film covers the development of Soviet electronic computing technologies and the problems of introducing them into the national economy.


Russian language and peoples of the USSR. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:23 to collection G 11/10/2015

On the examples of Uzbekistan and Latvia, the film demonstrates the significance of studying and knowledge of Russian language as a means of communication between the nations of the USSR.

National culture | Education | Culture and Arts | Social life

Public interest. (1977)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:05 to collection G 11/10/2015

New methods of raising the harvests in non-black earth regions with the help of more intensive use of sun energy by plants.

Communication Helps production. (1977)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:49 to collection G 11/10/2015

The film advertises a new set of single-band wireless communication means for the vessels of unrestricted navigation area.

Graphics Yakutia. (1984)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:13 to collection G 11/10/2015

Yakutian graphics is one of the original phenomena of Soviet fine arts.

The secret of success. (1975)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:04 to collection G 11/10/2015

The film shows how the organization of all production services for the stable production of furniture, skis and plywood is being established using the example of two enterprises - the Viisnurk dock in Pärnus and the Kostroma Plywood Plant.

Industry | Sectors of the economy

Seconds is not enough. (1988)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:16 to collection G 11/10/2015

The film demonstrates the consequences the ignorance of basic demands of traffic regulations leads to.

Traction | Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Breeding, seed and state strain testing. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:55 to collection G 11/10/2015

About the work on the breeding of new varieties of cultivated plants, which are carried out in the scientific and production association "Elite of the Volga region", created on the basis of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the South-East.