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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

Square Swan song. (1991)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:17 to collection L 4/6/2023

Decembrists Square.

A walk at sunset. Artist V. Borisov-Musatov. (1992)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:58 to collection L 4/6/2023

A remarkable artist of the late 19-early 20 centuries in connection with the creative quest of his time

About live clock. (The best result). (1977)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:08 to collection L 4/6/2023

О хронобиологии - науке, изучающей роль биоритмов в жизни человека и всего живого.

Science | Space | Sport

Попутного ветра, капитаны!. (1974)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:23:53 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм рассказывает о качествах, необходимых капитану, о проведении экспериментов по психологическому тестированию на профпригодность с участием курсантов Ленинградского мореходного училища.

Education | Science | Sea and river transport | Social life | Transportation | Sectors of the economy

After high fire (Tea Izborsk). (1992)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19 to collection L 4/6/2023

Lev Solodkov, ceramic artist , author of ceramic icons.

The image of Russia in the landscapes of Izborsk.

Religion | Culture and Arts | Social life

Последний канцлер. Фильм второй. (2001)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:36:33 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм посвящен жизни и деятельности великого русского дипломата, князя Александра Михайловича Горчакова на посту министра иностранных дел Российской империи, демонстрирует уникальное совпадение свойств личности и дела, которому служил Горчаков.

Biography | History | Political figures | Policy

The abduction of the future. (13 hours Constituent Assembly). (1991)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:59:04 to collection L 4/6/2023

Фильм-размышление о судьбе российской государственности на материале архивной кинофотохроники революционных событий в России и последнего дня Учредительного собрания 5 января 1918 года.

History | Authorities and management | State institutions

Children are singing. (Music for children). (1976)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:23:54 to collection L 4/6/2023

A film about the Children's Choir of Leningrad television and Radio.

Artistic director Yu .


Holiday crafts. (1987)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:57 to collection L 4/6/2023

Kizhi Museum-Reserve.

The bell ringer rings the bells.

A guy and a girl are sitting on the porch of a wooden hut.

Landscape with a lake.

Near one of the houses there is a group of people in folk costumes.

The newlyweds are sitting in a cart, women in folk costumes are dancing and singing around.

The ensemble of spoons.


Adventure fire. (1988)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:36 to collection L 4/6/2023

Warning children against playing pranks with fire.


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