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By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals

7772 documents,

The 69th parallel. (1942)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:53:48 to collection A 8/28/2013

The film is dedicated to the Northern Navy, courage and heroism of its sailors.

Part 1.

The Barents Sea.

The state border.

Combat Marines.

Kisliakof Popochevny, Kosmachev among the men, with shipping bombs on reindeer.

Polarny, residents fleeing to the shelter; Sgibneva plane in the air, submarine Lunin.


In the battle, the sons of the people!. (1942)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:05:49 to collection A 8/28/2013


The film includes archival footage devoted to fighting the Soviet Army, the production processes in the industry during the period of the Great Patriotic War, staged photography.

Filming song accompanied (simultaneously).

Christmas in the trenches. (1914)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:07:52 to collection A 8/28/2013

Игровой фильм о праздновании Рождества на передовой во время Первой мировой войны.

The First World War | History

On the Wings Of Aeroflot.. (1984)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:05 to collection C 8/27/2013

An advertising film about the Company "Aeroflot" ["Airfleet"].

Air transport | Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Aviation

Union parade of athletes. (1945)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:55:31 to collection A 8/27/2013

City of Moscow.

The parade of athletes Soviet republics in Red Square.

Stalin, Zhdanov, AA Andreev, Mikhail Kalinin, Molotov, Beria and others on the podium of the Mausoleum.

D. Eisenhower, F. Gaal, Osobka Moravian - guest on the podium.

China fights. (1941)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:43:01 to collection A 8/27/2013

The river in the fog.


The Great Wall of China.

The ruins of an ancient temple.



Rice plantations.


Blooming youth. (1938)

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Documentary, 1 film, Duration: 0:28:39 to collection A 8/27/2013

Union parade of athletes on Red Square marking the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol.

Athletes are the columns of Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, athletes voluntary sports organizations.

On the podium of the Mausoleum of Lenin, Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov, Budyonny, MI Kalinin, AA Andreev, AI Mikoyan, LM Kaganovich, Bulganin, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Mikhail Gromov.

38 Minutes in Italy.. (1965)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:16 to collection C 8/27/2013

The view film telling about the history and sights of Italy.

Before Curtain.. (1963)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:14 to collection C 8/27/2013

About the backstage life during preparation to a performance in the Bolshoy Theatre and in the Palace of Congresses.

A Glass of Milk And a Piece of Bread.. (1972)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:21 to collection C 8/27/2013

The film tells about the amateur photographer Ivan Aleksandrovich Krysov from the Spaso-Telitse village of Kirov Region.