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7772 documents,

Green energy. (1985)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:23 to collection G 3/29/2023

Movie on bioenergy with the help of which you can get clean fuel. (Part 1 - Flying over the forest.


Green leaf.

Tseytrafer - macro.

Movement of tree sap.

Sun - solar panels.

Chlorella growing (macro).

Plantation chlorella.


Cell mass (movement).

Hydrogen production equipment - clean energy.

Fototrobnye bacteria (macro).



The new technology of cultivation of vegetables.. (1992)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:00 to collection G 3/29/2023

About the new equipment for the cultivation of vegetables. (Part 1 - Driving on Leningrad and the villages.

French and Dutch technology vozdelovaniya vegetables.



Fertilization, cultivation.

Preparing for the substratum cabbage seedlings.

Cassettes with cabbage in greenhouses.



Seedlings in the field.


Processing, watering, fertilizing.

Processing rows.

Part 2 - cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Drip irrigation.




Loosening the soil.

Cutting ridges, sowing.

Beet (seeding).

Cleaning carrots (beet).)

Wheel inside.. (1988)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:02 to collection G 3/29/2023

Kozhevnikov film about an inventor and his offspring - a new vehicle, based on the principle of inverted wheel. (Part 1 - interesting story the inventor of soft dahvata (opening) of the vehicle.

Beating pile dizelmolota.

Hand piling installation.)

Ceramic stone groundwood.. (1985)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:07:36 to collection G 3/29/2023

The promotional film shows the production of ceramic stone for pulping process / grinding / wood in the production of cardboard and newsprint paper. (Part 1 - Pulp and Paper Industry.

Pulping process.

Fabrication mass.

Fabrication stones attrition wood.


Winter landscapes with waterfalls.)

World without glasses.. (1986)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection G 3/29/2023

Promotional film about the new method of treatment of hyperopia, developed at the Moscow Institute of Eye Microsurgery led by Fedorov. (Part 1 - 9 Wood focus.


Individual frames through the lens of the eye (comb.).

Farsightedness diagram MLT. The scheme of operations on the eye MLT. Tools Fedorov.

Operation - setting.

Actions of the doctor.)

Earth and Environment beginning of everything.. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:48 to collection G 3/29/2023

The film tells the agronomic, land reclamation, protivoerrozivnyh activities on land, biological methods of plant protection. (Part 1 - Mechanized watering.

Water erosion.

Destruction of the soil.

Gullies (MLT).

Scheme to combat ravines (MLT).

Landscapes - grass cultivation (alfalfa).

Earthen bee.

Beehive in the barn.

Forested ravines.


Arable land.

Mechanical harvesting hay.


Old photos and new photos of the same color.

Ducks on the pond.



Soil card.

Drainage - styling.

Part 2 - laboratory insects, entomological protection.



Hives - bees.

Flowers, harvesting corn for silage.

Volatile mouse.


Hops - working Khmilnyk.

Gates with pictures in the Chuvash village.

Landscapes - forests and pastures in the summer.)

Learn the Russian language.. (1985)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:48 to collection G 3/29/2023

Promotional film tells about the Russian language textbooks for foreigners in the USSR. (Part 1 - Ancient manuscripts.

Printing press.

Monument I.Fedorovu.

Monuments Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gagarin.

Book Exhibition.

Russian textbooks.

Dictionary Ozhogina (portrait).)

Two-body problem.. (1984)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:33 to collection G 3/29/2023

Training film for university students studying theoretical mechanics.

Showing examples from the "heavenly" mechanics in the field of space research space. (Part 1 - Rauschenbach - about two-body problem (C) ... with symbols.

Coordinate system.

Equation of motion.

MLT - moments of movement - the 2nd and 3rd Kepler's laws.


Throwing bodies.

MLT. Trajectory.

Brownian trajectory.


Halley's Comet (MLT). ....)

What he - mushroom rain?. (1986)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection G 3/29/2023

The film reflects the actual problem yields and shows the role of water in the process of photosynthesis. (Part 1 - Park swans.


Disclosed leaves. (Tseytrafer).

Cobweb in the woods.

Chlorophyll cells.

Leaf and water movement in the sheet.


Artificial irrigation och.horosho.


Big fruit.

White mushrooms in the forest.

Rainbow excellent shot.

Polegshie trees of excess water.

Sprinklers different systems.

Collect cranberries.

Big cranberries.


Word of sobriety.. (1986)

Title image

Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:41 to collection G 3/29/2023

Documentary material reflecting the views of Leo Tolstoy on the problem of alcoholism. (In 1887, at the initiative of Leo Tolstoy was created temperance society entitled "Consent against drunkenness." The film presents a great documentary material reflecting the writer's attitude to the problem of alcoholism.)

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