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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

About life.. (1989)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:19:13 to collection G 6/16/2014

The film is about the inhabitants of the village Polkhovsky Maidan of Voznesensky of the area Gorky region.

The villagers told the village's history, about his life, about crafts (sinhr.).

Picture of the life of the Russian village polkhovskiy Maidan, where they make the famous wooden toys, includes a lot of interesting material: a village wedding procession, may day demonstration, a Gypsy camp, the stories of grandmothers, making and painting dolls, village school, dance and more.

Sevastopol.. (1947)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:18:54 to collection G 6/16/2014



Streets, buildings.

Sunken Ships Monument.

Monuments participants Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, during the Great Patriotic War.

Diorama "Defense of Sevastopol".

A solemn meeting on Sapun Hill.


Epicenter.. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:01 to collection G 6/16/2014

The film was shot in Armenia in the first days after the earthquake of December 1989 and represents an important about time.

Great attention is paid to the picture of disinterested aid throughout the world to people severely affected by natural disasters.

Cambodia builds a new life.. (1985)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:39:51 to collection G 6/16/2014

The film, which was shot both in the USSR and in Kampuchea (Cambodia), tells about the restoration of the country and the normal life in it after the civil war.

The main attention is paid to the education and vocational training of young and not very young Cambodians, since by that time there were practically no literate, educated people in Kampuchea.

History of foreign countries | History

Andrew T. Bolotov or letters of the XVIII century.. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:47 to collection G 6/15/2014

The story of the first Russian scientist - Agronomy, naturalist, writer Bolotov.

He first began to promote crops such as potatoes and tomatoes.

Professor of medicine containers.. (1975)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:48 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is about the founder of the Soviet therapeutic school, professor Tareeva EM.

Archimedean lever adjustment. . .. (1987)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:58 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film tells about the benefits of introducing state acceptance of products at enterprises.

Restructuring | Industry | Sectors of the economy | History

To the extent possible.. (1985)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:37 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is a meditation on the limits of human capabilities.

In four short stories show people of different professions and ages, managed to achieve remarkable results in their chosen destiny.

Spring for the eyes of millions.. (1985)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:07 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is about conveying principle of the operations are the most common eye diseases typically conducted at the Institute of Eye Microsurgery Fedorov.

Galaxy and metagalaxy.. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:35 to collection G 6/15/2014

Educational film about contemporary representations of the structure of the world.