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Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1640

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:12:03 to collection F 9/21/2013

Czechoslovakia-The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the February victory.

Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1642

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News, 17 footages, Duration: 0:26:12 to collection F 9/21/2013

South Vietnam - the New American helicopter lifting 38 missiles.

The helicopter dropping missiles.

South Vietnam - Visit by Vice-President Humphrey of the marine corps bases at Da Nang and Chu Lai.

South Vietnam - U.S. ships patrolling the river in the province of Quang tin.

South Vietnam - Australian Ambassador solemnly opens a beach resort for soldiers troops 'Anzac'.

The soldiers in the bar on the beach.

USA - Animation showing the upcoming launch and flight of the rocket "Saturn-5" with the spacecraft "Apollo 4".


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1644

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News, 18 footages, Duration: 0:19:11 to collection F 9/21/2013

DRV-American planes bombed the largest base of jet aircraft in Phuk yen.

DRV-American planes bombed the rail facilities.

South Vietnam, in a training camp puppet army officers are taught to American soldiers discover a trap set by the guerrillas.

USA-Martin Luther King out of jail in Birmingham (Alabama). (A similar story in the number 1641)

The U.S. exhibition of sculptures made of metal and wood, created from a pencil and pen sketches of President Kennedy.

The U.S. first underground nuclear explosion for copper mines in Arizona.



Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1645

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News, 20 footages, Duration: 0:27:33 to collection F 9/21/2013

Cambodia - Prince Norodom Sihanouk opens a tractor assembly plant built with the help of France and Czechoslovakia.

Central and South Vietnam - Continuation of the battle of Dal To, the Americans capture the height of Dogwoon.

South Vietnam is an American victory on high ground, achieved at the most expensive price during the war.

South Vietnam is a new spotter aircraft that has entered service with the US Air Force.

South Vietnam - The US Marines are supplied with convoys while moving along dangerous roads.

South Vietnam - American patrols, tanks, armored personnel carriers, helicopter in the jungle in the Tleiku area.

South Vietnam - The American airborne unit suffers heavy losses in the battle for Hill 882 at Dal To.


Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1649

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News, 2 footages, Duration: 0:11:54 to collection F 9/21/2013

East Germany-The joint parade of Soviet Army and National.

The People's Army of the GDR in Berlin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces SSSR.Bolgariya-Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Foreign newsreels 1967 № 1651

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News, 13 footages, Duration: 0:18:59 to collection F 9/21/2013

Okinawa Island-Kadena Air Force Base, filmed during Sato's negotiations with Johnson in Washington about the return of Okinawa to Japan.

South Vietnam-Patriot mortar attack on a US military base during the Battle of Dalat, explosion of an ammunition depot, wounded Americans, etc.

Indonesia-Central Java, residents of the town of Muntilan are threatened by the eruption of cold lava from Mount Merapi.

Cyprus-Greek and Turkish villages abandoned during the armed conflict, refugees, General Grivas inspects the area, soldiers of the UN troops.

The United States - The Apollo 4 spacecraft for flights to the Moon after a successful launch and return to Earth, interviews with program managers.

England-London, reaction to the devaluation of the pound sterling; chronicle material: reaction to the devaluation of the pound in 1949.

England-Foot-and-mouth disease epizootics, road safety precautions, disinfection, etc.


Foreign newsreels 1968 № 1653

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News, 7 footages, Duration: 0:11:15 to collection F 9/21/2013

Germany - new year's reception in Bonn, lübke, the President receives the diplomatic corps.

Germany - the Beginning of the British evacuation of NATO troops from Bremen port.

Uganda - Visit Mobutu to participate in the conference of heads of States of the O. A. E. in Cannole, conference, reception.

GDR - discussion of the draft of the new Constitution, interview with the Secretary of the Commission for the preparation of the draft Constitution Claus Sorgenicht.

Italy - Visit Kiesinger in Rome.

France - President lubke of Germany and the German Ambassador Klaiber meet de Gaulle in a renovated Palace - the residence of the German Embassy in Paris.

Foreign newsreels 1968 № 1654

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News, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:50 to collection F 9/21/2013

The plot of the French dancer Lian Dade.

L.Deyde in the dressing room, performing on the stage.

A scene from the ballet.

Foreign newsreels 1968 № 1655

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News, 11 footages, Duration: 0:10:37 to collection F 9/21/2013

Germany - a Political satire.

Italy - Pope Paul VI proclaims January 1, a Day of peace for people around the world.

The service at the Cathedral of St.

Peter in Rome.

Poland - Guide leads students on "the Wolf nest" under Kętrzyn, where Hitler gave the orders.

Bulgaria - a Meeting of representatives of the unions of writers of the socialist countries in Sofia.

Germany - Published in the magazine "stern" drawings of the camp barracks with Lyubka signature and conclusion of the American graphologist Hering about the authenticity of the signature.


Foreign newsreels 1968 № 1656

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News, 9 footages, Duration: 0:10:27 to collection F 9/21/2013

Mexico-Construction of Olympic Stadium in Mexico City.

German-Greek ship "Emmanuel" Grounded on the Elbe.

Australia, on the same side of the shipyard the ship can not go down to the water.

Israel-A rare sight, snow on the streets of Jerusalem.

Mexico, Mexico City, a city of contrasts.

Young people in the streets, tramps, children, etc.

Hungary-Budapest General plans (winter, snow).
