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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

Up!. (1989)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:53 to collection G 1/31/2014

A film about the life of circus children and the circus dynasty, the grave conditions of existence of the artists.

The film includes excerpts of performances and rehearsals, interviews with artists, footage Chronicles the different years.

Circus | Childhood and youth | Culture and Arts | Social life

Australia - the city and the people. (1977)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:11 to collection G 1/31/2014

Cinema trip to Australia.

The film depicts the exotic flora and fauna, the aborigines of Australia, major cities, industry, and everyday life of different strata of society.

Countries of the world | Geography and Nature | Social life | Towns and countries

Station "Mir". (1991)

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Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 0:52:25 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film tells the story of 7,8,9 expeditions orbital complex "Mir" and experiments performed by astronauts on board.

Space | Scientific expeditions | Science

"World" continues its flight. (1988)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:09 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film tells about the Mir orbital complex and the tasks it faces.

Space | Space programs | Science | Conquest of Space

Dasha Sevastopol - who is she?. (1988)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:11 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film tells the story of the world's first nurses.

Heroine of the defense of Sevastopol in 1854 -55g.g. D. Sevastopol, its followers - Pupil Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, sisters front during World War II, the service of charity today.

Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. (1991)

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Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 1:06:58 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film is about the life of Admiral Kuznetsov NG

Fleet | Biography | Army | Defense and internal security

World of Dance. (1972)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:49 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film tells the story of the origins and development of classical ballet in Russia.

Ballet | Ballerinas | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

Homo - paradoksum two. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:45 to collection G 1/31/2014

The film is in the form of grotesque reflects the idea of ​​the norms of life and morals of a totalitarian society.

Homo - paradoksum. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:21 to collection G 1/31/2014

Philosophical essay about human ambition from a biological point of view, to see his eyes aliens.

The point of the duel. (1989)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:46 to collection G 1/31/2014

Фильм - психологическая исповедь человека много испытавшего в жизни, попытка разобраться в сложных человеческих отношениях.

Social life